Chief Justice Roberts Suffers Seizure

July 30th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Fox News TV just reported that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts did not merely “fall” at his home, but suffered a seizure and is currently still hospitalized. This is Roberts second seizure. He suffered one on a golf course 13 years ago. This is his first since. It is said it was a Grand Mal seizure, and he was “alert and talking” when being transported to the hospital. Developing…

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11 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Sounds like he’s an epileptic. Wonder what set it off? There are drugs that you can take. If he was doing alchohol, that could be the cause. So could stress.

    I wish him a speedy recovery.

  2. Jarhead68

    They must be dancing on their desktops over at Kos. Has anyone been over there to check out the hate speech on this issue? I sure hope he’s okay. He’s a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stinky room.

  3. jaybear

    Jarhead68 sez:
    “They must be dancing on their desktops over at Kos. Has anyone been over there to check out the hate speech on this issue? I sure hope he’s okay. He’s a breath of fresh air in an otherwise stinky room.”

    I’m not sure I really want to ruin my appetite with that garbage over there….if the Kos-tards ARE wishing slow painful things on Roberts, then I pray for it to come back to them tenfold.

  4. Steve

    I didn’t see anything over at DailyKostic.

  5. Dan2


    They banned me today…labeled me a “troll”…LOL

    John Kerry has a “diary” there (he made a post a bit ago)

    Nothing on Justice Roberts (yet)…

    They are obsessed with Bill O’Reilly:


  6. Kurt (the infidel)

    The communists in training over at the Dailykos are truely shameful people and self loathing Americans..I hope John Roberts gets better soon. They claim the seizure he suffered was of no cause, a benign seizure they call them and he has no medical problems, just keeping him overnight for observation.

  7. drillanwr

    Anybody remember a few months back when “The View” cohost Joy Behar insinuated Republicans caused Sen. Tim Johnson’s, (D-South Dakota) stroke?

    So how “odd” is it that in recent days democrap members of Congress are being very vocal against Justices Alito and Roberts??

    Hey, I’m just sayin’ ……. :roll:

  8. drillanwr

    Taking bets on which democrat (and how soon) is the first to insist Roberts “step down” and be replaced. Chuck Schumer … tomorrow or Wednesday, anyone?

  9. packsoldier

    This is part of a left-wing plot to kill or incapacitate Roberts! They must have poisoned his food!

    OK, maybe not. But if it were a liberal judge, imagine what the Kos-ites would come up with.

  10. Jarhead68

    Those Kossites are whackier than Reverend Jim from Taxi…
    Funniest bit on a sitcom EVER:


    Who remembers that?

  11. drillanwr

    Jarhead68 -

    Not sure if you were around when Taxi was a first-run show on TV, and that episode aired … I was in my early 20s. My husband and I laughed for hours after that episode. I thought I would pass out while watching it and laughing. You’re right. It was/is one of the funniest damn things EVER on TV. :lol:

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