Cheney Will Be President On Saturday

July 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

The Left’s worst nightmare. For a couple hours, anyway.

What would I do with those few hours?

Colon power.

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9 Responses

  1. Dan

    The defeatocrats worst nightmare. LOL. That’s too funny Pat.

  2. Kurt

    I love this picture! explains the lefts mentality of him thats for sure..

  3. Mess

    Let’s see… Drill for oil in Los Angeles, Provide tax incentives for those who buy Hummers, Place a naval blockade around Iran, Send more troops to Iraq, Tell Valerie Plame & Joe Wilson they can shove their law suit (again), Give a tax break to the rich, Make Rush Limbaugh the secretary of State. Oh, I could have fun all day with that job.

  4. MarineDoc

    Yeah the libs did not even realize that this has happened before. Bush is a tough guy. Note the following from the article:

    “The earlier colonoscopy for Bush also was done at the well-equipped medical facility at Camp David near Thurmont, Md. Bush felt well enough afterward to play with his dogs and take a 4 1/2-mile walk with the first lady and then-White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and his wife. He then went to the gym for a light workout.”

    This is a no shitter (paron the pun). I was an Independent Duty Corpsman up at Camp David then and afterwards he truly went for this walk and worked out at the gym. I could not believe it.

    My point though is I don’t think the libs realized that the V-P has been acting Pres before during the last event.

  5. EZRider

    Scooter Libby is going to get a full pardon! Hahahha. I can’t wait to watch the Sunday morning news and see Tehran on fire.

  6. Jarhead68

    How about an executive order abolishing the Democrat Party and establishing an imperial presidency. Those leftist boobs already think we live in a fascist police state. Let them go around saying, “See? I told you so.” Then about a week later Bush says, “Jes’ kiddin’. Y’all can come back now. Butcha better be good little boys and girls.”

  7. OldflyerBob


    Huh? I have been disappointed all day that the CINC is letting them sedate him.

    I had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago. My Doc doesn’t beleive in sedation. No big deal. I will say that it is a little tough afterward until you are able to get rid of the excess air they pump in you.

    Cowboy up “W”.

    It would be neat if they would do a Colonoscopy on Reid and Pelosi and blew smoke instead of clear air. Kind of fitting turnabout since that is what they do to the American people everyday.

  8. MarineDoc


    Your another one of those in the “tough” catageroy. I have seen others that have not done so well afterwards.

    My point was that when the procedure was done, he went to his cabin, changed and it was actually a run not a walk (which he used to do religously until his knees caught up to him. He was clipping 7:30 miles. Motivated the hell out of me). :wink:

  9. Deputy Dawg

    If they ever do a coloscope of Reid or Pelosi, the only thing they’ll find is trace residue of brain matter and George Soros’ head.

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