U.S. Drops Three For Brits

July 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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14 Responses

  1. 0311inohio

    How sweet it is!! :beer: :beer: :beer:

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Time for a spot of tea…or maybe an ale…That was a perfect linear drop. Courtesy of the US Air Force. Awesome….Now lets show some of that linear targeting expertise to the Taliban in Pakistan, and the Iraniacs in Iran.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    Sounds like the Brit said, “I fucking told you that nothing but bacteria would live.” That’s damn funny. How come PM Brown stain doesn’t have this kind of British wit?

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Hey Pat:

    Mark Levin is palying the audio from that Patton Vid you had on the other day? You’re getting your message out dude. Congrats

  5. mindy abraham

    HAR HAR I wonder how our guys get soo much pleasure out of blowing stuff up :?: I love them but they have an odd sense of humor :???:

  6. PNAC

    hahahah dan, ya that was fucking witty, “I fucking told you that nothing but bacteria would live.”

    it feels good to support our british brothers, don’t it. nothing boosts a grunts morale like the flash and boom of large thumpers. fucking sweet.

  7. Kurt (the infidel)

    WOOHOOO! bomb those bloody bastards :beer:

  8. Ranger


  9. Dan (The Infidel)


    That’s all I ever played with in the military, was bombs and bullets. Mindy just doesn’t understand the thrill of hitting a target from a long way off and blowing the shit out of it. The guy who keeps mentioning “woody”. That’s about right.

  10. John Cunningham

    Oh, Mindy, you’re such a girl.

  11. Egfrow

    Dan (The Infidel),

    Here is the link to that Mark Levin show featuring the Patton Clip. He loved it.


  12. Sandy K.

    Spot on! Nice. :lol:

    . . . and God bless the Brits for fighting with us!

    Mindy, if you were there you would laugh and cheer too (even if you are a gurl like me - we just don’t get “the woody”! :lol: ) The troops on the ground fight hard and when they call for air assist it is to help keep them alive to fight another day in this long war. It is necessary and a big relief to have it go as planned and on target. Not to mention that it is a beautiful sight from the vantage point they see it from and what it means for them. That is why it is a beautiful sight for me too. It is not cruel, it is survival.

  13. ESquare

    Is there any way that I could get the full Patton clip on a CD or DVD? Don’t want to risk looking at it on the company system. Might offend someone, some of my FORMER coworkers already did that once.

  14. TJ

    mindy it certainly would be preferable if we didnt get so much satisfaction out of it, but if you are fighting such a hardened enemy that shouts god is great after every atrocity, such sentiments by our soldiers actually increases our morale and helps us continue on to victory. :wink:

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