Vatican: “Attempts To Islamize The West Cannot Be Denied”

July 26th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



The Pope’s private secretary has given warning of the Islamisation of Europe and stressed the need for the continent’s Christian roots not to be ignored, in comments released yesterday.

“Attempts to Islamise the West cannot be denied,” Monsignor Georg Gaenswein was quoted as saying in an advance copy of the weekly Sueddeutsche Magazin to be published today.

“The danger for the identity of Europe that is connected with it should not be ignored out of a wrongly understood respectfulness,” the magazine quoted him as saying.

He also defended a speech that the Pope gave last year that linked Islam and violence, saying it had been an attempt by the pontiff to “act against a certain naivety”.

In the speech during a visit to Germany in September, the Pope appeared to endorse a view, contested by most Muslims, that Islam’s followers spread their religion in its early days by violence.

The Pope quoted Manuel II Paleologus, the 14th-century Byzantine emperor, who said: “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

Muslims around the world protested against the speech. Churches were set ablaze in the West Bank and a hard-line Iranian cleric said that the Pope was united with President George W Bush to “repeat the Crusades”.

When an Italian nun was shot in a Somali hospital where she worked, the Vatican expressed concern that the attack was a reaction to the Pope’s remarks.

Recently, Joachim Meisner, the influential archbishop of Cologne, said in a radio interview that the “immigration of Muslims has created a breach in our German, European culture”.

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11 Responses

  1. danielle

    The Pope is so right. They’ve done it London, they’re doing it in Germany. Churches are closing down and mosques are popping-up.
    And I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but the people in that photo are disgusting. “Lost his mental and moral balance”? For real?? The Pope rules.

  2. D. Cooper

    The muzzies are just pissin everybody off! Time’s comin!

  3. TJ

    As the pope calls for peace on earth he also is clear about who is a major factor in the wars! :wink:

  4. A. S. Wise- VA

    Well it’s about time a major Western religion admits what’s going on.

  5. Ted B

    Wow, as a practicing Catholic I must register my surprise at this minute expression of truthfulness about the Islamic attack (that is what it is, like it or not) against ANY form of Christianity let alone Judaism and other religions. I never expected a single peep out of the Holy See ever again after the last PC debacle. It’s time for more, not just this pittance.

  6. RTLM

    Let the Muslim braying, burning and murdering begin!

    (in Cairo)

  7. John Cunningham

    I associate islamification with purposely retarding ones intellectual abilities. An islamist can’t compete in the arena of ideas. Probably why it’s so popular here in the US in prisons and ghettos. I’m not a psychiatrist but in my opinion it’s a life choice that borders on being a sociopath. A life choice of vicimization continually looking for someone to blame, kind of like choosing to be a democrat.

  8. Greg M

    The Muslims need to shut up. (the radical ones) But it is true we are losing our roots.

  9. Kurt (the infidel)

    Well when the Pope comes out and admits it you know its a problem. Islam = hostile takeover..thanks for connecting the dots for me :lol:
    But anyways, their days are numbered and we’re in a life or death battle here. 1.2 billion muslims worldwide(estimated) and the only ones who arent jihadists are the lazy ones, no such thing as moderates. The road to world peace leads through the heart of Tehran. take out the head and the body will fall

  10. Kurt (the infidel)

    And look at the idiots in the burqas telling the Pope he has lost his “Mental and Moral balance”..thats coming from a bunch of brain washed cult members

  11. fred

    Here here, ’bout damned time. And please, please can we stop talking about this imaginary thing called ‘moderate’ Muslims? I mean hell, even the jihadis aren’t ‘radical’, they’re just the ones who actually DO what the Quran tells them to. It’s not a question of moderates and radicals. It’s a question of the Muslims NOW and the muslims who, as mentioned before, are just too damned lazy and haven’t finished reading the Quran yet. And like Glen Beck said, “The war on Islam will be a civil war, not a conventional one.” The reason? No major power has yet even identified Islam as the enemy. Sorry for my little doomsay, hope I didn’t ruin your day. :cool:

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