Propaganda Wars: Jihad Wins Major Battle As British P.M. Orders That Muslim Terrorists Not Be Called Muslim Terrorists

July 3rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


This is mind control to Major Tom: “Even when a Muslim commits a terrorist act, you cannot publicly identify him as a Muslim. Suppress the truth, promote the lie, in the service of political correctness.”

This is Major Tom to Mind Control: “But do they really want us to stop addressing the fact that they are Muslims just because they are “offended”, or because, as part of their propaganda campaign in their war on us, they suppress the truth of that war, in order to keep us complacent and unprepared to defend against their jihad? Do you really think that by merely lying to ourselves, privately and publicly, they will no attack us? Or do they in fact hope that if we lie to ourselves enough, we will actually begin to believe the lie? And if we believe the lie, will we not no longer prepare for the threat, and be left vulnerable to our final conquest?”

This is Mind Control to The Enforcers: “Kill Major Tom. One Count Capital Thought Crime Offense, One Count Capital Speech Crime Offense”

CAIR Spokesman Hussein ( “House Size” ) Ibish on Fox News: By associating Muslims with terrorism, Cal Thomas “May as well put on the white robe and start burning crosses”.

Daily Express


Gordon Brown has banned ministers from using the word “Muslim” in ­connection with the terrorism crisis.
The Prime Minister has also instructed his team – including new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith – that the phrase “war on terror” is to be dropped.

The shake-up is part of a fresh attempt to improve community relations and avoid offending Muslims, adopting a more “consensual” tone than existed under Tony Blair.

However, the change provoked claims last night that ministers are indulging in yet more political correctness.

The sudden shift in tone emerged in comments by Mr Brown and Ms Smith in the wake of the failed attacks in London and Glasgow.

Mr Brown’s spokesman acknowledged yesterday that ministers had been given specific guidelines to avoid inflammatory language.

There is clearly a need to strike a consensual tone in relation to all communities across the UK

Mr Brown’s spokesman
“There is clearly a need to strike a consensual tone in relation to all communities across the UK,” the spokesman said. “It is important that the country remains united.”

He confirmed that the phrase “war on terror” – strongly associated with Mr Blair and US President George Bush – has been dropped.

Officials insist that no direct links with Muslim extremists have been publicly confirmed by police investigating the latest attempted terror attacks. Mr Brown himself did not refer to Muslims or Islam once in a BBC TV interview on Sunday.
Ms Smith also avoided any such reference in her statement to MPs yesterday.
She said: “Let us be clear – terrorists are criminals, whose victims come from all walks of life, communities and religions. Terrorists attack the values shared by all law-abiding citizens. As a Government, as communities, as individuals, we need to ensure that the message of the terrorists is rejected.”

Tory backbencher Philip Davies said: “I don’t know what purpose is served by this. I don’t think we need pussyfoot around when talking about terrorism.”

But former Tory homeland security spokesman Patrick Mercer said: “This is quite a smart idea. We know that the vast majority of Muslims are not involved in terrorism and we have to accept there are sensitivities about these matters.”

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22 Responses

  1. sic7six

    Not all Muslims are terrorists,but all terrorists are Muslim.

  2. KL

    “Gordon Brown has banned ministers from using the word “Muslim” in ­connection with the terrorism crisis.
    The Prime Minister has also instructed his team – including new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith – that the phrase “war on terror” is to be dropped.” This is frightening…

    Even more frightening is this from Mark Steyn..”Gordon Brown’s elevation of Mark Malloch Brown to the House of Lords and thence to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office is one of the most revolting public appointments in modern British history.”

    And if you weren’t frightened enough…there’s this…”Iran-Venezuela seal anti-US alliance…” Anyone have a copy of Patrick Swayze’s “Red Dawn” I can borrow? Yikes.

  3. Evestay

    youve got to be kidding.. they are going back to the mentality of policing terrorists (dealing with the aftermath of attacks), not treating them as warriors (preempting their attacks). just great =\

  4. Lamplighter

    OK, that guy they elected PM is getting an inauspicious start–they try to blow up his home base and he rewards them by trying to enforce pro-Islamofascist politcal correctness in Britain. I heard he packed his cabinet with “anti-war” types. And I couldn’t help but notice the extremely bad taste of the Home Secy Jacqui Smith–wearing a white suit with about three inches of cleavage showing in the House of Commons yesterday in her first big public appearance. I just thought it was so weird, especially for England. Bad taste = bad politics. :sad:

  5. Randy Ketner

    “Officials insist that no direct links with Muslim extremists have been publicly confirmed by police investigating the latest attempted terror attacks.”

    These “officials” need to find another line of work…

    I’m wondering if we would see the same rules applied if these terror attacks were committed by “christians” trying to bring back the crusades.

  6. House 6

    Right on, sic7six.

    WTF? What, has Neville Chamberlin been reincarnated and cloned? I say we tell them to take their soldiers and go the fuck home and good luck to them. If this is the kinda of friends the Brits want to be, who the hell needs enemies. If we come across intel that involves them well, oh well. There’s obviously no was on terror for England.

    I’m sick and tired of these idiots who forget what happens when you appease people. Give a mouse a cookie and he’ll want a glass of milk. Too bad the bombs didn’t detonate.

  7. PooleeScore

    Well, he didn’t say anything about refering to them as sand monkeys so I’m in the clear.

    I thought the new guy was going to have a little more balls. Fuck.

  8. bd

    And I’m not American. This website doesn’t exist. Who knew PM Brown was Bhuddist?

    Terrorists don’t exist, just like the war on terror doesn’t exist…

    Are people believing this?

    Bombing the Glasgow Airport? Didn’t happen.

    9/11? Didn’t happen.

    I guess that means the President didn’t commute Libby’s sentence, and in 1963 we had 2 presidents… JFK and LBJ. I wonder why Jack didn’t run again?

  9. TJ

    I think gordon brown has been in contact with the breck girl since he is no longer refering to the war on terror. if this is the case what war are his soldiers fighting in iraq and afghanistan? How does “war on terror” offend muslims unless muslims see “terror”as synonymous with “islam” even I know of non muslim terrrorists like “IRA”, “basque separatists”, “tamil tigers” and so many communist terror groups in south and central america.

    when is this PC pussy going to pull out the troops? :oops:

  10. mindy abraham

    I am surprised by this. By saying muslim terrorists you are saying they are all muslim, just that this group happens to be so. I also say eco terroist, or domestic terrorist, it does not mean I think all terrorists are right wing nuts or eco loons.
    That is all. :???:

  11. 0311inohio

    What a dick head.. Any one hear how Rummy is doing? He should be snapping in right about now.

  12. Steve in NC

    Well, looks like the US, Australia, and our newly free eastern block friends will have to win this,

    Britain is out
    Spain is out
    Germany is out
    France is out
    Canada is out

  13. Fight4TheRight


    I disagree slightly with what you said. You said:

    “Not all Muslims are terrorists,but all terrorists are Muslim”

    I disagree in that I believe all Muslims ARE terrorists - they just haven’t joined the jihad yet. In order to be a Muslim you have to believe in the world’s submission to Islam…so every single Muslim is a terrorist in waiting. I’m sure before this weekend, these doctors in England fit the perfect picture of a law-abiding “moderate” Muslim - and then they came out and tried to murder hundreds.

    And as for PM Brown…well Gordo, I’ll make a wager with you. If your wife and your children are blown into 1000 bits while on a subway in Central London in the next six months, my wager is you may be more willing to call a spade a spade or in other words…a Terrorist a Muslim.

  14. Dr D Semper FI

    If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, shits like a duck, it must be something other than a Muslim terrorists. I’m confused, what happened to rational men?

  15. PooleeScore

    thank god f4tr gets it.

  16. Future0311

    Jesus tap-motherfuckin’-dancing Christ… can’t even call a spade a spade anymore without hurting feelings.

  17. Fight4TheRight

    There’s been a lot of reports how the newspaper business is sucking hindtit nowadays so I figure some American newspapers could use a boost in circulation. If one of the major paper published a cartoon…let’s see…(thinking)…okay, perhaps a cartoon where a British doctor is performing a colonoscopy on Mohammed and ends up reaching up his rectum and pulls out a bomb…now wouldn’t that sell some newspapers? ; )

  18. bd


    I have the solution.

    Prime Minister Brown is…
    Not Prime Minister Brown.

    Zombies from ‘Shaun of the Dead’ ATE HIS BRAIN!!!

  19. drillanwr

    “The shake-up is part of a fresh attempt to improve community relations and avoid offending Muslims, adopting a more “consensual” tone than existed under Tony Blair.”


    OH! *ah-ha-ha-ha!* Oh, I think I just peed my pants some … *ah-haaaaaaaa!!!!* :lol:

  20. Dan

    Let’s just see what Mr. Brown does after the next 7/7 happens in Britian. Do you think Brown would wake up if it happened in front of 10 Downing Street?

    Nahh…this guy is too freaking stupid. I pity the Brits that are left in Britian that aren’t afraid to fight.

    It’s just too bad that the Brits with the real balls are either over here or in the minority over there.

    Thank God for the Aussies.

    Is it any wonder that the two colonies that broke away from Britian are the only two with any backbone?

    Tell me the founding fathers weren’t freaking geniouses?

  21. everydayjoe

    House6 is right; this is “Neville Chamberlain” all over again.
    That’s right, Brownie, your legacy of appeasement is off to a smashing good start!

    Next he’ll be making concessions to Ahmadinejad by giving away the southern tip of Iraq and the Royal Navy.


    At least Chamberlain hadn’t allowed the United Kindom to be occupied by an army group of Nazis prior to 1940.

    Good luck with that one, Mr. PM, particularly since we know how well appeasement has worked in the past history of the world…

  22. David M.

    I’m an American working in the UK so please let me offer a few
    observations about Blair, Brown, and the Brits.
    First of all, Blair’s political party are socialist-leftists.
    Blair’s breakthrough came from rebranding their image enough
    to get them electable, ie, changed their red sicle flag to a
    red rose, dropped a clause about nationalising the means of production, and got rid of their hard left groups like
    “militant tendency”. But Blair was always a leftist and his quirk
    was seeing this world war and joining with the USA to fight it.
    His party never forgave him for it.
    Brown is to the left of Blair by quite some distance. While he was
    the chancellor he massively raised taxes on the middle class to support his concepts of “social justice”. I don’t think we can expect much help from Brown. Brown has not been elected.
    But the Brits, as a people, pretty much don’t trust any of their politicians and this latest stupidity about who’s who in the war on terror (The Jihad Wars) will be completely ignored by them.
    Sometimes I want to call the Brits cowards, but that is not fair. Their elite media are cowards or worse, not the population.
    I don’t personally see that Europe is “lost”. Rather it’s more
    like that stage of being drawn into a fight. There’s a big ugly guy shouting at you and you don’t know yet if you’re going to have to fight him or not. You’re still wondering if you can talk your way out of this. I think that is the subconscious position of most of Europe. At the present they are being pretty worthless but when the bombs start to explode on their own homeland, I don’t think they’ll surrender.
    The Sun is the larget selling newspaper in the UK. They are
    pretty down to earth. They won’t let Brown rebrand the war.
    I’ll keep an eye on it.

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