Airing Now - Texas Fred’s “Fed Up”

July 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Alright Readers, Time To Be Pat Bloggers. I’d like everyone whose got that special rant in them to let loose for the world. Send me yours at submit AT, along with a photo, and I’ll post it on the front page as the latest featured Reader Post.

First One Up: Texas Fred “Fed Up”

Fed Up: Democrats Push New Iraq-Withdrawal Bill

WASHINGTON (AP) - House Democrats have drafted new Iraq legislation they hope will appeal to Republicans fed up with the war: Start withdrawing troops in two months but leave it up to President Bush to decide when to complete the pullout.

The vote will come next week, as members take up a $460 billion bill covering military spending for 2008. Another vote could come again in September, after Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus delivers a long-anticipated assessment on the war and Congress considers a $142 billion measure needed to finance the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Everyone is fed up with the war, Moms and Dads, sisters, brothers, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, friends and neighbors, everyone is fed up with the war, but has it ever occurred to the Dems that maybe the troops are fed up with the war too??

Our troops don’t have ANY option, they go when and where they are ordered, it’s not a ‘lets have a show of hands’ thing, it’s an order and no matter how many times you’ve been to Iraq, if your unit comes up in the DoD rotation, you’re going to the sand box again…

Ask some of the troops that are on their 2nd, 3rd, 4th and in some cases their 5th rotation into Iraq if THEY are fed up with the war, I think the Dems would be surprised at the answer too…

I know our troops are fed up with this war but here’s the reason they have the frustrations that they do, they have not been allowed by the Bush administration to DO the job that troops are trained to do, and that is to go all out, full bore assault and kill any enemy that stands in your way, that is why our troops are fed up, all they want it to do the job properly and to hell with political correctness, leave peace efforts to the diplomats AFTER the fighting is concluded…

And here’s another flash for the Dems/Libbers and other assorted anti war nuts, ask a troop WHY he’s fighting, 1st time guys will tell you all about their patriotism and the desire to see Iraq free and democratic and ALL that boot camp bullshit, 2nd rotation guys will tell you some of that but the full blown ‘rah-rah’ starts to fade as reality sets in and the lines aren’t as clear cut this time around…

3rd and 4th timers are more than likely to tell you it doesn’t have a damn thing to do with Iraq or Iraqi freedom, it’s all about killing any terrorist they can find and being there because they have a burning desire to support their ‘Brothers in Arms’, yeah, that Band of Brothers that Hollyweird told you about, well, it’s real, and men will fight and die to protect that bond…

“This is big time,” Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., said of the upcoming fall debate. “When you get to September, this is history. This is when we’re going to have a real confrontation with the president trying to work things out.”

I have one thing to say to Jack Murtha, shut the hell up you demented old coward…

Murtha is a disgrace to ALL Marines, past, present and future, he is a disgrace to America and every fighting man and woman in our service and I am appalled at his home voters for ever electing this sorry-assed excuse for a human being the 1st time they did, how in the hell can they be so STUPID as to keep re-electing him??

If Murtha would spend as much time trying to get this war over by supporting the troops and dedicating his efforts to winning it instead of being the chicken shit cut and run coward he is, this might have been over some time back…

There’s a lot of people talking a lot of stuff about how to fight a war or how to get OUT OF a war that have never carried a weapon, or ever heard a hostile round go off, but they somehow seem to think they are experts in the art of warfighting, well, that just isn’t so, leave the warfighting to the warriors, you can’t legislate victory but you can sure vote for a solid defeat…

Follow Jack Murtha and see if that’s not the case…

Full Story Here:
Democrats Push New Iraq Withdrawal Bill


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7 Responses

  1. Dan2

    Hi Pat,

    Website looks great! I do not have a “rant” right now. So I would like to submit this photo as a kind of ‘photo of the year.’… IMHO (so far)


    “A young Iraqi girl embraces Capt. Janet Rose assigned to the 431st Civil Affairs Battalion, at the Baqouba Women and Children’s Hospital, June 9, 2007. Iraqi soldiers and troops assigned to the 3rd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Infantry Division, brought the hospital much needed equipment during the morning visit, including 25 incubators and 15 heart monitors. U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Anthony White.



  2. ScoutOut

    Amen, Fred. Big Hat, Lotta Cattle.

  3. GinUp

    Murtha IS a disgrace to all Marines. This guy smelled the political winds in his district and sold out his country and his corps for his cushy job.

  4. Bashman

    Hell, yes…Tell it like it is, Fred.

  5. TJ

    way to go Fred. as a former air force enlistee and army reserve officer , I have a great respect for the USMC, but murtha et al, piss me off to high hell and make me wonder how he achieved such a high ranking. If I met him , i would spit on him. He deserves no respect. :oops:

  6. Texas Gal

    Damn straight TexasFred! I’m sick to death of the retreat and defeat mentality. It’s almost like the Pod People in the Invasion of the Body Snatchers.. only a few seem to have their brain still engaged!

  7. Fraser

    THIS SHIT IS GREAT! I am finally going to be able to “publish” my rants. I am glad to know that the people who read it are people that ACTUALLY understand whats going on in this world. We need to squash these fuckin terrorists with full military force. Keep up the good work Pat!

    ps Is Iggy still an active Marine?

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