Col. Ralph Peters: Winning And Losing

July 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


July 26, 2007 — TO a military professional, the tactical progress made in Iraq over the last few months is impressive. To a member of Congress, it’s an annoyance.

The herd animals on Capitol Hill - from both parties - just can’t wait to go over the cliff on Iraq. And even when the media mention one or two of the successes achieved by our troops, the reports are grudging.

Yet what’s happening on the ground, right now, in Baghdad and in Iraq’s most-troubled provinces, contributes directly to your security. In the words of a senior officer known for his careful assessments, al Qaeda’s terrorists in Iraq are “on their back foot and we’re trying to knock them to their knees.”

Do our politicians really want to help al Qaeda regain its balance?

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2 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    “Maybe the next presidential primary debate should be held in Baghdad.” An excellent idea.

    Trouble is, they much like Brian Williams and other MSM people such as Michael Ware spend all their time in the Green Zone and get Iraqi insurgent stringers to do their dirty work for them.

    Oh a car bomb went off in city A today…then they show film of City B where a car bomb exploded days or weeks before. Nice bit of propaganda. Trouble is, we see through it.

    Great article. I know a number of senior officers who think that Gen Peters is top notch. I happen to agree with their assesment.

  2. John Myhill

    I am an Associate Professor at the University of Haifa. I am trying to get in touch with Ralph Peters. I have been writing and speaking for a few years, in academic settings, of the pressing need to draw a new map of the Middle East, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Col. Peters has proposed a plan which is very similar to the one that I have developed. Since I am an academic linguist, however, and I have addressed the question from the point of view of the relationship between language, religion, and national identity, I have some concrete ideas about how to bring about such a remapping with mostly non-military tactics. I would very much like to communicate with Col. Peters about these ideas. Could you possibly give me his email address or ask him to write to me at this address? Thanks very much.
    Best wishes,
    John Myhill

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