House Rejects Permanent U.S. Military Bases In Iraq

July 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



July 25, 2007

The House approved legislation Wednesday preventing the Pentagon from establishing any permanent U.S. military bases in Iraq.

The legislation would bar the federal government from controlling any of that country’s oil resources.

Democratic leaders scheduled a vote on the measure, which was introduced by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), as part of a concession to some of their liberal members who have been clamoring to de-fund the war.

“It makes a clear statement of policy that the U.S. does not intend to maintain an open ended military presence in Iraq and that we won’t exercise control over Iraqi oil,” Lee said in a statement afterward. “The perception that the United States plans to maintain a permanent military presence in Iraq strengthens the insurgency, and it fuels the violence against our troops.”

House members passed the measure, 399-24.

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14 Responses

  1. Gramps

    They probably liked Murtha’s plan of moving the troops to Okinawa much better.

  2. Steve in NC

    define “permanent”

  3. chay

    This “plans to maintain a permanent military presence in Iraq strengthens the insurgency” statement proves how our leader’s brains are short-circuiting. Plans to “pull out” strengthens and emboldens our enemies in Iraq. A permanent presence would bring stability to the region eventually. Democrats are like spoiled children who want everything now, now, now! Who changes their diapers? I guess there really is a job Americans won’t do: Democratic Diaper Changer.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Rep. Barbara Lee…now there is another bright light huh?
    Another non-military politician who has a better idea than the generals on the ground. Another foolish old woman who should have stayed at home. Cripes where do these cretins come from? Are we producing any laeders anymore or are they all as stupid as this dumb ass bitch?

  5. John in PA

    Everything is temporary. Congress seems to have a need to make political statements over and over again without ever passing anything of real substance.

    Waste of time, money and lives. Usless ditwads.

  6. Kurt (the infidel)

    dude forget that shit, over 3000 Americans have given their lives and we will have spent a trillion dollars by the time this war is won and we cant even keep a base there? anyone else think that is bullshit? and as far as oil goes, I never thought this was a matter of oil but Iraq will never be able to pay us back even if we took all of their oil

  7. GBU43

    Non binding.. Ignore the fools.

  8. danielle

    “The perception that the United States plans to maintain a permanent military presence in Iraq strengthens the insurgency, and it fuels the violence against our troops.”

    Also the perception that the U.S. plans to implement an early withdrawal emboldens the insurgency and fuels even more violence against our troops. I mean, some of them are already celebrating in Damascus, right?

  9. 31MIKE

    I say level the whole damn place, then there won’t be a need for a permanent base….Why won’t they listen to me?? :twisted:

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    The Demoratz remind me of the old 5 o’clock follies…only in reverse…

  11. Mike Swann

    A really good post on the original article:

    “A very bad bill. here’s why. If peace is an objective in the mideast then I submit the following: In Europe we have maintained a military force for over 60 years and they have had freedom, peace and prosperity after two bitter and bloody wars. In Japan we have maintained a military force for over 60 years and they have had freedom, peace and properity after a bitter and bloody war. In South Korea we have maintained a military force for almost 47 years and they have had freedom, peace and prosperity following a bitter and bloody war. (2nd Lt., Arty in ?52) In the Mid-East we will have to maintain miltary force for many years if they are to know freedom, peace and properity. The payoff for Americans by doing so will be for the good of our kids. By not doing so we guarantee constant strife in their lifetime. The fact is that the world peace makers are not politicians, not any religious leaders I know about, but the American military forces. In my life time they have successfully taken on the mantle of world peace makers. May God continue to bless those men and women wearing the American flag on their shoulder.

    Posted By: humcgee | July 25, 2007 at 09:54 PM”

  12. TJ

    we also have a military base in cuba and that country has known nothing but peace(less prosperity) for the last 50+ years. :shock:

  13. TJ

    the way around this is to establish bases within countries under various yearly contracts that are renewable. by definition that is not permanent :lol:

  14. Buerg

    What I foresee is Iraq’s Parliment eventually stabilizing. When they do, they will invite the U.S. to stay on bases in Iraq. I see this whole ”no permanent base” deal as politics in action. The U.S. congress gets to appease the lefties AND the middle-eastern powers by saying we won’t stay forever.

    Iraqis don’t want us to leave. Syria, Iran, and Saudi would love to see us leave today. They’d be digging through our landfills looking for food.

    The downside to this piece of legistlature is the funding for infrastructure in our current bases will be withdrawn. Any permanent type facilities will not be built. Sewer treatment, water systems, roads, hard buildings. We’ll be playing catch up when the Iraqis beg us to stay. I’m actually looking forward to the 08 elections. I see a mass exodus of dems and flip-flopping repubs.

    On a positive note, I’ve really seen a major improvement in the U.S. Forces. Keep up the good work guys and gals. The truth will eventually be told.

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