Iraq Report: Taji Tribes Turn On Mahdi Army And Al Qaeda

July 24th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Bill Roggio:

Operation Phantom Thunder and the Baghdad Security Plan continue to place pressure on al Qaeda in Iraq, allied Sunni insurgent groups, the Mahdi Army and the Iranian-backed Special Group. In Baghdad, junior al Qaeda in Iraq operatives are reportedly cooperating with Coalition forces and a series of car bombs hit a Shia area of the capital. In the Belts, U.S. and Iraqi forces maintain aggressive operations against al Qaeda and insurgent cells as both Sunni and Shia tribal leaders in and around Taji have banded together to fight the Mahdi Army and al Qaeda. Meanwhile, the U.S. captured two more members of the Special Groups and have indicated that Iran is now smuggling Chinese made weapons into Iraq.

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9 Responses

  1. Dr D Semper FI

    Pat, why do you have ANTIBUSH T SHIRT ads on your web site sponsored by Google. Google is a little lefty organization>

  2. Steve in NC

    “I believe … that this war is lost, and this surge is not accomplishing anything”

    - Harry Reid (D)
    Senate Majority Leader

  3. jam

    More good news…could we say momentum?

  4. Dan(The Infidel)

    Why aren’t more units sitting on the Iranian border and attacking these chumps when they jump out of their helicopters. The Brits have been tracking them, why can’t we…only lets add some FO’s to the mix, and call down fire and steel on their asses as they land in Iraqi territory? Or let a FAC deal with it. Nothing cooler than shooting down a towel-boy helicopter with a sidewinder?

    Jes wondering?

  5. Kurt (the infidel)

    Yeah there definitely needs to be more patrols on that border. It should be an honor knowing you might have the chance to smoke an Iranian soldier. Especially if they are smuggling in EFPs or these chinese weapons we have been hearing about

  6. jam

    I’m betting there is more action on the Iran-Iraq border than we are hearing about. The military has wised up and is keeping the media out.

  7. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian Iraq Report: Taji Tribes Turn On Mahdi Army And Al Qaeda «

    […] Iraq Report: Taji Tribes Turn On Mahdi Army And Al Qaeda July 24th, 2007 — budsimmons Iraq Report: Taji Tribes Turn On Mahdi Army And Al Qaeda […]

  8. Rubin

    Jeebus the Taji Tribes Turning On Mahdi Army And Al Qaeda! This should be Headline News here at home.

    But HELL NO! The Bastards have already decided Iraq is lost, they [MSM] have more important things to do like plotting how to make Hellary President!

    You wait, every little flaw her opponents might have will be blown out of proportion and yet her many evil deeds will be hushed up and swept under the rug.

    The one good piece of news is that the “FREE PRESS” keeps losing customers and money.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)


    That’s OK. This kind of news IS leaking out through talk radio, The Wash Times and Fox news.

    It’s a funny thing, the MSM owns practically every newspaper in the country, all of the major news bureaus, cable (except Fox), and all we got is a couple of papers and talk radio, the Internet. And with those few resources we’re giving the socialist-hippie pothead block…fits.

    Is this a great country or what?

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