Banned By Merrill-Lynch

July 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Icy reception

Talk about some bullshit.

As you know, Leftists in charge of such things at many workplaces have lately been blocking company computers from websites which conflict with their political ideology. Here’s a post I did about it. The campaign is also being propelled by a Leftist minister, Jim Sutter, who purports to track hatespeech on the web. The guy is used as a consultant by many major coporations and government agencies. He often finds many ways to label sites he doesn’t like as containing hatespeech, and then defines them as such to these companies. His real agenda is just to censor conservative ideology from the general public. He’s even after Memri. However, he himself has been exposed as a fraud, but still has a lot coroporations, probably half-paying attention, still taking his advice. And the office computer is a juicy target. It’s as big a target as talk radio. More on Sutter later. Bashman’s investigating him. Well, here’s an email I just received from a very dedicated, and very angry, reader ( Keep in mind that at Merrill-Lynch you can surf CAIR, Daily-Kos, and the Huffington-Post’s websites all day long ):

From: jeff_boyd
Subject: Website Feedback
Date: July 26, 2007 12:55:22 PM PDT

Jeff Boyd wrote:
Hi Pat:
Just to let you know, Merrill Lynch has, as of today, blocked access to your
site; I’m seriously pissed as I count on you to update me daily on what’s
really going on. If you have an account at Merrill, call your FA and have him
bitch Corporate out. I’ll miss your posts…

And it turns out it was banned corporate-wide, not just in his office. However, you can still reach most blogs and news sites from Merril-Lynch, just not ones the powers-that-be don’t like.

If anyone of you should encounter the Leftist censor’s heavy hand, here’s a sneak around the block: Go here: and just type in Won’t always work, because sometimes the corporate nerds can still block.

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20 Responses

  1. MarineDoc


    Do you know if this go around has worked on DOD intranet systems? I know that you are blocked here at the Camp Lejeune Naval Hospital intranet (but just about everything is blocked on it). Just thinking about when I get to Fallujah and whether I will be able to hit the site whenever I get a chance to.

  2. Chad

    And there are several proxy sites out there, incase the corporate tools missed one!

  3. Lamplighter

    Merrill Lynch is one of the few Wall Street firm that still contributes more to the GOP than to Dem party, so it doesn’t appear politically motivated on their part. If this site is banned,then daily kos,CAIR & huffington should be banned. Sutter is a phoney, and I can’t believe he’s the “consultant” behind this. Persons that work at Merrrill should demand the liberal sites, professing hate of our President, our troops, Jews, etc., should be banned–these hates are expressed daily at huffington & kos.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Every IT department on the planet is using content filters and beefing up their Computer Use policies. That’s true at DOD as well as in civilian departments. It takes awhile to learn how to tweak a content filter. But it can be done.

    On the DOD side, they made a command decision to block certain sites. Not real smart on their part.

  5. Lamplighter

    OK, and I want to say if they try to ban this site from my worksite computer and at the same time, don’t ban EVERY OTHER LIBERAL BLOG SITE, I will raise such s ruckus they will wish they never knew me. :evil:

  6. Bob USMC

    Typical underhanded left wing bullshit! They have no shame when it comes to doing one-way sneaky underhanded shit like this, but of course the lefty wouldn’t stop the lefty sites from being viewed. Bunch of hypocritical assholes!

  7. kathy ozanne

    Well Pat, you’re famous now!

    :beer: :beer: :beer:

  8. Vanessa

    You should do as Robert Spencer has done and go after them because his site was being blocked and his readers were raising holy hell with the companies!! And I might add being unblocked toot-sweet!!!

  9. Sandy K.

    Where I work I can still read Pat’s site. (So far.) I do not abuse it though. I only check in on my break or lunch time and I do not comment unless I am at home. For some reason if I go to the Drudge Report I can read his initial page but if I try to click on any of the stories he posts there from any source it shuts my internet down completely. That is weird too. {It happened once when I tried to view comments on one of Pat’s stories too. But only that one time and not since.)

  10. PhilNBlanx

    What a coincidence - My company has just blocked the Merril-Lynch site.

  11. Egfrow

    Pat, Get some your readers to unblock it. ML is not doing their customers nor their brokers any favors. How can they inform investors on real events that go on inside Iraq if they block sites like yours from showing the real goings on. If I had ML as a broker and they were censoring research then I’d be pretty pissed off.

  12. Ann E.

    This is just toooo much.
    I’ll bet they didn’t block the New Republic’s DISTORTED journalism department.
    I will e-m and telephone ML ASAP.
    I’m glad I’m poor and don’t have any money with those idiots.

  13. TJ

    merril lynch is due to receive a big FU from yours truly. :eek:

  14. PNAC

    Shit whatever happened to free speech. Pat fights for it every day and so do his and our brothers in Iraq. This is easily the best site for news on the war and the donkies over at CNN miss half the news. Damn you Merril

  15. Doug Ragan

    Can you duplicate your site or have someone else run a dup site that isn’t blocked?

  16. Wendy

    I work at Ft. Bragg and I am able to get onto your site, I no longer can get onto youtube and myspace however.
    As far as what is going on at Merrill Lynch, This kind of censorship of blocking one type of political view and not the other smacks a lot like communism. Oh that’s right we are talking about the left. Only type of free speech is their speech otherwise they try to shut you up. Very scary picture of the future if they win the White House in 08 and keep control of congress.

  17. Lady Predator

    I have in my possession two yahoo groups’ posts where Sutter is bragging about his success in getting hate sites blocked. Plus a copy of emails that Sutter sent to Glen of where he is threatening “I’m contacting the proprietors of several databases of internet hate-sites to report thereligionofpeace, this will have the effect of blocking your site from being referenced, linked or quoted on the many discussion forums that bar those listed hate-sites”

  18. Foehammer

    I’m going to slowly but surely do everything in my power to make sure Sutter is eventually staring at the walls of a Federal jail cell.

  19. Ft. Hard Knox » Important Updates on Blog Censorship

    […] Pat Banned By Merrill-Lynch […]

  20. Blog Censorship Update 09/05/07 — 1389 Blog - Antijihadist Tech

    […] Pat Banned By Merrill-Lynch […]

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