British Doctors: Crispy Critter “Unlikely To Survive.”

July 3rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Oh, well.


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23 Responses

  1. soldiersmom81

    Good what more can this mother say!!!!!!!

  2. FTL

    He’s has yet to really fry for what he’s done.

    Crispy Critter will be able to chalk this recent experience up to “basic training” for the lake of fire. :twisted:


    Bet his blind ass thinks he’ll be crossing over into a garden to eat and drink wines and engage in sex w/ 100 big breasted white virgins.

  3. Dr D Semper FI

    Think, ………….Virrrggggins!

  4. drillanwr

    Let me know where I can send the pork … er-r, flowers.

  5. MarineDoc

    Lol! He has not yet begun to fell the pain of fire. It is soon to come.

  6. MarineDoc

    Lol! He has not yet begun to feel the pain of fire. It is soon to come.

  7. John Goodrow

    cover him in salt, speed this process up.

  8. Old11B

    We should just ease his pain by covering his burns with bacon fat while he mulls his future.

  9. MarineDoc

    Lets overdose him on some lasix and end this thing now! Another one bites the dust…

    All of a sudden hungry for some pork cracklins!!

  10. Joe

    this is the most well written article I have read about this clown to date. Way to go man. S/F

  11. Mart

    Good! A soon to be “peaceful Muslim.”

  12. Dan

    He’s got burns over 90% of his body. Tsk tsk…Anbd here’s my tiny violin playing my heart bleeds for him….

    He’s not expected to make it. Ahhhh….poor baby. He thinks it is hot now, wait till he gets to hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I hope he gets a cell next to Atta and his buddies, so he can hear their screams until Judgement day.

    Fuck him….let the bugs have him…he ain’t even worth a bullet.

  13. Egfrow

    May his suffering drag on for as long as possible.

  14. Steve in NC

    2nd the call for a salt rub down, just make it kosher salt !

  15. Brian H

    Another lesson about why you should be careful what you ask for …

  16. Kevin M

    He won’t live? Oh, where’s my fucking violin?

  17. TJ

    Since the muzzies have doctors that are willing to kill thousands, how come we cant find one non muslim doctor to further torture this terrorist? because doctors are supposed to be healers. Oh yeah , I forgot about that>

    I hope they nurse him back to health then just realese him with full fan fare. then the citizens can beat his ass to death. street justice is the only real justice!

  18. GBU43

    He’s not likely to live… :beer: I’ll drink to that.

  19. ucdbdi

    A slow painful death

  20. Korndawg

    Enjoy your 72 virgin camels you stupid fuck. I would have put out his fire. . . with gasoline

  21. everydayjoe

    Nothing goes better with this ice cold :beer: that I’m drinking than spicy pork rinds. mmmmm. spicy.


  22. Brooks

    Morphine! I need MORPHINE!!
    You need what

  23. Cpl Johnny Peddicord

    He got out and tried to push the fucking car after it exploded!! This just goes to show you what a highly motivated muslim will try to do to accomplish his goals, yet, we bury our heads in the sand and deny 9/11. Ridiculous…
    Does anyone know what we did with Japanese Americans during WWII? Maybe if our politicians cared less about what people think and more about our country’s security, we could all be a bit safer.

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