Video: Us And Them

July 28th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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10 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    There are no words….

  2. mindy abraham

    How true. :sad:

  3. GBU43

    Brilliant. We need to contrast these people daily. Let the lib’s defend this. The cowards will run and hide.

  4. Bashman

    I sometimes sit and think about the “Luck of the draw” (as it were) as to where you, as a human being, are born and what society you are thrust into as a child.

    When I think about this, I am truly grateful that my kids were born here, in America.

    Especially my daughter.

  5. jesse

    Correct me if i’m wrong, but is that the same song from Silence of the Lambs? The part where hannibal kills all the cops and escapes?

  6. terry smyth

    Silence of the lambs it is
    Silence of the lambs is what the sheeples and the left are.
    See no evil, pretend that what you see is an abberation and not what the ‘RELIGION OF PEACE’ is all about.

    Silence of the lambs is what the feminist movement in our western countries has in defending women in the ME where industrialised murder against women is the common thread.

    The lambs are only awake and loud when the sheepdogs are attempting to save them from the wolves, they do not understand that they are the wolves food, that the sheepdogs are protecting them.Sheepdogs bad, wolves no threat.

    Bashman: the luck of the draw indeed.Not only in the US but almost anywhere in the West.I am thankful for my two daughters, 1 in Aussie, 1 in Texas.
    so far.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    The libs need to ask themselves, which do you prefer? Us? Or them? Which life do you want? Ours? Or theirs? Freedom? Or death? There are only two choices. And playing politics with this war will only lead to disaster for everyone in the West, including the libs. And they are far more takfir than we are.

    Freedom isn’t free. And from time to time, it must be defended, and fought for. If we as a nation and as a world are unwilling to call our enemy what it is…and ante-up to keep our freedoms, then we, will lose it.

    Blogging in your basement with professorial illogic and pretty prose will not win the war against the tyrannical facism that is Islamic imperalism…unless of course you want to grow a beard or wear a burqua to your next prom?

  8. ssgduke54

    What the use in showing this when our own Citizens thinks Islam is a Religion of Peace and we can live side by side with the Muslims. Yep! we are a Nation of Pacifist Fools who are willing to give up our freedom in order to have their version of PEACE! I guess the next time we get hit by the Islamic Fascist Terrorists and kill tens or maybe hundred thousands of our Citizens maybe, just maybe we will WAKE-UP AND START FIGHTING THIS GA DAM WAR JUST LIKE WE FOUGHT WWII!

  9. steadfast

    Eloquent as always, Bashman. The thing that struck me the most was the lack of smiles from the Islamists. They always look so brainwashed and sad.

    Thank God for America. We are truly lucky to live here.

  10. Dr D Semper FI

    Makes you love this country, even though we have a lot of lazy morons living here

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