Breaking: Bush President Again

July 21st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP) - President Bush transferred the powers of his office to Vice President Dick Cheney for more than two hours Saturday while under sedation for a colon cancer screening.

Doctors removed five small polyps during the procedure at Camp David. “None appeared worrisome,” White House spokesman Scott Stanzel said. Polyps are precancerous growths in the colon.

The colonoscopy last 31 minutes. The transfer of power from Bush to Cheney covered two hours and five minutes.

The president invoked Section 3 of the 25th Amendment to the Constitution “out of an abundance of caution.” Stanzel said. The amendment, approved in 1967, four years after President Kennedy was assassinated, had been used only twice before.

At 7:16 a.m. EDT, Bush invoked the disability clause and transferred his authority to Cheney. The vice president was at his home on the Chesapeake Bay in St. Michaels, Md., about 30 miles east of Washington.

Cheney spent the time eating breakfast and playing with his dog.

Bush reclaimed his presidential powers and duties at 9:21 a.m. EDT.

Bush: “I plan to go for a bike ride.”

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10 Responses

  1. Kipp

    It would be wiser to put the polyps in charge.

  2. Steve in NC

    Damn, I was hoping for Cheney to fulfill the fears of the hand wringers and for him to begin in earnest the building
    of the new ‘Global Empire of the United States’.

  3. Dan

    Hey Kipp:

    They’re already in charge of your party. Why don’t you go join the rest of the girlie-men/boys over at Daily Kos?

    This is no place for little posers punks like you.

  4. Kurt (the infidel)

    Right on Dan! well put. this isnt or we’re real Americans over here

  5. Dan


    Absolutely. There is no room here for DailKos or mikey moore or Demo-ratz sleight of mouth. We love our military, our flag, our CIC…we have our disagreements with the CIC…but the war isn’t one of them…and oh yeah, we like God too…at least most of us do….not that false god that the Jihadis kowtow to…the real deal…

    And I’m beginning to really dig some of our Jewish allies, Dennis Praeger, Medved, and a few others.

    It is nice that we have so many allies. Makes me wonder if all the so-called polls that the dems always point to….are really water cooler polls conducted in their offices to prove their pointless drivel?

  6. Kurt (the infidel)

    Hey I couldnt agree more with your thoughts on the polls..Polls never seem to project the real facts on the ground. I often wonder where they get their results from. And yeah thank God for our Jewish allies, we’re all in this one together buddy and I still believe there are more who are with us than against us

  7. Joshua

    Americans = Americans
    Democrats = ????????

  8. danielle

    It would be wiser to put the polyps in charge. — Hey, that’s pretty mean!! Anyway it’s glad to see President Bush back in action. :mrgreen:

  9. Clyde Conneer

    I am a tad disappointed that Mr. Cheney didn’t take the opportunity to arrest Nasty Pelousi for violation of the Logan Act, Hill& Bill for larceny( stealing White House furniture & FBI records) and the entire staff of the New York times for Treason. He would have had time to stomp the eels at CIA and douche the State Department also.
    Oh well, next time?

  10. Judith

    My gosh, do these idiots think that if their’s is elected, we won’t say the same things about them that they have said about W and Cheney. I am already loading my ammo, I intend to give them no quarter and NO SLACK. They will never do anything right and I will never listen to a word they say. Of course, we will probably all be dust because of them. :twisted: SCUM BAG NAME CALLERS.

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