Doubting Thomas: Simple Questions for the New Republic

July 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Confederate Yankee:

As time wears on, it seems increasingly unlikely that the writings of the pseudonym-shielded soldier “Scott Thomas” in the New Republic are anything other than works of macabre creative fiction.

“Thomas” has written three “dispatches” for the New Republic thus far, but once the Weekly Standard’s Michael Goldfarb began questioning the veracity of claims made in Thomas’ third story, experienced military veterans and observers in the blogosphere who read the account began to doubt that these claims took place.

In his third dispatch, Thomas claimed that he and another soldier openly, verbally assaulted the appearance of a severely burned woman who had survived a prior attack by an improvised explosive device, or IED. The alleged attack took place at the dining facility of Forward Operating Base (FOB) Falcon.

Presumably, this episode was meant to show the brutality and inhumanity of soldiers thoroughly desensitized to basic human decency and dignity because of the on-going violence of the Iraq War.

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8 Responses

  1. Dan

    I wonder if it possible to take them to court? Publishing a lie normally gets people fired. The story of the 8yr old Heroin addict in DC and the kid at the NY Times(Jayson whatever his name was) come to mind.

    Sounds to me that if this issue were presented to a jury, this publication would be in a world of hurt.

  2. Robert

    Not to hijack this story, but….



  3. GBU43

    Of course its a lie. Did we just fine that Al-bagdadi was a fictional character used as a propaganda tool. I wouldn’t doubt if this was the same. The leftists in this country probably have been working with AQ for years.

  4. Gramps


    I haven’t heard anything from him in over a month. Should be graduating shortly if everything went OK. He’s supposed to let me know when he graduates so I can attend.

  5. Mike in Dallas

    Typical leftist propaganda. They hate the military so much and can not stomach what we as a group (active duty or otherwise) stand for, they will print lies to support how they feel about us because the truth just doesn’t support their hype.

    Every group has bad apples but I would give the benefit of the doubt to a service member before anyone of the general civilian population. I’ll bet most of you out there would agree with me on that point.

  6. John Cunningham

    In the past couple of days I read somewhere this issue about the treatment of dogs. I don’t know why Arabs have such problems with dogs and pigs. My issue with barking dogs doesn’t lessen my liking dogs. If I could have one where I live I would. So, I have a cat. We always had a cat and a dog while growing up. And I’ve often thought I’d like to have a Vietnamese pot bellied pig. They’re so cute. This article I read made mention of all of the dogs in Iraq and Afghanistan being treated as strays by the locals and made to scrounge up something to eat. Dogs aren’t stupid, they hang out with the Americans because the Americans are nice to them and feed them. In Asia they eat dogs. In ‘68 someone in my unit took in one of the strays. He was able to take him back to the States. Fred really filled out before he went to the States. Fred loved c-rations. Sometimes we’d fill a helmet with beer and toss in a toad. They’re so funny when they jump sideways. But, sure enough they’d be back the next day. “Got beer, rivet”. Evil Americans.

  7. John Cunningham

    Ralph, the dog’s name was Ralph.

  8. tsarbomba

    I hope “scott thomas” gets outed, then inned, and outed, inned, outed, inned, outed, inned, outed …
    :twisted: :evil:

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