Video: F***in Die!

July 31st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Insurgent running after planting IED

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22 Responses

  1. 0311inohio


  2. jam


  3. LftBhndAgn

    Get some!

  4. Jarhead68

    OOOPS! That had to leave a mark. :razz:

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Fucking “A”.

  6. Dan2


    I am getting “banned” all over the place. Yesterday I get banned at the “dailykos” for just posting “good news” from Iraq on their website.

    This morning I get “banned” from “hannity” for posting a link to Pats site for this video…I used the title “Video: F***in Die!”.

    I guess they did not like this. I put a “warning” disclaimer in stating it contained ‘violence,cursing’…but they banned me for good.

    Both sites are on opposite sides of the political spectrum… and both say they love democracy…but, I just do not know about that…LOL


  7. Bashman

    That had to hurt… :lol:

  8. mindy abraham

    Good aim-come back safe :neutral:

  9. Andrew Acosta

    Poor bugger doesn’t have those chicken feet :twisted: Ha ha.

  10. Andrew Acosta

    Was that a Bradly IFV?

  11. drillanwr

    Fish in a barrel. Fish in a barrel. :beer: :beer: I have completely lost any/all miniscule amount of compassion for these motherless fucker maggots.

    Dan2 -

    Not sure if Michael Savage has a posting area on his site, but if not I’ll bet he’ll put this video up, as well as the pictures of the murdered South Korean missionary if he hasn’t already.

  12. One-Shot

    Sure wish they’d train these guys to shoot better at the range (not train them in battle). I guess the good part is that Haji eventually did meet his Allah.

  13. John Cunningham

    Dan2, Hannity banned you for that? Colmsitis must be contagious.

  14. Jewish Odysseus

    “Ooooohhhhhhhh, where’s the justice? Where’s the due process? Oooohhhhhh, the humanity…”

    [sorry, just trying out my impression of a Moscowchusetts liberal, heheh]


  15. Dan2



    You have been banned for the following reason:
    Fbomb word filter bypass (in a title no less)

    Date the ban will be lifted: Never”"


    No big deal…Only a couple of people view the post. I just thought they would have been a little more “tolerant” than the Daily Kos. I had had only one post prior to this closed down…out of almost 300+ post. I mainly was just posting in the “good news from Iraq” thread over there.

    Oh well…

    Plenty of other boards on the Internet.



  16. 31MIKE

    Don’t suppose Katy Couric will be running this one. HOHOHEHEHAHAHAA!!!!

    Can’t we send the Troops some Hydef camera’s for cryin out loud…

    Thanks Pat, I needed that.

  17. SnarfyBobo

    see ya :cool:
    this story was just on
    a gitmo inmate that is appealing to US courts to remain in American custody. Now why would he do that if he is tortured and treated inhumanely as the left claims?,2933,291495,00.html

  18. Mart (proud infidel)

    God, I love seeing these son’s of motherless goats meet their end. I also have absolutely no compassion for these worthless bags of flesh! Good riddance!

  19. ColonialMarine0431

    Good to Go!

    Re: Dan2 “banned” all over the place. DailyKos is a leftist site in the worse sense, filled by abortionists and fairies. in only a little better. I was banned there too. And proud of it. Hannity never goes there, and it was overrunn by leftists long ago.

    Try Ann Coulter’s site at

  20. GBU43

    That guy got lucky. He lived 6 seconds longer then he should have. Round #7 landed at his feet and didn’t detonate.

    Anyone guess the range on this?

  21. Paul

    LftBhndAgn…Get Some.

    Good call, seeing as dude was probably not a woman or child I guess he was just leading him a bit.

  22. Gene Doane

    I am a Moderator on and the reason for the ban was the F-bomb. That’s a crystal clear rule on the site, it’s posted in the Terms of Service and the ban was practically automatic.

    The Hannity Forums, unlike most other forums such as Free Republic, Daily KOS, Democratic Underground and other one-sided places welcomes both liberals and conservatives with a basic fiat of keeping things civil and respectful to our invited and honored guests.

    All moderators on are Conservatives. That’s true, but all moderators on are hand-picked as fair conservatives. We’ve got liberals who have been members for six years now who haven’t been kicked off because that’s not what we do. Civil discourse is why the forums have lasted as long as they have and it’s why they will last years into the future.

    Do not bring uncivil discourse into the forums. If you can’t make a point without dropping an f-bomb, then you can’t hang with the guest list. It’s just that simple.

Respond now.

alert Be respectful of others and their opinions. Inflammatory remarks and inane leftist drivel will be deleted. It ain’t about free speech, remember you’re in a private domain. My website, my prerogative.

alert If you can't handle using your real email address, don't bother posting a comment.
