New Yon: We Are Only Getting Started

August 1st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



The people of Baqubah learned to hate and be terrified of al Qaeda. On the evening of the 18th, just hours before the attack scheduled for 0100 on the 19th, C-52 gathered around the back of the Strykers. Men and machines were loaded for toe-to-toe combat with al Qaeda. But they were not going in alone. Local enemies, who previously were deeply entwined with al Qaeda and had blown up and shot Americans, had turned on al Qaeda, and their help would lead to the death and capture of many of our now common enemy.

The attack was on.

As the attack unfolded, about a thousand Iraqis fled their homes, and it was the job of C-52 to screen for al Qaeda. Some al Qaeda—who cross-dressed and tried to slip out as women—were caught when their disguises failed. Some Iraqis reported that homes in their areas had been destroyed, and I recall one saying that people were trapped in the rubble, though civilian deaths from our attacks were so low they were difficult to count. (I had free range and was specifically watching for civilian fatalities, yet did not see any civilians killed by us during the attack.)

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8 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    All I can say is that all of them are amazing.

  2. Kurt (the infidel)

    To Pat, thanks for posting this..To Michael Yon, Keep up with the great reporting..To our Troops, thanks for everything. Change is in the air, I can feel it all the way from Iraq

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    The article is also on Fox’s web site. No wonder why the basement bloggers are so pissed. Poor babies.

    Good Job Michael. Another great report. You should get on CNN. I’d like to see Wulfy Scmitzer try and accuse you of being on a “dog and pony show”. He’s real good at talking negatively about the war. Interesting how he knows so much and yet he’s never made a trip to Iraq. And of course if he ever did, he’d be too chicken to travel outside of the green zone.

    On the other hand, maybe he could join his buddy Michael Ware and sit in his hotel getting drunk, while hiring Iraqi stringers to do his dirty work for him.

    You know, maybe report on the latest car bombing and show a clip of another car bombing that occurred in another city instead?

    Gee, like I can’t see the diff between what Michael and Pat are doing vs CNN or the rest of the MSM?

    Hmmm….must be the water huh?

  4. Sandy K.

    There are none better than our troops.
    On every level they are the best in the world.

    Thank you to Pat Dollard and Michael Yon for showing the world the true face, spirit, and dedication of our armed forces.

  5. danielle

    Michael Ware is extremely ANNOYING.

  6. MikeP

    The sorry fucking dems don’t know how to react to all the progress all of a sudden.
    Thanks for making the bastard dems twitch all over.
    The reports from Pat and Michael are an inspiration each and every time they report.
    I just can’t wait for the dem spin to what the surge is doing. I really can wait, but I know it’s coming anyway–spineless assholes.

  7. Kevin

    Once again Outstanding Reporting
    When all is said & done ..How can we help you guys get jobs
    cuz if If have to look at that pussy demorat traitor Puke
    Richard ” Im a Dick” Engal reporting from some hotel rooftop ahhh forget it ,,, you guys rock

  8. Future0311

    Heh, Al-Qaeda seems to like cross-dressing! Bunch of fags.

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