Daily Kos: U.S. Military Creates Serial Killers

July 22nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Wanted For Treason: Military-Bashing Profiteer, Al Qaeda Propagandist, & Founder Of Daily Kos, Markos Moulitsas Zunigay

Disgraceful anti-Military Blog at Daily Kos: Armed Forces Creating Serial Killers

The hatred for America’s military emanating from the left in this nation reached a new low on Thursday when a blog was posted at Daily Kos entitled “KILLITARY: Are America’s Armed Forces Creating Serial Killers and Mass Murderers?

In it, Corey Mitchell, a crime author and editor of In Cold Blog, addressed the “list of serial killers and mass murderers who have spent time in the military” while making the case that “a seemingly normal, everyday, All-American soldier [can] turn into a brain scooping cell phone camera posing beast.”

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20 Responses

  1. Buerg

    picture worth 1000 words..but I can only think of one…fuckingworthlesspunkbitch.

  2. mindy abraham

    If you have a propensity to kill, you will do so whether you are trained or not. I am so glad I am in independant-if this guy is a liberal, I do not want to be associated with people like him. :mad: :mad: :evil: I really can’t believe he thinks our military breeds killers-it breeds brave people like in Lone Survivor, or The Gift of Valor.

  3. Steve in NC

    The beasts’ mask slipped for a moment and exposed it’s true nature.

  4. Robert

    Oh, you guys got to go read the comments at “In Cold Blog” - this guy was making sounds like he had _some_ actual support for this, gets called, gets busted, provides another source, gets busted on it and starts backpedaling. This clown doesn’t even know what “statistically insignificant” means, as he’s amply demonstrating at the point I’m at now. It’s great stuff.

    If your too busy to get there, his source for the 2:1 murder ratio is a paper by some woman (which he doesn’t provide a link to, just a link to a blurb about it), who studied the two big military counties in North Carolina, and claims that a child there is twice as likely to be killed by a parent (the military one or the other? we don’t know), OR A CAREGIVER!!!!!!

    Maybe NC just has bunch of looney babysitters, for all we know.

    Gawd these people just kill me…

  5. Sandy K.

    More rantings from the lunatic fringe. These people never cease to amaze me. :roll: That dude is a waste of skin.

  6. EZRider

    Same “baby killer” crap that’s been voiced since Jane Fonda. Another “American” who lives in a bubble and has had everything delivered to him on a silver plate.

  7. Marc

    Well I wonder what the “serious Democratic Candidates” will have to say about this?

    Hopefully someone else can get this out to the real America which the elitist Kos Pigs call fly-over states. Here’s a better link with a little more detail.


    I don’t think a veteran would protest in front of an AIDS hospice, like Code Pink and others do in front of Walter Reed or Bethesda, nor would they walk into Marcos’ favorite watering hole in Georgetown and mop the floor with his face.

    The difference between the Kos kids and veterans. Class, and above all honor.

    Here’s a good read that exemplifies my point:


  8. ssgduke54

    Hmmmm….I take it that this piece of garbage is suppose to be a “Subject Expert Matter” on Soldiers becoming Serial Killers!! Unless he has been in the service, been in war, and has an Honorable Discharge then he has nothing to say. Another word if you talk the talk you better have walk in those boots Son! My Son and his follow band of brothers & sisters have better respect by the vast majority of honest citizens then you do Scum Bag! It’s a shame they don’t draft your behind so I could meet you on the bus to smoke your ass! But more likely you will head up in Canada to hide your sorry ass.

  9. Dan

    I can’t even read this shit. It makes my blood boil and makes me want to go find this punk and give him an old-fashioned Platoon Sergeant ass-whooping.

  10. LftBhndAgn

    That guys face is just screaming knock my teeth out..

  11. Future0311

    I’m gonna shatter his face if I ever see him. That’s a promise.

  12. Infidel

    The caption of the pic should read, “I’m a uber cool loud mouth anti war activist who thinks the US troops are baby-killing psycopaths, but I ardently support abortion on demand!”

    Horseface! No offense to Mr. Ed.

  13. MarineDoc

    I am betting big bucks this guy talks with a lisp!!!

  14. Dan (The Infidel)


    Thuper Therial….LOL :evil:

  15. IdahoPatriot

    I’m just betting the orifice on his southern exposure is larger than the one on his northern

  16. Korndawg

    MarineDoc: He also talks while sucking cock, what an amazing feat. Just think it’s fags like him who need our protection from the very same animals that he doesn’t want us to fight??????? UNFREGGINBELIEVABLE !!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

  17. Clyde Conneer

    The Army taught me to kill the enemies of my country. My dear old Dad taught me to kill for food. This corksuckin’ bastage inspires me to kill for pure pleasure.

  18. Sethimus

    Yeah, I pissed in his cheerios awhile back and the guy never recovered.

  19. Combat Carl

    Well I just read this disgusting creatures blog. This man is insane I can’t believe this crap, he was talking about all of these serial killers that served in the military, and talking about how the military makes mindless, emotionless indiscriminate killers of women and children. Well, Robert Lee Yates, who was mentioned, was a murderer before he joined the service. And Jeffery Dahmer had killed several people as a teenager. The man kept a severed head in a chest hat he kept in his closet when he was a young teen! He even recalled the story to a reporter from prison, when his father almost found the head!
    This man is insane! I am an Iraq vet, with 3 tours under my belt, and I have never seen animal like this beast was describing! I am going to do whatever I can to bring attention to this. If I have to write letters to the editors of a large number of news papers, write counter blogs, try and get some sort of air time, whatever! I will do whatever I can to stop these beasts!

  20. Dave the infidel metallurgist

    The state of journalism in this country is at an all time low. The first example is Charles Whitman whom is loosely described as a marine sniper when in fact he only received a badge for marksmanship He was a damn good shot, but that was not military training. This guy was screwed up long before the marines got him.

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