“Loose Change” Producer Arrested For Deserting Army

July 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


One of the young filmmakers behind a controversial 9/11 conspiracy documentary was arrested this week on charges that he deserted the Army, even though he claims he received an honorable discharge.

Rowe is one of the producers of “Loose Change,” a cult hit on the Internet espousing the theory that the U.S. government and specifically the Bush administration orchestrated the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

“He was listed as a deserter in 2005,” said Lt. Col. Rumi Nielson-Green, public affairs officer for the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault). “What we show is that he was absent without leave in June of 2005 and was dropped from the rolls in July 2005. … He has been apprehended for being a deserter.”

Rowe said he believes it’s an administrative error on the part of the military. Nielson-Green conceded that could be the case, but said it was all speculation at this point.

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14 Responses

  1. A. S. Wise- VA

    Honestly, what the hell loosed the screws in these people’s heads?! Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time, asshole.

    Great new format on the site, thank you, and keep up the great work, Pat & Co.!

  2. TexasFred

    If he’s innocent, let’s see the DD-214…

    It’s THAT simple…

  3. Steve in NC

    maybe he can make a prison movie titled ‘loose anus’

  4. skip1

    I say when we Invade Iran, send him over suspected minefields to “Help” clear them out.

  5. 0311inohio

    Texas Fred: For sure on the DD-214 :beer: . I sure remember getting mine and I still have it today. Even registerd it at the recorders office at the county courthouse..

  6. Deathstar

    The plunge in US troop deaths is amazing given that the surge is in full swing with lots more troops doing lots more missions and lots more insurgents getting killed.

  7. MarineDoc

    TexasFred took the words out of my mouth…..DD214? Should be a no brainer.

    Possible he deserted, turned himself in, Big Chicken Dinner, but did not wait for his DD214. However probably not giving the paranoid claim of his not so true and far insanely reaching documetary.

    The Army seems to only hold to there deserters these days long enough to get them out. Theory, not worth the time and effort to deal with one without morale and testicular fortitude in wartime.

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Good points. Lets see that DD214 asshole. What a fuckstick. The dumbass is trading his soul for a Dishonerable Discharge. But of course what can one expect from a coward?

  9. Lamplighter

    What a loser.

  10. TWarrior

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Steve in NC

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  11. Kurt (the infidel)

    Steve in NC, thats some funny shit man! haha :beer:

  12. J_dub

    I can’t even believe people are still talking about this peice of shit movie. There are so many inaccuracies in it, it has absolutely ZERO credibility.

  13. tsarbomba

    0311inohio: ditto here on DD214. I’ve always carried a copy in my wallet. Pride, and legitimate proof at the courthouse.

  14. Guy with a face

    HA HA HA! What a freakin dooshbag! Kharma’s a bitch.

    Fort Cambell, KY- Wannabe director and conspiracy theorist treasonous ass hat Korey Rowe was hospitalized today when his old unit beat the living shit out of him. Doctors report that due to the severity of his wounds Mr. Rowe will never be able to have children.

    Now that’s kharma. Wishfull thinking, but kharmic nonetheless.

    P.S. My DD214 is framed and mounted proudly on my wall in my office. :D Hoo-rah!

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