New Best Friends: Sean Penn And Hugo Chavez

August 2nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


(CARACAS, Venezuela)—Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has praised Sean Penn for his critical stance against the war in Iraq, saying the two chatted by phone and soon plan to meet in person.

Chavez said Penn traveled to Venezuela this week wanting to learn more about the situation in the country and walked around some of Caracas’ poor barrios on his own. “Welcome to Venezuela, Mr. Penn. What drives him is consciousness, the search for new paths,” Chavez said Wednesday in a televised speech. “He’s one of the greatest opponents of the Iraq invasion.”

Chavez read aloud from a recent open letter by Penn to President Bush in which the actor condemned the Iraq war and called for Bush to be impeached, saying the president along with Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are “villainously and criminally obscene people.” The socialist president, who shares those views, said he and Penn talked by phone — “with my bad English but we understood each other more or less.”

Chavez said the two plan to meet Thursday. He called the actor “well-informed about what is happening in the United States and the world, in spite of being in Hollywood.” What’s more, Chavez said, “he’s made great films.” The Venezuelan leader said he recently watched Penn’s Oscar-winning performance in the film “Mystic River.”

For his part, Penn on Wednesday toured Venezuela’s new film studios on the outskirts of Caracas. Penn, whose visit was unannounced, did not speak publicly.


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26 Responses

  1. tsarbomba

    This article’s accompanying photo (clearly showing Penn rolling some wacky weed, while Chavez offers him a snuffer bottle of cocaine) helps shed light on their relationship. Thanks!

  2. Steve in NC

    a little greasy hot jungle man love may be in order :twisted:

    still think of World Police movie whenever the Hollywood leftists start buddying up with the dictator of the month

  3. Kurt (the infidel)

    yeah this doesnt shock me..Sean Penn, Hugo and Danny Glover are going to have a weekend long orgy while they take turns stealing from the poor Venezuelan people

  4. MikeP

    These two deserve each other. We can only hope that Pennis moves to Venezuela and gets caught up in the revolt when Chavez fucks around with the television programming again. If only.

  5. Mike Swann

    Sean who? I stopped paying atention to this insignificant air waster years ago.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    People who object to these Hollyweird clowns out to do what I do: Don’t go see their movies, don’t rent them or buy them in the store. And throw out any movies of theirs that you already have.

    Or you can smash the movies that you have of them and mail them back to the studios as a protest. You can do that and be nice at the same time.

    Mailing a broken movie case and ripped up video tape, scratched DVD and sending a letter to the studios something to the effect that “I do not support traitors. And will no longer buy any of his/her products.”

    It gets the message across.

  7. Kurt (the infidel)

    freakin spicolli from fast times at ridgemont high dude..who could take this guy seriously anyways

  8. Mess

    I refuse to give this guy my business. Even if some tv station is showing one of his 10 year old re-runs I refuse to watch it.

    If more people would take up this attitude the networks would get the message that this guy and others like him are damaged goods and drop them like a hot potato.

  9. wildbill

    To you penn you should be fucking deported or hung as a traitor.

  10. Wendy

    What a worthless piece of humanity. I guess siding with ruthless dictators is always the humanitarian way to go. They always take care of their poor and are very generous. What a piece of shit. I have been boycotting his movies and many others I hope they all rot in Hell. If they like dictators so much why do they stay here and profit off capitalism? All of the Hollywood socialist, communists need to get the fuck out of our country and stop living the high life off of capitalism. They are all oxygen thieves!!!!!!!

  11. LftBhndAgn

    I’m sorry but can someone tell me exactly WHAT Sean Penn’s significance is in anything? Does anyone even listen to this guy and what movies has he done lately? Hes always been nothing more then an idiot and he is playing that part in real life just fine.

  12. Bashman

    Where’s a good CIA hit when ya need one?

  13. Future0311

    When do we start rounding these fuckers up and deporting them to Iraq or something? Let somebody blow these moonbats the hell up.

  14. John Cunningham

    I know I read this somewhere, Penn’s pappy was also a like thinking, and I use the word thinking lightly, nut-job.

  15. one lung


    No government intervention necessary, I’ll choke the fucker out for free and gladly serve my time. Aw, shit, then he can’t make a movie about me on death row, with that cunt Susan Sarandon. If he keeps this shit up, he’ll be a real Dead Man Walking.

  16. Iggy

    Somebody needs to take a roll of quarters and punch him in the mouth.

    Or better yet, send him to Iraq. That’s one beheading video I would pay to see.

  17. mindy abraham

    The picture is :lol: I do not know why sean penn thinks he so much smarter than the average american-he is a good actor, but that does not qualify him for international diplomacy.

  18. Clyde Conneer

    Chavez thinks his English is poor while we know Penn’s is nearly nonexistant.
    Let’s send Sean to visit Hugo with a nitro enema. Sean will love it goin’ in and Hugo will have blast when it comes out.

  19. JayMS

    At least boycotting his films won’t be too much of a problem since his career peaked with “Fast Times at Ridgemont High”. He’s a total loser. The defining moment of his career is the immortal line “I’m sooooo wasted!”

  20. 31MIKE

    FUCK…..SEAN…..PENN !!!!!

  21. TJ

    The first thing sean said to chvez when he arrive: “I am Sam”! Its difficult to tell when he is in or out of character. :lol:

  22. Sean Penn gets the nod of approval from Hugo Chavez « Volunteer Opinion Journal

    […] a side note, I do not agree with the photo that Pat Dollard has posted regarding Chavez and […]

  23. Jeff Spicoli

    Mr. Penn, I am embarrassed that you are a citizen of my country. As much as you despise it, as much as you want it to fail, as much as you want the USA to become some sort of hippy fantasy land, the rest of us simply want you to leave. You are no longer welcome. We no longer have room for extreme pinko/lefty/socialist egotists who would prefer that we lose wars rather than free repressed humanity. To call you intellectually retarded is to do serious disservice to retards.

    Not one more dollar from my wallet will ever go to your movies or anything else you and your ludicrous belief system is associated with.

    You sir, are not an American.

  24. tedders

    Is that a picture of Rosie O Donnel and her twin?

  25. Mr. Hand

    I just bootleg his movies and give them away. Nobody should spend one penny on this cuntburger.

  26. wordsmith11320

    I agree Penn has the right to espouse his beliefs. Too many people have died to guarantee him that right. Just as people who dsagree with him have the right to say so albeit the use of profanity and obscene vulgarities is not necessary. Let the traitorous varmit roll around in the excrement coming from his mouth.

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