The Bad Lieutenant

July 13th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


U.S. storms Iraqi Police station in raid to capture a “high ranking” Bad Police Lieutenant running an Iranian military unit in Baghdad. Six IP’s and seven militants are whacked, lieutenant is captured. Station hit by airstrike after battle.

BAGHDAD (AP) - U.S. forces battled Iraqi police and gunmen Friday, killing six policemen, after an American raid to capture an Iraqi police lieutenant accused of leading a cell of Shiite militiamen, the military said. Seven gunmen also died in the fight.

The U.S. troops captured the lieutenant in a pre-dawn raid in Baghdad, but the soldiers came under “heavy and accurate fire” from a nearby Iraqi police checkpoint, as well as intense firing from rooftops and a church, the military said in a statement.

During the battle, U.S. warplanes struck in front of the police position, without hitting it directly, “to prevent further escalation” of the battle, it said. There were no casualties among the U.S. troops, but seven gunmen and six of the policemen firing on the Americans were killed, the statement said.

The captured lieutenant was a “high-ranking” leader of a cell suspected of helping coordinate Iranian support for Shiite extremists in Iraq as well as carrying out roadside bombings against mortar attacks on U.S. and Iraqi forces, the military said. The lieutenant is believed to be linked to the Quds Force, a branch of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards, it said.

Iraqi police officials had no immediate comment on the clash.

The U.S. military accuses the Quds Force of organizing Shiite militants into so-called “special groups” and arming them with weapons and explosives—including a particularly deadly form of roadside bombs called explosively formed penetrators. Tehran denies the claims.

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9 Responses

  1. jam

    Maybe the lieutenant should be gently questioned while he is on administrative leave. This jackass must know some shit.

  2. Dan

    Nice catch. Take him to Abu Gharab. It’s under new management now. I hear the rice and beans is to die for…literally…. :twisted:

  3. TJ

    Iraqi soldiers should make an example of these guys.

  4. John Cunningham

    The iranians think they’re so slick. The next couple of months are going to be a preview of what’s up. See you in Tehran, we’ll have a lot of identification cards to return.

  5. Clyde Conneer

    Aareah Rug?

  6. Jewish Odysseus

    Just a few of these serious ops will have a great morale factor–a lot of the Sunnis have opposed us because they see us as blindly supporting the Shia (untrue, but perceptions are important in this instance).

    Well done, men!

  7. Sandy K.

    This is excellent news! Our finest hard at work with no stone left unturned. :cool:

  8. PNAC

    Great job to whatever unit did the mission.

    Maybe we were tipped off by Asgari, the recently captured IRGC officer.

  9. Brian H

    Yeah, stomping Quds cats’-paws and Mahdi pseudo-renegades is both overdue and vital. I hope Maliki doesn’t insert his foot into his mouth up to the knee on this one.

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