Gates In Tears Honoring Fallen Marine

July 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

The Lion Of Fallujah:

ABC, July 19, 2007 - Defense Secretary Robert Gates became emotional as he addressed the Marine Corps dinner Wednesday night in Virginia.

Gates broke down when he talked about the loss of American lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, among them, Marine Corps Captain Doug Zembiak, who died in may.

“Every evening, I write notes to the families of young Americans like Doug Zembiak,” said Gates. “For you and for me, they’re not names on a press release or numbers updated on a website - they are a country’s sons and daughters.”

Gates said Zembiak had survived an earlier tour in Iraq and returned home to a desk job at the pentagon, but he asked to be redeployed to Iraq.

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11 Responses

  1. Dan

    The death of a fallen hero is never easy to talk about. The name of this precious man will be remembered forever,
    enshrined in the great and noble history of the USMC.

    Chesty Puller would have been proud of him. He would have said: Semper Fi Devil Dog. Rest in peace.

  2. MarineDoc

    A true hero who brings honor to the Corps, his Country and I feel safe in assuming his GOD.

    (Note any of you closet libs - he ASKED to be redeployed!!! Why is is that is seems only the military and the true conservatives see how precious and important this war is. Important enough to give our lives for it).

    Amen, DevilDog. May you rest in peace.

  3. KBoomr113

    And after the sacrifice of so many good Soldiers and Marines……the Republic will honor their service by surrendering their cause…….

    God, I hope that doesn’t happen….. :cry:

  4. TJ

    Zembiac was a true marine, denying a desk job to return to combat. I understand the tears Mr. gates, america lost one of its heroes! :cry:

  5. Kurt

    its always reassuring to hear about someones feelings towards another human, especially in the case of a high power like Gates. The Democrats and the crowd like to paint these guys as heartless individuals and of course they are wrong. It saddens the hell out of me when I hear of a fallen US service member, I know they are all brave, i know they are all fighting for my freedom and I will never forget about them, never stop supporting them.. its the least i can do

  6. Brooke

    It is wonderful to see a true American Hero recognized. He and his family will forever be in my prayers

  7. mindy abraham

    I heard about this Marine on another website-sounds as though we lost a good person-we have lost too many like him-RIP. :cry:

  8. Sandy K.

    There are so many men that have more than willingly enlisted and re-enlisted for additional tours during this time and they receive little attention in the press. It interferes with giving them the credit where it is due. The men are all heroes and I am glad there are men like Mr. Gates that is sharing his words and heart with the soldiers and families of the fallen. It is impossible to not get emotional.

    It is true Kurt. The Dems and crowd do criticize and portray the soldiers as heartless and manipulated victims. The truth is that our service men and women are intelligent, loyal, honorable, and have deep convictions - that would put those others to shame.

    Marine Corps Captain Doug Zembiak may you rest in peace.
    My prayers go out to his family and brothers in arms.
    We will never forget. :cry:

  9. Future0311

    I understand how he feels. I remember watching a video of a fallen Marine’s funeral on Youtube. Couldn’t do anything but cry.

    If I can’t be out there fighting beside you guys, then I’m going to give you 100% and then some in my support of you guys. You WILL succeed in this mission. Those who seek to undermine you will fail as long as we stand ready to defend your mission.

  10. John Cunningham

    I know you don’t call them BDUs anymore but I had stopped in a bar in 30th Street Station Wednesday and on my way to catch my train there was this guy in line for one of the AMTRAK trains in whatever you call those uniforms and it’s not easy to not water up as I was at least able to shake his hand and at least get out, “Thank you very much”.

  11. Michelle

    Rest in peace Doug Zembiak! :cry:

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