Crazy Video: “Lindsay Lohan Carjacked Us And Held Us Hostage”

July 27th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


The black guy on the left has crutches. She ran over his foot before the hostage crisis. Lindsay: “I can’t get in trouble! I’m a celebrity! I can do whatever the fuck I want!”

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12 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    Isn’t great that in America, if you want to be an attention whore slut, you can do that. Trouble is, is when these whores get in trouble with the law, they think that they are above the law.

    I don’t think so. If you want to be a fool, no one one is going to stop you…unless of course you get busted one too many times.

    Learn the lesson of Anna Nicole. Being an idiot does not prolong your life…it shortens it…

    Sow to the wind little girl and you’ll reap the whirlwhind.

    Get the fuck off the stage and grow up. Maybe if you do that, then you’ll have something to contribute to society.
    But right now, you’re just another one-night stand if you ask me.

  2. Allen

    It’s people like Lohan who give actors and actresses a bad name. What if the situation were exactly the same, but instead of it being “cute little Lindsey” it was someone who looked more like Larry the Cable Guy . . . Frightening thing when you put a proper face on it =).

    Lord, I apologize for using Larry the Cable Guy to make a point and be with the starvin’ pygmies in New Guinea, A-men.

  3. Future0311

    That’s one crazy bitch! O_o

    On a side note, she needs to gain a little weight.

  4. Kurt (the infidel)

    You make good points as usual Dan. a one night stand is all i see at this point. nothing more to it.
    Nice Larry the cable guy line Allen, funny stuff :lol:
    And Future, she could definitely stand to gain some, good point buddy :beer:
    And now that my congrats are out of the way..This chick is nuts and it seems to only be the hollywood females at this point. Paris,Nichole Richie, Lindsay etc. Whats up with this shit?

  5. Kevin

    ” She Dont lie , She dont LIE !!!!!
    C-O-C-A-I-N-E :shock:
    However ,, in this chicks case she Do !

  6. Marc

    Ahh only in America are we blessed in having the best SKANKS!!!

    I hope they shithammer this wench. Enough of the coddling of these “special” people.

    The only members of our society that deserve the special tag, would never behave this way and would down play that they were indeed special.

  7. jack.douglas

    These girls really think they are above the law. They have the morals of an alley cat and the longer they continue this type of behavior the closer they will come to looking like one. Brickney is damn near there now and skrawney little old Linds is starting to look a bit skankish her damn self. If you act like trash you are.

    They are pitiful little people that have gotten far more attention then there station in life calls for. Like Paris the media flocks to them because they know the public will pay to see people make fools of themselves and they seem to never let us down.

  8. bd

    I hope she rots in jail…

    Now, I need to deeply stare at that picture for a looooong time.

    What can I say, I’m still a caveman at heart. UGH!!

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    […] Crazy Video: “Lindsay Lohan Held Us Hostage” […]

  10. Jenfidel

    She needs to take the money she’s been spending on booze and coke and spend it on some boobs (and a waist!).
    Just sayin’.

  11. Trapper


  12. extreme videos

    is this a real story or what? did this really happen?

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