The Silence: Cowardice, Not Denial

July 21st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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10 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    I hear the crickets again…No outrage for the Islamo-facists, but the world never ceases to take shots at America. Just like the libs in this country, the Europeans when confronted with evil, like turtles, they go back into their shells and hide.

    But, that’s the price we pay for being the baddest motherfuckers on the block. People will take their shots until they push us too far and we bitch-slap their ass.

    And naturally the world has forgotten what we did for them: Liberated Europe twice, Japan, South Korea, Kuwait, Kosovo, Croatia, and now Iraq and Afghanistan.

    But we’re the bad guys? Yet, we could have easily conquered the fucking world back when only we had the “bomb”. Instead, we liberated a continent and gave it back to its rightful owners: The people. We have done the same in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. And Saudi owes us bigtime for saving their ass from invasion. And our reward? Most of the 9-11 hijackers, and most of the foreign jihadis come from our good Whabbi-ist buddies in Saudi? Fucking ingrates.

    These same liberated Europeans think the GWOT is all about oil. Yet we don’t get a single drop of oil from either Iraq, Iran and now Venezuela. But where do the Europeans get their oil from? That’s right Iran and Venuzela.

    What a bunch of hypocrates. That’s OK though if Europe continues to fiddle while Rome burns, they will be the most compliant slaves for Iran and AQ.

    If that happens, I say let them rot.

  2. John Cunningham

    Those that don’t condemn it condone it.

  3. danielle

    That’s so horrible. I do wonder why everyone’s silent about this. Where’s the outrage? First, many were angry because plenty of Iraqi civilians were dying, but now they want to immediately pull out and let a genocide take place. Fickle.

  4. Cdoginyoeye

    Sorta related…

    Last night I watched the Comandant of the USMC speak on CSPAN. Among the questions he was asked were some about Iran and others about the media. His answers to both sets of questions were very non-confrontational. I dont think he mentioned the Iran gov’t in a negative light during the entire interview.

    He did talk about the media and its incredibly unbalenced reporting habits. He also mentioned how most reporters never leave Baghdad.

    As a SGT in the USMC I feel somewhat let down. I feel that my generals should not have to mince their words to be PC or to not inflame certain political entitys. There is a point where when one is too politicly correct, where one is forced to mince their words so much that the truth is left behind. Gen. Conway did not leave the truth behind at any point during his speech and interview. However, I can clearly see how a non-military person could draw the conclusion, from his answers, that Iran and its Gov’t are not our enemy. That the terrorists and weapons flowing from Iran are either not known of or not authorized by, the Iranian government. Perception is reality sir. And unfortunatly our leftist politicians thrive on perception and shrink from reality.

    I know that there is a ROE for what our officers can and cant say in public. But it seems to me that that ROE is truly letting us down as a nation at this time.


  5. mindy abraham

    God damn it, WHY do they dO this to each other???? Are old tribal rivalries and ethnic hatreds and anti amreicanism worth the pain and misery being inflicted on that country??? :mad:

  6. Steven D

    On the other hand, it makes me proud to be an American, to be one of the few who are willing to stand up for what is right, and extremely proud (and thankful) for all of our folks in the military (and their families) who are out there every day willing to secure our future.

    William Bennett is right - America is the world’s Last Best Hope. And God’s second greatest gift to mankind.

  7. FTL

    show the full tape… show the demons we are fighting & what they live to do.

  8. Nv Sailor

    this is the type of shit that makes me sick… “ohh no, you can’t water-board and you can’t deprive them of sleep…no oh no that’s inhumane”….but beheadings and torture and the like, no that’s a-ok. They’re not a group that makes itself accountable to others, so let’s just make do with them….you know in the 40’s the Japanese mistreaded P.O.W.’s too, and in the end what did we end up doing to them?

  9. Dan (The Infidel)


    You can blame the general’s tightrope act on the War College. Officers are taught to be both politicians AND commanders. Unfortunately, the officers that would normally speak their minds and not pussy-foot around aren’t the ones that make that first star.

    Its not that the brass doesn’t want to speak up. Many of them would just like to ring a few MSM necks, Instead they stay true to their rank and their profession.

    Being an officer is difficult at times, because you acn’t always say what you feel: especially at an event such as a public Q/A on C-Span.

    Rest assured that if the Generals could do what they really wanted, there would be quite a few boot prints in many a reporter’s asses.

  10. TexasFred

    Dan (The Infidel)
    Being an officer is difficult at times, because you acn’t always say what you feel: especially at an event such as a public Q/A on C-Span.

    Well, you CAN, but you gotta love you troops more than your Bar(s), Oak Leaf, Eagle or Star(s) because if you DO speak out, YOUR career will suffer, I am all to familiar with that scenario…

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