Haunting Video: Al Qaeda’s Reign Of Terror In Iraq

August 3rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

“The terrorists shot my brother…then they stole him from the hospital..they killed him in Sarai…they cut open his stomach…they put bombs inside him…I’m not sure how many, but a lot…they put his body in the roundabout…my father went to pick him up…they blew up my father, and then they beheaded him”

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15 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    You can tell when a masked jihadi is lying, he’s talking. It’s said that PBS has a lot of funding from liberal minded people. Frontline does some great stuff, but when they show things like this the liberals are watching American Idol. Someday I’m going to get arrested for theft of services, long time viewer, never once contributor. Last night PBS started the re-run of Ken Burns’ “Civil War”, digitally remastered and in stereo.

  2. cassandra

    Words matter!! The term jihad should not be used for Al Queda. We need more ‘Reformers’ to push ‘hiraba’.
    Al queda is guilty of hiraba (war against society) Penalty is death.
    Take away their righteousness. Call them what they are.

  3. Iraq’s Inconvenient Truth » Blog Archive » Haunting Video: Al Qaeda’s Reign Of Terror In Iraq

    […]  Haunting Video: Al Qaeda’s Reign Of Terror In Iraq […]

  4. radgy

    now were talking….http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2007/08/03/tancredo-bomb-muslim-holy-sites-first/

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Where’s the Muslim outrage? No lib outrage either? Who cries for the victims of these terrorists? Shit, people in this country care more about the Michael Vic story than this one.

    I usually think of PBS as Probably Bull Shit.

  6. Thoughts Of A Conservative Christian Haunting Video: Al Qaeda’s Reign Of Terror In Iraq «

    […] Video: Al Qaeda’s Reign Of Terror In Iraq August 3rd, 2007 — budsimmons https://pat-dollard.com/2007/08/03/haunting-video-al-qaedas-reign-of-terror-in-iraq/ Posted in Iraq jihadists, Iraqi WMD, Iraq surge, Iraq War, […]

  7. Zoal

    Cassandra, I am not sure about the usage of the word ‘hiraba’ when describing AQ’s actions. How about ‘Harb’ حرب or ‘Wahshia’ وحشية ,’Hamjiya’ همجية,or maybe some thing as clear and simple as ‘Irhab’ ارهاب ?

  8. drillanwr

    “Why We Fight”

    The majority of Iraqis don’t want us there anymore than we want to be there … but they know we are their only damn hope. Hell, none of us would want another nation’s forces on our soil. I believe they understand, now, that we are their only hope. That’s why many of them in the populations of these areas are now fearlessly finding their balls and turning on the terrorists and assisting us in this fight.

    Little do the asshole dems know [they] are also contributing to this by frightening the Iraqi people into helping with this surge so the Americans don’t leave them high and bloody …

    I’m calling a friggin’ broker and buying stock in ski mask manufacturing.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)


    They are irhabists. An explanation:

    - hiraba -

    The famous jurist, Ibn Hazm, had the widest definition of hiraba, defining a hiraba offender as: ‘One who puts people in fear on the road, whether or not with a weapon, at night or day, in urban areas or in open spaces, in the palace of a caliph or a mosque, with or without accomplices, in the desert or in the village, in a large or small city, with one or more people… making people fear that they’ll be killed, or have money taken, or be raped (hatk al ‘arad)… whether the attackers are one or many.”

    - AQ’s religious philosophy is un-Koranic -

    “At a time when words and labels are of increasing interest in the War on al Qaeda-style Terrorism, here are more than a dozen truthful Arabic and Islamic words which we should take time to learn and to use in ways which begin to demonize al Qaeda-style and Hizballah killers as effectively as they are currently demonizing us.

    These words will serve as vital replacements for several patently false terms which now dominate the language — namely, Osama bin Laden’s so-called “jihad” (holy war) by alleged “mujahideen” and “jihadis” (self-anointed holy warriors) and supposed “shahiddin” (martyrs) destined for Paradise as a proper reward for killing all of us accused “kuffr” (infidels).

    The insidious element of this language of so-called “Jihadi martyrdom” lies in the fact that when we parrot such positive labels for people and practices which are anything but “holy,” we place ourselves in the role of the Great Satan. For who, indeed, other than the Great Satan would go about killing a bunch of holy guys on their way to Paradise?

    Here, therefore, are the several words and labels we now need to break out of the habit-of-language box which currently makes us the bad guys and anoints the al Qaeda-style Terrorists as the jihadi “holy guys.” The ubiquitous (it’s everywhere!) word “Jihad” is entered four times – in order to more clearly define its several quite different meanings.

    irhab (eer-HAB) — Arabic for terrorism, thus enabling us to call the al Qaeda-style killers irhabis, irhabists and irhabiyoun rather than the so-called “jihadis” and “jihadists” and “mujahiddin” they want to be called. (Here we are, five years into a Global War on Terrorism, and most of us do not even know the Arabic word for “terrorism.”)

    Hirabah (hee-RAH-bah) — Unholy War and forbidden “war against society” or what we would today call crimes against humanity. Among the many al Qaeda-style crimes and sins which constitute this most “unholy war” are such willful, and unrepented transgressions as those listed in the final paragraphs of this essay.

    Jihad al Akbar (gee-HAHD ahl AHK-bar) — this “Greater Jihad” is a personal and spiritual struggle or striving to become closer and more faithful to Allah and his teachings as set forth in the Qur’an.

    Jihad al Saghir (gee-HAHD ahl sahg-HEER) — “Lesser Jihad” is a physical struggle to protect or to free Muslims and non-Muslims from oppression, but only in strict accordance with reasonable and non-terroristic standards set forth in the Qur’an. Example: the 1980s liberation of Afghanistan from Soviet atheism, colonialism and fascist-Left tyranny.

    Jihad al Kabir (gee-HAHD ahl kha-BEER) — the spiritual and intellectual quest to promote common knowledge of Divine Revelation through all of God’s Prophets and to carry out ijtihad (consultative efforts throughout the Umma) in applying both Revelation and Natural Law to human affairs.

    “Jihad” (gee-HAHD, so called) — al Qaeda’s false label for Hirabah, which is at heart an anti-Islamic, apostate and forbidden “war against society” and a satanic assortment of “crimes against humanity,” such as the many ruthless and willful violations of Qur’anic standards listed below.

    mufsidoon (moof-see-DOON) — Islam’s word for evildoers, sinners and corrupters whose criminality and sinfulness, unless ended and sincerely repented, will incur Allah’s ultimate condemnation on Judgment Day; Islam’s optimum antonym for so-called “mujahideen.”

    muharibuun (moo-hah-ree-BOON) — barbarians and ruthless transgressors who are guilty of the heinous crimes and mortal sins of irhab and Hirabah (terrorism and forbidden “war against society”).

    munafiquun (moon-ah-fee-KOON) – hypocrites to Islam who pretend to be faithful to the Qur’an but who willfully violate many of its basic rules, mandates and prohibitions. Once again, please refer to the ten AQ-style transgressions listed below.

    hizb – (hizb) – a political party, as in “Hizballah” (Party of God), or as the senior Saudi cleric Sheik Jafar Hawali recently called this radical and arguably apostate Shi’a organization “Hizb al-Shaitan” (Party of Satan, Party of the Devil).

    Jahannam (jyah-HAH-nahm) — Islam’s antonym for Paradise and meaning the “Eternal Hellfire” to which Allah on Judgment Day condemns unrepentant, unforgiven evildoers and hypocrites of the unholy war variety.

    khawarij (kha-WAH-reej) — outside-the-religion and outside-the-community individuals and activities; derived from the ancient al Qaeda-like militant Khawar or Kharajite sect, eventually suppressed and expelled as apostates and enemies of authentic, Qur’anic Islam.

    istihlal (eesh-tee-LAHL) — Islam’s cardinal sin of “playing God,” as Osama bin Laden is doing when he attempts to pervert Islam into his own suicide mass murderous image, and turning it into nothing but a perpetual killing machine.

    murtadd (muur-TAHD) — apostasy, a certifiably correct conviction for which is punishable by death in this life and by Allah’s eternal damnation in the next, with al Qaeda’s murderous extremism eventually to be labeled “The al Qaeda Apostasy.”

    takfir (takh-FEER) — the Wahhabi and al Qaeda-style practice of making wholesale (and largely false and baseless) accusations of apostasy and disbelief toward anyone who disagrees with them on matters Islamic. Those who engage in this divisive practice of false witness are referred to as damnable “takfiri.”

    Shaitan and shaitaniyah (shy-TAHN and shy-TAHN-ee-yah) — Islam’s Arabic words for Satan and satanic [example: Osama Abd’ al-Shaitan, Osama Slave or Servant of Satan]

    So, what is the point of this new and improved lexicon of Arabic and Islamic words and frames of reference? In terms of the vital hearts, minds and souls aspects of the Long War on AQ-style Terrorism, the rewards could be great, indeed.

    Rather than being falsely perceived as the embodiment of the Will of Allah and as the legitimate voice of the Qur’an, al Qaeda and its clones will become defined by the sinful criminality of their “works” — which on close examination reflect the antithesis of the “99 Names of Allah” by which the “peaceful, compassionate, merciful and just” God of Abraham describes Himself in the Qur’an. These plainly satanic practices include the

    o Wanton killing of innocents and noncombatants, including many peaceful Muslims

    o Decapitating the live and desecrating the dead bodies of perceived enemies
    o Committing and enticing others to commit suicide for reasons of intimidation
    o Fomenting hatred among communities, nations, religions and civilizations
    o Ruthless warring against nations in which Islam is freely practiced
    o Issuing and inspiring unauthorized and un-Islamic fatwas (religious edicts)
    o Using some mosques as weapons depots and battle stations, while destroying others
    o Forcing extremist and absolutist versions (and perversions) of Islam on Muslims, when
    the Qur’an clearly says that there shall be “no compulsion in religion”

    o Distorting the words “infidels” and “unbelievers” to include all Christians, all Jews
    and many Muslims, as well — when the Qur’an calls them all “Children of the Book”
    (the Old Testament) and “Sons of Abraham,” and even calls Jesus one the five main
    Prophets and the “Messiah” of Islam

    o Deliberate misreading, ignoring and perverting of passages of the Qur’an, the Hadith
    and the Islamic Jurisprudence (the Fiqh)

    With these multiple evidences of “playing God” (istihlal) and apostasy so well established, established, imagine how much more difficult it will become for al Qaeda, Hizballah and their murderous clones to inspire and to sustain the suicidal zealotry of religiously motivated young Muslims.

    And imagine their difficulty in winning the approval of any truly devout and faithful Muslims whatever once these genocidal irhabis (terrorists) come to be viewed by the Umma (the Muslim World) as mufsidoon (evildoers) engaged in Hirabah (unholy war) and in murtadd (apostasy) against the Qur’an’s God of Abraham and, therefore, on their way to Jahannam (Eternal Hellfire), instead.”

  10. drillanwr

    “… and, therefore, on their way to Jahannam (Eternal Hellfire), instead.”

    And how many Virgins are waiting for them there?

  11. danielle

    omg this is so horrible. it makes me angry seeing those vehicles get blown up… :mad:

  12. Dan (The Infidel)


    “… and, therefore, on their way to Jahannam (Eternal Hellfire), instead.”

    And how many Virgins are waiting for them there?

    Answer: There’s 72 of them. And they all look like Madeleine Albright and Hillary Clinton. But they have the disposition and sexual orientation of Rosie O’Donnell.

  13. azbastard

    ive thought from then beginning that their weakness is in their cold blooded violence, the good muslims would turn on them…just didnt think it would take this long..started to think that the only good muslime is a dead one

  14. Zoal

    Dan, you’re off the fucking chain! :beer:

  15. John Cunningham

    I don’t know why all this discussion. President Jefferson studied it for us. He read the koran and immediately sent the Marines to the Shores of Tripoli. All this intellectualism, you’re giving me a fucking headache.

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