Al Jazeera Ali Baba

July 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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18 Responses

  1. Kurt (the infidel)

    This is a great video Pat! you’re doing such a great service to all of us, I mean this is raw uncut words from the Iraqi military..We wouldnt be able to hear this anywhere else. Keep up the great work, you really are a Patriot. US Wins


    AL JAZEERA or cbs news

  3. Howie

    Pat, It is great to hear the Iraqis contradicting everything that is being reported in the MSM through stories and polling.

  4. one lung

    “Me…me…If I see the al-Jazeera channel in my city, I kill him. I have weapons, I kill him”

  5. Raptor_Pilot

    That’s a great video, I sometimes feel the same way about CNN. “I have weapons, I kill them…”

  6. Sandy K.

    Pat the new site design is :cool:

    As always you are doing a stellar job getting the most important news and information out to us all. Thank you for going back to Iraq to reveal the truth about what is happening in this war. The words of the Iraqi are compelling and the leftists will have a very hard time dismissing them. The words and thoughts of the Iraqi people need to be spotlighted as well as our troops who have not received the coverage that they more than deserve.

    Thank you for going where others would rather make up stories about and having the fortitude, as our armed forces have, to commit so much of yourself and your life to a war that will affect all countries for generations to come.

    As soon as I am able, I am sending you a donation. I am not loaded but I will contribute what I can.

    I cannot wait to see the full documentary :!:

  7. patriot

    Iraqis are cool.

  8. TJ

    great video. keep it up. :smile:

  9. Kevin

    I told my wife I want a Jihadikiller t-shirt for my birthday. We’re strapped for cash cause I’m in my last two terms at my university, but I think she’ll be ok with it:)

  10. Mart (proud infidel)

    Another great and informative video! Thanks Pat, for bringing us the truth.

    Cheers :beer:

  11. danielle

    Great vids!!

  12. budwhysure

    Good vids this sight brings it from the source that’s awesome.Bashman turned me on to this sight so I got to give him props for that. :beer:

  13. Rodger

    Soldiers got it right. When the crazies helter skelters are diminished, the people will stand up after both some calm and oppurtunity opens to them. The country will then stand up, and not put up with the destructionists.

  14. chris dean

    Britney Spears??!?! haha

    awesome vids. I really enjoy actually seeing legit footage not skewed by the liberal media!!! keep it comin!

  15. TBinSTL

    I keep coming back to re-watch these vids and look for news on when we will get to see the whole, finished piece. Keep on keepin’ on and don’t let the bastards get you down. Sorry, I can’t leave a message without one or two cliches….it’s who I am. :cool:

  16. TJ (the Kafir)

    “I see al jazeera in my city, i kill them.”

    perhaps, we should consider such a policy with pur MSM? :lol:

  17. DocZ79

    I really love what you are doing, getting the truth about Iraq and the war on terror out. However, I wish there was a way for us to get it out on the scale that the liars and traitors like Micheal Moore and the other left wing fascists do. We need to get the world to see the truth before we are under the Iron fist of a Marxist Hilldog regime. :mad:

  18. CBL

    You are doing a great thing, keep up the good work. Its nice ot get the perspective from those that are in it instead of the safety of their news studios.

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