EFP, Almost Certainly Iranian, Kills 3 Soldiers In Baghdad

August 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


BAGHDAD (AP) - Three U.S. soldiers were killed and six wounded by a sophisticated armor-piercing bomb in eastern Baghdad, the U.S. military said Wednesday.

An explosively-formed penetrator, or EFP, detonated near the soldiers’ patrol during combat operations on Tuesday, the military said in a statement.

The victims’ names were withheld pending family notification.

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5 Responses

  1. danielle

    Omg. :sad: I swear to God, Iran better pay the price for this.

  2. mindy abraham

    Sorry to hear this :cry: -if it is iranian can we please try to infiltrate iran-not all of iran, but some areas known to have bombmakers :mad:

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    EFP’s were invented, pioneered and perfected by Hizbollah. Just another reason why we should be hitting targets in Lebanon, Gaza, and Iran.

    This device is similar to a standard anti-tank round. Same diff. That’s what an anti-tank round more or less is: Molten steel, directed at a specific point on a hard target.

    Nevertheless, until these Iraniac pukes start paying a price (to include Hizbollah), they will continue to use these devices and send more of them to Iraq and Afghanistan, Lebanon and Gaza.

    Talking to these mothers is a waste of time. You would think that Condi and company would have figured out that already. How many years have we been “talking” to these assholes anyways? Thirty years? And we’ve achieved exactly what? Put Israel in a more untenable position? Paid monies to despicable regimes that talk out of both sides of their mouths at the same time?

    The time for talk is over. War is the only answer.

    Too bad Condi doesn’t read much. She’d get a real education if she read Das Koran or Das Sunna.

  4. sic7six

    Why is Iran still in existance :?:

  5. ﻝﺘﺎﻘ ‘ﻩﺩﻨﺸﻜ

    They kill one ours we kill 100 of their…take the gloves off (honestly, we never really have).

    Here’s some simple options; drive some VBIED and plant EFPs in Teheran near the Defense, Intelligence, Energy, Pertroleum, and Interior Ministries among other gov’t buildings.

    Target sets should include; Iranian regular military units, IRGC and Quds Force elements and their senior leadership specifically. EFPs can penetrate MB limos no problem. And they are lost cost too.

    Sweep the Leg…somebody needs to get “slumped”

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