Iggy Intro - Exclusive To PatDollard.com

July 23rd, 2007 Posted By Iggy.

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24 Responses

  1. ScoutOut

    Glad to hear from a soldier who gets it. Fascinating to hear the parallels drawn. Thanks for your service.

  2. Zachary

    The visual feed froze for me at 2:05 but the audio continued fine. I’d never considered the ideological and political similarities between Communism and Wahabist terrorist groups before.

    This was a great post, Iggy.

  3. Iggy

    Ladies and Gents, I apologize for the video freezing up. We will get on it right away. Thanks for stopping by and supporting the cause.

  4. Bashman

    Yo Ig!

    Great information man.

    We will pound AQ through the sand and into hell…

    Look forward to more, bro.

  5. Egfrow

    Very good post Iggy. You have brought up a very important point that is completely overlooked by ‘all’ powers in charge. In that this is a political fascist Ideology wrapped behind a religion. In fact communism, Nazis, and Islamists have much more in common than many suspect.

    Here is an excellent essay on the a view of the true roots of evil. It expands a little on your sentiments.

    It’s called Villainy: An Analysis of the Nature of Evil
    By Andrew Bernstein.


  6. john

    Iggy, glad to see that you are getting out the right ideas instead of the usual junk. Thanks for your service and keep up the good fight!

  7. Chad

    oh snap. the video did freeze up.

    iggy - lemme double check my end of things.

  8. Lamplighter

    Much gratitude to you for your service. Please feel good about the fact you are preaching to the choir here.

  9. parrak

    Good video!
    Looking forward to hear more from you..

  10. Ruben

    Very good explanation of what Al-Qaeda is, i’m defenetly posting this video on myspace for all those anti-war celebrity worshiping people that don’t know anything about why we’re fighting this war.

  11. A. S. Wise- VA

    Stay safe, Iggy, and thanks for the vid. Another coincidence between the commies and the jihadiis; their weapons.

  12. the IG

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I would like to also add that US foreign policy, during the Cold War, was one of Containment of the Domino Theory, whereas once one state fell to communism, the surrounding states were in imminent danger of falling to communism. Remember how Al Qaeda gained control of a sovereign state, they spread like wild fire, to Indonesia, Philippines, Sudan, Algeria, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, Pakistan, England, Spain, America, not to mention the hundreds of cells that have been uncovered throughout the world. They did this while freely operating in Afghanistan. Since the war on terror has begun and we have denied Al Qaeda the ability to operate freely, we have kept the global spread of Al Qaeda in check. If we leave Iraq, there is no doubt that they will eventually take over the country and once again have a sovereign state as a base of operations – and we loose everything we have worked so hard for.

    Call your Congressman and let them know what you think.

  13. Sandy K.

    Hi Iggy, Thank you for your service and dedication to continue to fight the good fight. That was a great vid.

    Somehow I hope everyone will finally see the truth and know that we are at the point of no return in riding ourselves of AQ and other terrorist groups. You framed very well what will happen if we falter in any way against this type of enemy.

    The Defeatocrats are always screaming about Darfur, etc . . . and in my arguments with them I always point to AQ as being the cause of the problems in Africa as well. Anywhere AQ goes death and oppression is sure to follow. Our forces are fighting them on many fronts and their lack of support and political b.s. is not helping in any arena of this war. That always seems to shut them up. They know it is true.

    All I can say is thank you.

  14. JayMS

    Very insightful, Iggy. I think the parrellels between communism and Islamic terrorist groups go a long way in explaining modern liberals opposition to fighting terrorists. I never did quite get that connection until now.

    Again, great insights and thank you for your service.

  15. Joshua

    I agree 100% Iggy. Thank you for your service and superior intellect.

  16. Greg M

    Great job Iggy!

  17. GinUp

    Damn, never thougt of the correlation. I hope you keep posting, Iggy.

  18. Dan (The Infidel)

    The parallels with communism are right on. What communism lacked was the religious element. I’ve been keen to draw the analogy betwwen Japanese militarism in WWII and the current threat. It also had a religious and a suicidal element. And remember what we had to do to stop it? It will take an effort just like WWII to stop this iteration of impearalism too. At the moment we’re playing whack-a-mole.
    We should be rolling up these terrorists country by country
    ala George Patton or Georgi Zhukov.

  19. lcpl j

    wow looks like you put some effort into explaining this thank you, really good video.. now why cant they play stuff like this on the news instead of theother bullsht???

  20. Marc

    The Democrats’ and main stream media’s/bloggers behavior in our war against radical Islam has been, at best, shameful. This is a result of a lack of education. Iggy, your insight is great!!! It is refreshing to hear someone who is well educated….. Keep them coming!!!

  21. Waylon

    Iggy, you da man! You lay it on out like it really is. We are in a struggle like no other and unfortunately too few of our citizens realize it.
    America will eventually have to face facts, just like the Commies, the Islamotards will not be appeased.

  22. adette

    Thank you Iggy. You gave me a whole new outlook on the war in Iraq. I was very much for withdrawal as soon as possible due to all the American fatalities and from all the news coverage of how we aren’t getting anywhere. It’s very depressing to hear all the time. I would like to have you educate us even more on the AQ and their history and what we are doing in addition to war to help us and other countries out that we don’t hear about in the regular news media. That is, what you are able to write about. Also, do you think we will ever find B.L.?
    Good Job
    ***** Ratting

  23. LBoogie

    Iggy, thank you for broadcasting such instructive information. The uneducated public needs to be aware of such history and of the possible future - if they continue to live in a bubble.

    Thank you for your service, your dedication to spreading the truth and your bravery!!

  24. TommyO

    Thank you for your comments. Well prepared and well spoken.
    God bless you Iggy.


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