“It’s A Cult, It’s Not Even A Religion”

July 19th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Neal Boortz

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32 Responses

  1. Dan

    Damn straight Neil. That’s exactly right. I’m outraged says the Muslim. Oh when were you outraged oh son of the devil? Uh, when you criticised my religion.

    My, but aren’t we the sensitive one. Truth hurts don’t it asshole. Oh its ok to knock Jews and Christians, after all they are only pigs and monkeys. Then what the fuck are Muslims? How about murders, rapists, anarchists, Nazis, serial killers….child molestors.

    Mr Boortz is correct, the West needs get in Mulims faces to grab these assholes by their collar and slap some sense into them.

    Good ass video Pat. Bravo Zulu dude.

  2. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian “It’s A Cult, It’s Not Even A Religion” «

    […] “It’s A Cult, It’s Not Even A Religion” July 19th, 2007 — budsimmons “It’s A Cult, It’s Not Even A Religion” […]

  3. talitm

    That guy got OWNED..haha

  4. MarineDoc

    You gotta love Neil!!!

    The non-violent Muslims are just as guilty because the condone the action by note standing against violence. At the end of the day whether the Muslim is violent or not we are still viewed as the “infidel”. Here lies the problem with this cult. It is true that it is not a religon. At best it is the antithesis to Christianity. I believe however that it is more of a perversion and political ideology.

    It is time the rest of America wakes up and realizes that these are not members of another country in as much as what we did with the Japanese in WWII but a false religon that in its theology has sworn to wipe all Jews and Christians of the face of the earth. Inaction by the general muslim community is in no way an acceptable excuse.

  5. JackM

    Great call, Dan…Christianity has not bred it’s fair share of all those criminals, at all. Catholics can’t even keep their clergy from molesting the altar boys! Where do you get off saying stuff like this?!

  6. Kevin M

    The spade just got called a spade!

    “Refreshing” just doesn’t even begin to describe it!

  7. Robert

    LOL @ JackM. Say, you’re not Chief MEC in another incarnation, are ya? Got anything to back up your asinine point? Give us some links to Catholic terrorist attacks, beheadings, that sort of thing. Otherwise, your attempt to draw some sort of moral equivalency between any modern, genuinely peaceful religion and these 7th century cavemen is just gonna fall on deaf ears.


  8. steadfast

    Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner! Neil Boortz is spot on with his powerful analysis. JackM, get a clue and learn something about Islam. Islam means submission. Nothing peaceful about that death cult.

  9. LftBhndAgn


    Unlike Muslims, WE Catholics have called for the heads of all the rogue priests to be JAILED for their actions. I have NOT seen ANY Muslims as of late STAND UP AND SAY - WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS. We want them to pay for their crimes!

    I don’t think the Catholic religion would be HERE TODAY if WE CATHOLICS did NOT point out the flaws in our OWN clergy WORLD WIDE!

    SHOW ME where the Muslims are doing the same! You can’t - because they are NOT.

  10. MarineDoc

    Yeah Dan….have you not seen those organized groups of child molesting clergyman plotting to take over the world to assimilate it into their on theology and don’t forget those pesky Christians and Jews on their killing capaigns all in the name of their Religon which obviously states kill all other faiths off the face of this earth (note extreme sarcasm).

    WTF JackM(urtha)…over? So because conservatives & Christians or both are finally fed up with how we are being treated and start to stand up we are all off a sudden criminals?

    Note at the bottom of the blog page the following:

    “Be respectful of others and their opinions. Inflammatory remarks and inane leftist drivel will be deleted. It ain’t about free speech, remember you’re in a private domain. My website, my prerogative.”

    I wonder how long your inane leftist drivel will be tolerated. Now if this is an awkward way of displaying sarcasm then I apologise. Best to note it in parathesis. However if not, then get bent.

  11. Raw Dawg

    The whole “Christians are just as bad” whine is a laughable red-herring. The population of Christianity, like the general population, contains individuals who will commit sins. In Islam, sinning and the slaughter and oppression of non-Muslims is institutionalized at the very core of the religion. There is no Christian Jihad in the world today. There is one in the Muslim world and there always has been one and there will always be one as long as this foul Violent Scientology-like cult scourges the earth. Islam is not populated by sinners, it is a sin.

  12. Holland

    WOW! I wish this shit was broadcasted in Europe! Over and over again! I am not anti muslim, but Neil makes a great point here! Hurrah!

  13. Marc

    Wow point set & match to Neal!

    Their are so many that think the same and aren’t buying the phony outrage of Will and organizations such as CAIR.

    This is what so many in the West believe but are so afraid to say. I wonder how many calls were made to Neal’s bosses by Ibrahim Hooper and his cronies over this?

  14. JackM

    MarineDoc, that was not at all my point…my point was that pointing fingers at Muslims (do you know any, by the way?) as calling all of them criminals is ignorant. Just like calling all Catholic priests child molesters is ignorant and untrue.

    The fact of the matter is that any group has problems–most Muslims do not ascribe to the hate that you are so quick to point out. Read the Koran, get educated on the religion. Do not take a bunch of cowardly suicide bombers who hide behind Islam to carry out a purely political agenda and say, “This is the face of Islam!”

  15. JackM

    And, yes, I read the blog…no, I am not leftist, or a democrat for that matter. Truth be told, I am thoroughly unimpressed with both parties right now. The GOP has gotten nothing done in Congress or in the White House for some time…and the democrats are a bunch of p*ssies, who have not gotten anything done, either.

  16. Kurt

    Damn straight Neil! and thanks for posting this Pat. It seriously is about damn time someone stands up even if it isnt “politically correct” and say the truth about this evil religion and their satanic moon god. Neil owned this pansy on the radio and I hope scores more of them were listening.

  17. johnF

    1. yes I know some Muslims
    2. Islam itself is criminal, whether or not individual “Muslims ascribe to the hate” that is endemic to that so-called “religion”.
    3. I have read, and will continue to read, the Koran, and the hadiths, and the Sunna. This is necessary in order to understand my enemy.
    4. I have said it before, and I will say it again, there are many moderate Muslims in the world, just like there were many moderate Nazis, and there are probably moderate child molesters too, but the political ideology inherent to Islam is a greater evil than Nazism. For it is an ideology of coercion, slavery, murder, racism, and world supremacism, yet it masquerades as a religion, enjoying the protections that religion accords. Islam has produced nothing but death and destruction in its history. Mohammed was an evil child molester who may have been possessed by the devil, and Muslims like that “outraged caller” to Neal’s show are typical of Muslims worldwide. They show no outrage at the constant daily barrage of atrocities commited by Muslims in the name of Islam, justified by the Koran, Sunna, and Hadiths. Their only outrage is at perceived slights against their “religion” like a cartoon of Mohammed (piss be upon him). When an act of Jihad occurs, their mantra seems to be, “The crusades were bad, some priests are child molesters (like Mohammed, may he rot in hell) and Timothy McViegh was a Christian”! My answer to that is, “The crusades were good, maybe we should reinstitute them. All child molesters should die. Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian, he claimed to be agnostic, he may have had help from the Iraqi government, and he blew up the federal building in 1995, over twelve years ago. Yet Muslims are blowing people up, and cutting off heads on a daily basis! Oh, and Fuck you”!

  18. Dan


    You believe what you want. But you obviously are ignorant of the threat that the West faces. You have not read DAS Koran or the Sunna. If you did you’d have a different view,

    To equate a few bad eggs in Christianity with slime balls like AQ, MMA, or any other Muslim terrorist orginaztion, who by the way KILLED 4,000 people last month in Iraq, is ludicrious.

    Get your head out of the sand.

  19. C-Low

    Boortz is awesome.

    If our leadership spoke as such calling the Muslims out we would have allot more Muslim Leaders publicly down playing the Radicals proving they are not like them. Instead we get our leadership that does that proving work for them so the moderates are safe to sit in their corner quietly not taking any risk (why should they).

  20. Dan

    Hey Jack Murtha:

    You should learn from all these brilliant people in here, before running off at the mouth. Damn near everyone here is either military or ex-military and has read the Koran, the Sunna or is at least familiar with both Muslim facism and liberal facism…er…like yours…

    Your circle-jerk head games don’t work here.

    PS Nice post MarineDoc.


  21. TWarrior


    Go fuck yourself fucknut.

    Mother fuckers like you need to be taught a final lesson. Perhaps you should take your ignorance to Pakistan as see if you find any tolerance for all that feel good gooism. I’m sick and tired of idiots who want to lead us to the slaughter. People like JackM just don’t get the world and the simple fact that evil exists in it-I guess this fucking thug hugger hasn’t been informed as to how many Muslims in America view suicide bombing as acceptable. This ass bag doesn’t know where the fuck he’s at, the Dailykos is where your tripe belongs dickless.

  22. John Goodrow

    JackM should go to anywhere in the middle east and tell the muslims not to point fingers at the Jews.
    Chances are he wouldn’t live too long. The muslim culture is a barbaric one. They still stone people, cut off limbs, encourage honor killings and behead people regularly just to name a few. I know everyone else already knows this shit but maybe JackM is unaware of these facts, since he obviously watches too much “news”.

  23. MarineDoc

    johnF, Dan, TWarrior, & John Goodrow thanks for saving me the time of wasting my poor typing skills on trying to educate this nut job. Obviously like most of his type, if we are not conforming to his views then we must be uneducated on the matter. You have the wrong crowd here bud. Of course we have read and educated ourselves. Why else would you think we were so pissed off about what is going on. And you obviously missed my point. By sitting and watching, the moderate Muslims are just as guilty.

    Again, thanks gentlemen!

  24. Vanessa

    deep down they believe as they have been taught that is why there is no outrage.
    People need to understand this and then deal with it.

    The ideology is too different.
    Fact is fact and no wishful thinking is going to change the hard truth.

    When you really comprehend what this sentence means “The ideology is too different” you reallize its the difference between night and day and good and evil.

  25. MarineDoc

    P.S. I believe the days of tolerance are ending. In my eyes I have come to the epiphany that a moderate Muslim is Muslim that only lacks the courage to carry out the acts dictated by their so called religon! :!: It is this lack of conviction in the moderates that has prevented another crusade.
    Am I tolerant. Yes I am. I am required to be and consider myself a true American that wants their to be a future America (not a United Arab State of America). :beer:

  26. Kurt

    Well i see our boy JackMeOff wasnt wanting a 3rd rebuttal? Yeah its not to easy to come in here slinging bullshit, you will get called on it

  27. Dr D Semper FI

    I have patients(muslims) that blew out of Iran during the Iran-Irag war, deserters to be exact. They are US citizens, like to drink wine, eat pork and think that the radicals are ruining the world, they must be bad muslims, Jack.PS I’m a Catholic and do not like what my church did and think Catholics world wide appropiate action, not Muslims.

  28. john zaita

    The prophet muhammed concimated his marriage to one of his brides when she was nine years old and this jerk is suppose to be the example of supreme moral behavior. The truth is most moderate muslims dont know the biography of muhammed and dont want to know. The more devout you become the worse you can become. If you ask 10 muslims to recite ten versus from the koran 5 radical fundamentalists and 5 moderates which ones do you think would most likley be able to. I know who I have my money on.

  29. John Cunningham

    Ten percent of islam is into ialamofacism. Ten percent of a little over a billion is a little over one-hundred million. You would think a little over a billion would make a collective sound heard around the world. The silence is deafening. It ’sounds’ to me as though they’re ’saying’, “they may be terrorists, but, they’re our terrorists”.

  30. TJ


    you say you are not a liberal but you certainly repeat leftist propaganda. Moral relativism between religion is a great way to take the focus off of one religion but it is out of context:

    when ever I suggest that muslims are racist i am reminded of slavery in the states, except that slavery was not mandated by christian clergy issuing fatwas, and though christian laypeople led and participated in the enslavement of black people, it was the moderate and liberal ones, who fought against it spoke out against it,and ultimately ended it. Christians have meany scriptures that demand christians to hold each other accountable in our actions, and we do and we have througout history.

    With Islam its not at all the same. Please quote for me a quranic texts that states that muslims must police their actions against unbelievers? For christians, I can site galatians 5 “If you deem someone in a transgression, you who has the spirit should restore such a one …..bear one anothers burdens…”

    “those who annoy Allah and his messenger and speak evil things of them, Allah has cursed them in this world and in the hereafter…those who stir up sedition, the agitators in the city, do not desist, we shall urge you to go against them and set you over them. Whenever they are found, they shall be seized and slain without mercy, fierce slaughter, murdered, a horrible murdering” (Surah 33:56-60)see Buhkari(most authentic hadith in sunni islam) V4B52N270 for story of a poet who criticized muhammed , and the great prophet urged a follower to go and kill him through deviousneess.

    these are not isolated texts there are literally hundreds to a 1000 similar texts exhorting violence and or subjugation of non believers. the reason muslims are generally silent is becasue they are expected to protect their brothers in crime, because a crime against an unbeliever is not really a crime if you believe that your religion places you on a higher level than others.

    “Fight and kill the disbelievers whereever you find them, take them captive , harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every strategem of war” (9:5) this is the last surah(chronologically) and because of abrogation it replaces any peaceful text in the quran that might suggest tolerance of unbelievers.

    “Men do you know what you are pledging yourselves to in swearing allegiance to this man? Yes! In swearing allegiance to Muhammed we are pledging to wage war against all mankind.” (Ishaq 204)

    the only muslims that can or will rise up against the murderous teachings of the perverted prophet are those who have would risk being labeled an apostate and the prophet said of apostates: “if a muslim discards his religion, kill him” (Bukhari V4B52N260)

    therefore, those who have done so, take assumed names(IBN Warraq, author of Why I Am Not A Muslim) or have 24 hour body guards(rushdie)

    on top of that these people are ignored or ridiculed by leftists like you! :oops:

  31. Michael A. Davis

    After reading the comments, it has become apparent that there is one item of interest that has gone missing; this is the concept of correction and realignment.

    What do I mean by this? It is a very simple concept. An example would be the issue of pedophilia in the Catholic Church. When it was exposed, the Catholic Church went on a massive campaign to “correct” the image and stop any and all images of impropriety. Granted, there has been serious questions on how the Church tried to correct the problem, but still, the church tried to correct itself. It must also be noted that the church already condemned pedophilia (and any other form of sex outside of marriage).

    But in the situation that Islam finds itself, we see it respond differently to worldwide public outrage. Instead of going through a phase of ’self-correction’, we instead see the imams either endorsing the fundamentalists and extremists and/or condemning/killing those who speak out agains Islam.

    It must also be noted that Muslims seem to have no problem at all in killing other Muslims. Why? Because of fatwahs (a legal opinion or ruling issued by an Islamic scholar). All a Muslim has to do is find a religious figurehead to pronounce a fatwah and then the killing can begin. The amazing thing is the number of fatwahs that have been called that have shown themselves to contradict themselves. Thus, the final result is indiscriminate killing between Muslims and other religions and between Muslims.

    It cannot be denied or ignored that the Muslim perspective is one of callousness and hate. I happen to be a Southern Baptist, yet I do not kill a Lutheran all because their take on Christianity is different from mine, Yet, in Islam, we see Sunnis killing Shias (and vice versa). Also, I do not desire to harm a Jew or Shintoist, for I value all human life. Yet, under Islam, we are considered like goats, apes, and pigs, and as such, we are unclean and worthy of death.

    Thus, when I hear that Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace, I do not believe. And this is not a question of perspective. This is a matter of fact. The mindless killing of innocent men, women, and children makes me sick.

    Islam is a cult that is spread through the sword and indoctrination.

    Game. Set. Match.

  32. John Cunningham

    Michael A. Davis, enough people have claimed abuse and I’m in no position to say it never happened. But, that said, I went to a Catholic school, same one for 8 years and one year in the closest high school. 50s-60s Had to switch to the public school for money reasons and it was right up the street. Had to take a bus for three miles to get to the Catholic school and by the time I would be a senior there would be one of us in each high school grade. Fortunately we lived in the suburbs so the public school was like a private school compared to city schools. Anyway, we were in the same neighborhood all that time. I never heard anything about that kind of stuff. I wonder if a lot of these claims aren’t like people jumping on the city bus after it has crashed? Know what I mean, Vern?

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