Human Rights Group Decries Bigotry In Beheading Video

July 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Human rights group, Human Rights Right This Minute! (HRRTM) has condemned what it calls “inappropriate remarks bordering on racism and bigotry” that came from English journalist Joe Snuffy as he was beheaded on a recently surfaced Al Qaeda video. The official transcript of the tape attributes to Mr. Snuffy the following statement: “Islam and Mo…” While the rest of the message was censored by Western news agencies out of respect for non-Western religions, human rights watchdogs at HRRTM claim that with the help of hired lip-reading and body-language experts they reconstructed Mr. Snuffy’s statement, which appears to contain inflammatory hate speech. “Just as we had suspected all along,” says spokesbeing for HRRTM Sarah Fulano.

“An accepted definition of hate speech includes anything that inflames delicate sensibilities and points out the differences between the Western world and the little-understood culture of al-Qaeda fighters with their time-honored tradition of super-appendage mutilation,” explained Ms. Fulano in an answer to a Fox News reporter. “Try to think rationally for a change, and you will see why the beheading itself is not hate speech while an objection to it definitely is.”

A reaction to this gruesome discovery was a series of condemnations throughout Europe.

“Joe Snuffy is an embarrassment to journalists throughout the world,” stated press-release issued by a Paris-based international group Reporters Without Purview.

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23 Responses

  1. cclezel

    I want to know what he said before this heinious act.

  2. John Goodrow


    They are more concerned with his final words than the beheading itself!?

    It’s bad enough our civilized culture has to deal with these animals and now we can’t say anything bad about them!?


  3. James Hooker

    :beer: gotta have another

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Let me see here. A man is beheaded by a terrorist puke, he cusses them out before being beheaded and some screwballs say that he had a problem?

    So the scum that beheaded him are not condemned? I take it this is not a joke? Nobody could be that fucking stupid right?

  5. Sandy K.

    wtf :?: :shock: Apparently there are “life forms” that indeed can be that stupid. I am stunned too.

  6. JS

    Ahhh, you guys…. I think this is a satire website like “The Onion”. Clinck on the banner link on their website to go to their main page and check it out. It’s actually very funny.

  7. Right_Is_Right

    This is a gag…check out the full article. We have at least another couple of years before this crap becomes real…

  8. Sandy K.

    o.k. that moment passed and now I am :mad: :!: wtf? . . . If and when I live to see the demise of this nation it will be completely because of stupid *uks that think like that! *hit! unfreakin’believable :sad:

  9. Sandy K.

    OHHHHHHHHHH . . . Thank God! It is just Pat havin’ some fun with our heads! :lol: Man that was soooo mean!

    It is not too out of the relm of possiblility that there are idiots who really do believe this though!
    Damn Pat that is something else. I think I almost ruptured a vein in my head - that really got me cranked! :lol:

    Next time I am going to pay more attention to the source for the story! Lesson learned!

  10. Steve

    Pat, you should know better than to post something like this. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility.

    Remember a few years ago, PETA was upset that the Palestinian Arab Muslim terrorists were using donkey bombs to kill Jews.

    Concerned for the donkeys, that is, not the Jews.

    Mideast Dispatch Archive: Donkeys more important than Israelis, suggests animal rights group

    On Jan. 26, Palestinian terrorists booby-trapped a donkey and sent it towards a group of Israelis at a bus stop south of Jerusalem, hoping to kill and maim as many as possible. The two bombs attached to the donkey were detonated simultaneously by two cellphones. Fortunately for the Israeli bus passengers, the donkey exploded before it reached them and no one was physically injured, although ambulance crews treated a number of people for shock.

    Earlier this month, Ingrid Newkirk, president of the American animal rights group PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wrote to Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat: “Your Excellency, We have received many calls and letters from people shocked at the bombing. If you have the opportunity, will you please add to your burdens my request that you appeal to all those who listen to you to leave the animals out of the conflict?”

    She was then asked by the Washington Post whether she would also criticize the attempt by the Palestinian perpetrators to kill Israeli civilians but she said it was not her business to do so. In January 2003 – the month in which the donkey died – 21 Israelis and eight foreign nationals were killed by terrorists in Israel, and 127 others were injured.

  11. John

    If this is true, anyone from the “Rights” group “HRRTM” needs to be bitch slapped on sight if spotted on the street.

    They got some serious balls putting this out at all. These groups are so sure of public complacency they have no fear of potential repercussions.

    This is so ridiculous I wonder if it is a few man fringe group putting out news releases. If this is a legitimate group of any caliber, then we have a serious saboteur problem within the west (not like it was not been said already of course).

  12. Sandy K.

    That site is really funny! I will vist that one again for sure. :wink:

  13. JayMS

    The sad part is that you can’t tell whether this shit is made up or real. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the liberals really DID put forth shit like this.

  14. Future0311

    Almost had me. Then I saw the picture of the guy with his hand over his mouth and KNEW it was a joke. lol

  15. J_dub

    Before Iran, I think there are some other people we need to take care of first.

  16. mindy abraham

    Althugh it may be a joke, I wonder if this could ever come true :lol: :?:

  17. Zachary

    It’s disturbing that we live in a time where this story is believable.

  18. Egfrow

    Another communist front group. Human Rights Right This Minute.(HRRNRTS)

    I can’t wait till they get approval for the name of their next group. HERDING EVERY RATIONAL PERSON INTO EXTREME SOCIALISM (HERPIES). They are going places.

  19. Sandy K.


    Another communist front group. Human Rights Right This Minute.(HRRNRTS)

    I can’t wait till they get approval for the name of their next group. HERDING EVERY RATIONAL PERSON INTO EXTREME SOCIALISM (HERPIES). They are going places.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :!:

  20. Joshua

    The sad part is we all believed it was true, that’s how bad this world has become.

  21. just posting


  22. D_Mac

    christ, believable too

  23. Marc

    Heaven forbid the last words of man being beheaded are disseminated to the masses!

    Imagine if everyday people heard this how incensed they would be and really would be against the Islamcist-Socialist-Fascist agenda, and we can’t have that.

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