Alert: Liberals Going After Fox News Advertisers

July 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


NEW YORK (AP) - Liberal activists are stepping up their campaign against Fox News Channel by pressuring advertisers not to patronize the network., the Campaign for America’s Future and liberal blogs like are asking thousands of supporters to monitor who is advertising on the network. Once a database is gathered, an organized phone-calling campaign will begin, said Jim Gilliam, vice president of media strategy for Brave New Films, a company that has made anti-Fox videos.

The groups have successfully pressured Democratic presidential candidates not to appear at any debate sponsored by Fox, and are also trying to get Home Depot Inc. to stop advertising there.

At least 5,000 people nationwide have signed up to compile logs on who is running commercials on Fox, Gilliam said. The groups want to first concentrate on businesses running local ads, as opposed to national commercials.

“It’s a lot more effective for Sam’s Diner to get calls from 10 people in his town than going to the consumer complaint department of some pharmaceutical company,” Gilliam said.

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38 Responses

  1. MarineDoc

    How do we counter this? Is there a counter plan in the works by any organiztion?

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Wow, 5,000 kiddies in their mommies basements trying to make a difference. Ahhhh, isn’t that nice.

    OK, so who’s waging the couter-campaign to these trolls?
    I buy a shitload of stuff from Home Depot. I bet 90% of these losers wouldn’t know a hammer from a dildo.

    All of us people who work for a living and actually buy merchandise from these advertisers should get together and let these folks know, just how much we spend on their merchandise and what our reaction will be if they cave in to these basement munchkins.

  3. Jarhead68

    Does anyone have ANY doubts that liberals are Stalinists now?

  4. danielle

    What on EARTH!! :mad:

  5. Future0311

    Any remaining doubt of mine was completely erased when I found out they were talking about not confirming any of Bush’s appointments to the Supreme Court.

    Fuck the political correctness shit. We have a problem in this country, and it needs to be confronted directly, by force if need be. We need a statesman who will confront these lunatics and call them out for who they are - socialist pigs who are seeking to take over the country.

  6. GinUp

    I don’t exaggerate here: tell me that this and the Supreme Court bullshit aren’t the first true signs of an impendiing American Civil War and I’ll call you a fool. Mark my words, violence is coming.

  7. GinUp

    To kill a dog, you cut off its head, not its tail.

  8. EdinTampa

    The counter is to use their very lists to patronize these businesses.

    Start wearing Fox News & conservative support items. And don’t ever forget to be prepared to defend life, limb & property!

  9. Sean Insannity

    HA HA HA all you Nazicons! We own the schools, we own the media, and we are gaining control of your Senators and your media money sources. We have organized a war machine that you cannot stop. We are taking over the country, so get over it. None of you are good Americans anyway. You’re about to become the second class citizens you deserve to be - without power you will be a virtual slave class earning money for us to tax away for the righteously deserving. You wish I was wrong, but you know I’m right. Just watch the next elections and weep. Or better yet, do us all a favor and kill yourselves.

  10. Zachary

    This goes above and beyond partisan bickering. What a bunch of arseholes.

    The Left: Protecting the freedom of speech when they’re the ones talking.

  11. GF

    It’s too bad you don’t own the guns and lack any real survival skills. I wonder if you’ll eat rats when you are starving to death because the farmers, flyover country to you, stop sending you food.

    Our goal to counter this is find out where you live and let the company you work for know your communist politics and see what happens. :wink:


  12. Future0311

    lol @ Sean. I could really imagine some leftist fool saying something like that.

  13. MarineDoc

    Is the Sean guy serious or was that sarcasm? Just want to know before I waste anytime unloading. Yeah buddy I am one of those raised trailer trash conservatives…you know the reeeaal scarrrrry type. I ain’t rich and I ain’t poor and what I have I have put some serious elbow grease into. I am military and have come a long way.

    Before I go any further I’ll wait for a response to my opening question.

  14. CPLViper

    I don’t know if that Sean guy is real or not but he/she pretty much laid out the Democrats game plan. Strange but I believe that is the same game plan that the Saudi’s (and the rest of the terror sponsoring governments) are trying to accomplish too.

    Thank God, a large portion of the military and 99% of the NRA don’t subscribe to that way of ‘thinking’.

  15. TexasFred


    To kill a dog, you cut off its head, not its tail.

    But ya don’t want to lose your head over a piece of tail… :mrgreen:

  16. Sean Insannity

    You chickenhawks wanta believe I’m being sarcastic because you know what I say is true. I smell the fear.

    You’re done.

    But keep hope alive. Just like a man on death row.

  17. Boombop

    I have always heard that before its all said and done there will be another civil war and I believe that is setting the stage. I’m ready to kick some pussy liberal ass!
    The worse mistake they could make is to think conservatives
    are victims.

  18. just posting

    sean .. Your salavating over unlimited tax and turning anybody who disagress with you into a slave class sounds like the cancer to america that ur accusing “us” to be. And i assume “us” means any citizen regardless of party who doesnt swallow the conspiracy theories and utopian vision of a withdrawal partnered by “effective” diplomacy with the nations that are exhausting all forms of resources in an all out effort to oppose and destabalize us. There wouldnt be such a huge difference in ideas in this country if people stopped only debating with people who agree with them 100% people like arent capable of discussing a topic, debating and coming to a conclusion instead you just talk shit talk shit and talk more shit. your the fucking cancer of this country

  19. D_Mac

    Sean we appreciate your interesting point of view and we invite you to share your opinions further in our open ended forum. Lets all give Sean a big group hug guys! :beer:

  20. CPLViper


    Sean said: “We own the schools”
    I say: That is why more and more kids are getting home schooled. The Democrats have no morals, have no religion (except at election time) and seeing the performance of the US education system vs. the rest of the world … it is obvious they can’t teach either.

    Sean says: “we own the media”
    I say: That is why we are here … there is more than once source of news and if anyone thinks that the truth will not come out, they are just nucking futs.

    Sean says: “we are gaining control of your Senators”
    I say: Well, you better work fast as conservatives have a habit of getting rid of the weak-at-heart as compared to Democrats who keep voting for the same fucking morons over and over again (case in point: Ted ‘The Drunk” Kennedy, Robert “Sheets” Bryd and New Orleans Mayor Ray “The sky is falling and 10,000 people are dead!” Nagin.

    Sean says: “and your media money sources”
    I say: That remains to be seen as business does as business wants. The media that you own “CBS”, “NBC”, “ABC” … they all have CONSERVATIVE radio hosts because they are the only talk shows that MAKE MONEY. Business doesn’t give a shit about your political affiliation when they can make money.

    Sean says: “We have organized a war machine that you cannot stop.”
    I say: That is a hilarious statement in itself as I thought all you wimps don’t like war or is that a figure of speech? Trust me, there is nothing that can’t be stopped except maybe your dilusions.

    Sean says: “We are taking over the country, so get over it.”
    I say: Over my dead body … no seriously … over my dead body. If your vision of America is to come to fruition there is a really good chance of a civil war occuring. Of course, I don’t think it would take all that long as you suckers are all herded into concentrations of the city. Basically, easy pickin’s.

    Sean says: “Blah Blah Blah … Just watch the next elections and weep.”
    I say: First, I heard that before … I think it was in 2004. There is a lot of time between now and November 2008. The Dems are pretty funny as you are all going absolutely bat shit trying to get us out of Iraq because you know Petraeus’ plan worked in Mosul in 2005 and is working in Al Anbar and Baqubah and starting to take hold in Baghdad. AQI has less and less places to hide. To add insult to injury the Shite groups are getting whacked too … Mookie and his minions are now forced to beg for mercy from the UN to stop us from kicking his and his moronic followers asses. Imagine what another two months of fucking up terrorists is going to show. The media that you ‘own’ has no other choice but to report it and they have already started. Like I said above, the truth ALWAYS gets out.

    Sean says: “Or better yet, do us all a favor and kill yourselves.”
    I say: You would want that. We conservatives are the root of this country. We are the ones that keep it running … the farmers, the truckers, the people who know what a day of work really is. By the way … we conservatives are the ones with guts, with heart and … with guns.

    Sleep well and keep dreaming.

    Viper out.

  21. MarineDoc

    BZ Viper. I am not feeding this leech anything!

  22. Kurt (the infidel)

    wow that sean dude is a real douchebag..go back to your bong lefty. Then when the munchies kick in you can eat a government cheese sandwich, courtesy of my tax dollars..Tell your girlfriend John Edwards i said hi

  23. Mark Tanberg

    Sean, glad to see that you’ve got that
    “I ain’t quitten you” attitude about this site,
    keep it zipped and you just might see the light some day. As for the “fear” I do fear the Dems,
    the same way I fear for my son when he rides with a bunch of his irresponsible friends in
    their car.
    The road this country is heading down is a scary one, and we need some real capability behind the wheel. I thank God in heaven that our president has been so steadfast on Iraq. (Though I don’t get his stance on immigration) I noticed that your focus is all on the home front (typical dem) thats because you do not have the experience to drive on the roads of the world, it’s too scary, what with Iran backed by Russia
    and all those muzzlim loopies spread through out the world with Jihad on their brain. Just admit that your Dem skill set is just not up to the task, so please don’t ask for the keys, it’s safer this way.

  24. azbastard

    sean you have no idea what is the backbone of america…the left will be in for a big surprise..but if God sees fit that you do win in 08, then so be it, its all part of the plan..the Patriots will rise up and your safe house will crumble..truth and rightousnes will prevail

  25. ssgduke54

    Hmmmm…Now wants to be the new 4th Reich Gestapo! I fear now that this great Nation is being fragmented like what happen in the defunct country of Yugoslavia. We are even more closer to being “Balkanize” and a Second War between the State is more possible then ever thanks to MoveOn, ACLU, and the “Open Borders Crowd”. Lincoln said it best when he said “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

  26. Dan (The Infidel)


    I second MarineDoc’s BZ. I couldn’t have said it better.
    These trolls should stick to eating their milk and cookies and suckling at their mother’s teets. They aren’t much for anything else.

    I play cards. One game that I like to play is spades. This troll is trying to overplay what he thinks is a nhil hand.
    And he’s about to get snookered.

    Only he’s too much of a rookie card player to see it comming.

    Taking over the country? Don’t think so. Keep thinking that way though. I’m looking forward to the revolution.

  27. Rawhide

    Viper, it’s ok to feed trolls when the food you give them makes them choke and unable to respond. That was a nice bitc* slapping of the incoherent Insannity.

  28. Dan (The Infidel)

    I would add this. A buddy of mine owns a business near where I work. All of these people were educated in the Public school systems. One of their newest employees is a 18-yr old girl who just recently graduated public High School.

    Despite all their indoctrination, not a one of them is a DailyKos kid. And that includes the 18-yr old. Why?

    Beacuse their parents and grandparents were there to counter-balance the lefty agenda of the school system

    So the schools and universities can play all the head games that they want. It is the parents and grandparents, uncles and aunts that hold the keys to victory against the looney left.

    And talk radio is still king. Where the free market is able to thrive, free thinking will survive. That’s what the DailKos kids are trying to stop. Little marxists that they are, they are still abject failures at forcing their views down people’s throats.

    Air America is a failure because losers are failures, in life and in everything else. They got nothing, because they are nothing.

    Yet they dare come in here and talk cash shit; while bravely typing at their keyboards from mommy’s basement.

    Wow…impressive huh?

  29. sal

    oh who cares about all this, hey did every one see what happened to lindsey lohan, like o my god :twisted:

  30. Sean Insannity

    You talk a good game but yor team isin’t fighting much

  31. MarineDoc

    Why is this Sean?…you guys do all he damage to yourselves. No need to waste energy in that kind of fight. Just letting the insane drivel go on is enough to cause a reasonable person to ignore your ideas.

    You think they would learn to address a crowd in a more appropriate tone.

    Opps….sorry guys. The troll snacks were slipping out (must not feed…must not feed…must not feed the animals at the zoo).

  32. Dan (The Infidel)

    The more the libs spew, the more they show their hand. Not a good idea when you’re trying to win at cards or in politics. But spew on lib. You are all hat and no cow.

  33. JayMS

    So the 30-something unemployed and single moonbats living in their parents basement want to boycott Home Depot and others advertising on Fox new?

    Big, hairy horseshit deal. Moonbats don’t shop at Wal Mart and they seem to be doing just peachy fine. I’ll just shop at Menards or Loew’s instead and any sponsor that caves will just lose out.

    On the subject of that rank shithead, Sean Idiot…aren’t comments moderated here? Can we just shitcan stupid trolls like this? There are plenty of moonbat agi-prop whack-off sites out there for it to post on and I really don’t care to read the same drivel posted over at DU or DailyKos.

  34. Marc

    Civil War in the making? I don’t think so. Can you imagine a Moonbat army? It wouldn’t get past reveille

    “Awww Sergeant my Army of one is feeling your oppression at this ungodly hour, could you please come back about the crack ‘o noon, man?”.

    Guys like this Sean crack me up they are usually the internet version of the little vandal cowards in the protest mobs with the faces covered with bandannas. All troublemaker and not the problem solver. They get into trouble and Mumsy and Dadsy will bail them out.

    There is still a lot before the primaries and then the picture shall be more clearer. Plus those that stayed away from the last elections, or voted as an act of dissent will be back. Plus Cindy is running against Nancy for Congress, the moonbats devouring each other, cool stuff, I might actually start eating popcorn again this is going to be fun to watch.

  35. Lamplighter

    Sean Insanity: keep dreaming. Just because the Dems have to cater to the looney left doesn’t mean the looney left controls this country yet. State of Texas produces as much in GDP as all of Canada. Calif. produces as much as your beloved “power” France. New Jersey as much as all of Russia. This is a very wealthy country, it’s capitalist system unstymied (too much) by your socialist agenda is what produces all the ability to create wealth. That’s why the rest of the world envies and hates us (as the Dems always say they do). Let the Dems get their socialist agenda in place, and it will kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Then the pendulum will swing back. I think the US voters know where their bread is buttered, and it isn’t with the socialists like you.

  36. Lamplighter

    Oh, and Sean, read Mike Moseley’s essay on this site–it why the Dems are losers and the American people see right through them.

  37. Dr D Semper FI

    Sean makes me laugh, remember all the complaints about Halliburton from the left, guess who’s buying up stock, his hero, George Soros, the criminal from europe. I hope old George dies before he ruins this country.

  38. Future0311

    This Sean guy was serious?

    I got one thing to say to him. All political shit aside. Attempt to take over this country, and you (and anyone who dares to help you) will be put six feet under. That’s a promise. Go on. Take up arms if you dare.

Respond now.

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