Feds Seize Rocket Launcher Near NJ Flightpath

July 20th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

From Drudge:

Rocket Launcher On Woman’s Lawn


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10 Responses

  1. Dan

    Well. Shades of flight 800. I’d like to see an ID on it.
    Is it a replica or the real deal.

  2. steadfast

    Who left it there? The gardener?

  3. D. Cooper

    Looks like a horked-up potatoe cannon to me.

  4. D. Cooper

    No, I was wrong…..Upon closer examination it IS a rocket launcher, but it’s made from PVC pipe and PVC couplers. The coupler in his right hand is a 45 degree “clean-out” coupler for sewage and waste water.
    in his left hand is a 90 degree “reducer” coupler.
    The rest of it is PVC pipe and some kind of trigger firing mech for a homemade missle. Probably no more dangerous than a popcorn fart, but you could probably loose an eye if hit by the missle. Probably using Estes engines in homemade model rockets!

    How do I know all this you ask…..because I built a shoulder fired model rocket launcher similar to this some 20 years ago. It was pathetically inaccurate….DUH!

  5. talitm

    D. Cooper not to be rude.

    But I don’t think that is the same rocket found on her lawn in the picture.

  6. Mess

    Maybe she wanted to be the first person on her block to rule the world

  7. Dan

    The device has been identified as an AT-4 anti-tank launcher.

  8. Egfrow

    The device was found only 1.7 miles from the Masjid Al-Salaam Mosque. It was only 2 turns off from their street.
    Google Maps: http://tinyurl.com/2jfsga
    Also there are about 10 other mosques withing 5 square miles. Pretty dense.

    Just to be fair I will post the closest Buddhist temple.

  9. Dan

    That launcher has a serial number and a lot number on it. How much you want to bet that some military person took it home as a souvenier? If so, he/she is looking at a battalion grade article 15.

  10. Dan

    Or Captain’s mast…

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