Iraq Report: Tribes In Khalis Pledge To Fight Al Qaeda

July 25th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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The U.S. military and the Iraqi government continue to court the tribes in the provinces surrounding Baghdad. One day after the tribes in the city of Taji in Salahadin province pledged to fight al Qaeda in Iraq and the Mahdi Army, a tribal meeting was held in the city of Khalis in Diyala province. Seventy-five tribal leaders gathered and vowed to fight al Qaeda in Iraq, its Islamic State front, and other insurgent groups. “Here, right now, I am denouncing the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Qaeda,” said one sheik in attendance.

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4 Responses

  1. terry smyth

    Seems the Iraqis have had enough of the AQ murderers.
    Pity that the MSM and the demorats havnt. We still get reports on the news about coalition losses but nothing about whats really happening.I have no doubt the MSM is proud of its (pathetic) efforts to convey news.No one who gets their news from the web( here, 4th rail, bill roggio and other reality sites) is either suprised or staggered when the truth is outed.Weve seen it all before.
    Its a pity that the peope who have let their children dominate the internet have not taken the computers back and got to look at what the real news is.

  2. Dan(The Infidel)

    Someone out to tell that to the deadenders in that meeting in Damascus.

  3. Jarhead68

    More bad news for the democRats…it just keeps getting better all the time. When does this information get disemmanated on the drive-by media???? :mad:

  4. Dan (The Infidel)


    I saw an article on Drudge either today or yesterday, where the Washington Compost was harping that GW has the lowest poll ratings in US history. I don’t recall reading in that article any mention of the fact that the Demoratz Congress’s numbers are even lower than that? Interesting double-standard?

    The rats in the slumber party can spin and throw up their red herrings, or play their circle-fuck games…but the message that Pat and Michael is putting out is leaking out to the world. And it just fucking the Demoratz minds up…something fierce.

    And guess who made the FoxNews website today? Remember that vid of Patton? LOL. Well, now everybody is looking at it. All except for the dummyrats.

    The Dummyrats just keep overplaying their hand. They think that shill and the majic negro are their tickets to victory in ‘08? I say let them keep thinking that way.

    The war in Iraq is being won, and the Dems are looking more foolish by the day.

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