The ‘Terp Visa Question

July 22nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The American ambassador in Baghdad, Ryan C. Crocker, has asked the Bush administration to take the unusual step of granting immigrant visas to all Iraqis employed by the U.S. government in Iraq because of growing concern that they will quit and flee the country if they cannot be assured eventual safe passage to the United States.

“Our [Iraqi staff members] work under extremely difficult conditions, and are targets for violence including murder and kidnapping,” Crocker wrote Undersecretary of State Henrietta H. Fore. “Unless they know that there is some hope of an [immigrant visa] in the future, many will continue to seek asylum, leaving our Mission lacking in one of our most valuable assets.”

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21 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    I said it before. I got no problem with that. Iraqis helping us are deserving of our respect and thanks. The least we can do for them is to guarantee their safety.

    If the Dhimocrats get their way, we cannot leave these brave souls and their families to the mercy of AQ and the other insurgents.

    For as long as we are in Iraq, we should at least give these people an iron clad guarantee of safe passage should it be required.

  2. JeanieNY

    I’m kind of at a loss on this one. The terrorists will use this as a means to get in, that we can count on. My question is, why aren’t they taking up arms and fighting these thugs? Perhaps, I’ve been “brainwashed” by my history of our American Revolution, where ordinary citizens, who believed in life, liberty and freedom, stood up to their oppressors and said HELL NO. It reminds me of our “ghettos” here in the US. They want the violence to stop, but when it comes to cooperating with law enforcement, all of a sudden “no one see’s anything”. If you want a “pretty” neighborhood, you’ve got to stand up and make it happen. I know some have done exactly that and have been violently taken down because of it, as have our Freedom Fighters. I’m all for preservation, so I probably say no to allowing “everyone from Iraq” in. If anyone disagrees, please tell me why. I feel like a heel saying what I said, but, I want to live.

  3. Kurt (the infidel)

    We have had no problems up to this point from Iraqis who came here following gulf war 1991. and the US has the biggest Iraqi population outside of Iraq. if they have the honor and bravery to help us at such a dangerous time in iraq then those are the kind of new citizens we openly invite here in this country

  4. LadyAngler

    Jeanie~ Your point is somewhat valid, yet, the only people they are talking about giving visas to would be those that work for us through gathering and providing intellegence. I’m thinking only those that provide “profitable” intel would actually be given this right. Most of these people are risking their necks and those of their families, literally. I say as long as their background is jihad-free… they can come on over.

  5. JeanieNY

    If those are the people they are talking about, then I say okay. I was thinking more along the lines of a blanket submission. The ones you state are the ones putting themselves on the line and deserve a safe haven.

  6. Grumpy

    I really am not informed on this one but at first glance I would have to agree that these guys and their family’s deserve to come here. If anyone has a case for asylum, it is these guys. I am aware of the fear that this will could become a open gate for the ‘bad’ Iraq’s but I doubt that it will have much of an effect. As we all know, our borders are so porous that anyone can get in if they really want to.

    For the most part, I would say that these terps are the kind of people that America needs: brave, smart, dedicated to helping America.

    Well, what do you all think?
    As I said before, I really have no idea.

  7. Infidel

    “Well, what do you all think?
    As I said before, I really have no idea.”

    Deport one ILLEGAL (or two :lol: ) for every Iraqi who has loyally and courageously supported our GWOT.

  8. Brian H

    I’d say that a recommendation from a US commander on the ground should generate an immediate acceptance, outside of any quota numbers the State Dept. or Immigration use, as these guys have done more in actions than any vetting process could possibly establish. The only condition should be agreement by the immigrant for a complete bioscan ID file for his entire household as a backstop against any few who might “turn” once in the US.

  9. JeanieNY

    Infidel…. I raise your 1 or 2 illegals to 5, as long as we’re not talking about a “blanket” come one come all!

  10. Steve in NC

    come join the party we call the United States and I wish you peace and prosperity

  11. TexasFred

    I’d rather see some decent, hard working Iraqis that will come to America and build a life, as Americans, as opposed to the illegals that come here, take what they can, place serious strains on our system and then after they have all the money they want, they up and leave…

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    Bioscan works for me. So does the exporting one illegal for every Iraqi that we take in. We could employ them in our training facilities…as translators…at least temporarily until they can get work enough to provide for their kinsmen.

    But whatever we do, we should turn out the welcome mat as we did for the Hmong and the Vietnamese who helped us.

    Brave souls should be rewarded.

  13. Steve in NC


    your dead on, note I said ‘join’ the United States

  14. sfc w

    People. I don’t believe what they are talking about is a mass influx of Iraqi’s. What I gather and based on my tour in Iraq is this: The Iraqi’s that are working for and with the US Military are asking to come to America if our defeatist democrats get their way and a quick withdrawal of US forces occurs. We all know if the defeatcrats get their way, there will be little American blood spilled during the redeployment, BUT… it will be an Iraqi bloodbath!!! SO, what I believe to be proposed is a protection for our loyal Iraqi workers that would bring them to the US if the democrats abandon Iraq. Otherwise, if we can stay, finish, and win, I believe the proposal would mean that our Iraqi workers would stay in their homeland and continue to work for Iraqi freedom and democracy.

    Jeanine- Don’t sweat it at this point.


  15. D_Mac

    I say no, don’t let them in, will be used by terrorists. Unless it is used very small scale. How many of these permits are we talking anyway?

  16. myles t

    yes these people are risking their lifes, but it shouldnt be for a ticket to the big PX, USA. They should be doing it for their own country, and their reward will be freedom, freedom from the world of radical islam. Here is a solution i heard about our illegals. Put a rifle in one hand and a canteen in another. Tell them if you want to become a citizen, then jion our brothers in sister in iraq and fight for your freedom and citizenship, that should give us about 10million troops and a for sure victory, if not get the fuck out!!!!

  17. John Cunningham

    myles t, my sentiments exactly. Back during our Civil War time a lot of Irish came over and as one saw in the movie “Gangs of New York” they were drafted into the Grand Army of the Republic just off the boat. That happened. That was historically factual.

  18. Dan


    And the Irish regiments were fighting sons of bitches. They took heavy casualties and kept on attacking. There is a ton of good historical references to their battlefield prowess.

    The germans, and those from nordic countries, American Indian scounts…et al. All have been “stars” in our history.

    The key is assimilation. Can the Iraqis assimilate into our culture. Can they be like myself, though of French heritage, I am an American, first, last and always.

    Can they develop that kind of attitude? If so, then they will be great. But frankly, these guys have already shown the kind of battlefield spirit that the Irish had.

    Maybe a similar problem…Many Irish fled the Brits…and came here…Now the Iraqis want to flee the terrorism and come here.

    Too many of them see the writing on the wall, thanks to the big mouth wannabee generals in the slumber party.

    I don’t blame the Iraqis for looking out for themselves.
    And who in here wouldn’t if the shoe were on the other foot?

  19. John Cunningham

    Dan, you’re too kind. I’ll just have to be an Irish son of a bitch. My mother’s mother was Polish, that keeps me from being a complete bastard.

  20. Dan(The Infidel)


    That’s too funny dude. Hey barkeep, two irish whiskeys for me and my friend. Whisky :arrow: :beer: :beer:

  21. myles t

    thats right john, when did we start just turning our cheek and letting people just come here for free, use our resourses, our health care, not pay taxes, get incarserated, etc, all bad things. and you know who pays for it. Me and you bro!! right out of our pockets. if our founding fathers of this country could see what is going on today, they would be disgusted

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