Video: More Stupid Than Obama

August 5th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Yes, it’s possible. At the very least, it’s about a tie. Deep thoughts.

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20 Responses

  1. Bill

    Just when I thought this idea of “just coming home” had been put to bed, even Joe Biden admits we can’t “just come home”.

    Just when I didn’t think it was possible to be dumber, more immature or ignorrant than Obama, Ron Paul comes along and sets a new record for idiocy. Bravo Ron, keep talkin, the people in your district have to be some of the dumbest people in America.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Ah yes, a Twilight Zone moment featuring Ron Paul as Rod Serling…..Doo…da…doo…doo…do…da..doo…doo.

    Seriously, and yet another reason why this old hippie will never get the nomination.

  3. Bill

    I wanted to add one more thing, the similarities between the situation in post WWII West Germany and Iraq are overwhelming.

    In post WWII West Germany the American armed forces maintained a permanent presence to discourage further Soviet expansion beyond Eastern Europe. If we can establish a permanent presence in Iraq and a stable democracy takes hold we can help ensure the same outcome as the cold war. Defeat of fascist, totalitarian forms of government, which ultimately are the enemies to democracies everywhere.

    Apparently this is beyond the comprehension of little minds such as those of Ron Paul et. al. He truly is a dangereous, self serving, small minded little man.

  4. Dan (The Infidel)

    Or how about Ground Control to Maj Tom. Someone should dub Paul’s comments and run that song in the background.

    Paul is a fucking nutcase.

  5. Steve in NC

    Wow, after listening to that well thought out plan and history lessen I am beginning to think I was wrong all along. :shock:

    I know he is more libertarian than republican, but while I do support a belief in limited government you also have to live in reality, and that is what is scary about him, he is incredibly naive when it comes to our involvement and responsibility in the world. It would be jimmy carter in office all over again.

  6. A. S. Wise- VA

    What a dumbass douche.

  7. Kurt (the infidel)

    This fake ass Republican needs to shut up and move to a nice retirement community somewhere. “Just come home” wow those are words from a genius right there. Can someone please tell me how the hell this guy is on the Republican ticket for President? sounds more like Cindy Sheehan or Rosie O’Donnell

  8. drillanwr

    Guess the Republicans have their owna Dennis Kucinich *barf*

    This guy takes “keep it simple stupid” to a new low.
    Watch again and see the looks the others are giving him. Rudy looks as if he wants to jump the guy.
    I get sooo sick of hearing these people talk about our military as if they were poor little school children with way too much homework.

    Nice of ABC to stack the audience with Ron Paul supporters too … Not to mention the *wonderful* question by that lovely, and obviously, democrat woman. Think ABC could find, or even ask, “What will you do to insure victory in Iraq?”

    Naaahhh … Too complicated.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    This pinhead was on Fox News saying that if we leave there will be no domino effect…because there was no domino effect after we left Vietnam.

    Really? You mean the 600,000 Vietnames that drowned trying to escape the NVA? Or the 1.5 million who perished in the Vietnames gulag? Or the 2 million Cambodians who died at the hands of Pol Pot…or the untold millions of Laotians who perished at the hands of the Patet Lao aren’t counted in your “there-was-no-domino-effect-after-we-left-Vietnam-theory?

    He thinks that the reason why AQ is strong is because our presence in Iraq is helping them. He thinks that if we leave Iraq, the terrorists will no longer be able to use our presence there as a recruiting tool. And that it is dangerous for us to confront Iran?

    The Iraqi question is the signature issue in 2008. The long-term results of us leaving has not been well thought out by this pinhead, because he does not understand the dynamics at work in the GWOT.

    Saying that you are going to pull out of Iraq and then devote those monies to other things, is unrealistic and naive.

    Rather than bring the troops home, I’d like to see the people of Texas, bring Ron Paul home….permanately.

  10. Skydivejnky

    Glad he is not my congressman.

  11. patriot

    “We didn’t declare war”

    What, so dropping bombs isn’t a declaration of war now?

    Oh, and while I was typing this, there was an add to “Help Elect Barack Obama” WTF? Someone’s barking up the wrong tree.

  12. ColonialMarine0431

    What a complete idiot. :mad:

  13. Jarhead68

    Mah mama used to say: “Stupid is as stupid duz.”

    I heard some boos in the mix, too. But obviously ABC loaded the audience with surrender monkeys.

  14. JayMS

    The part that pisses me off about these surrender assclowns is they never ONCE bother to discuss or even ponder the consequences of retreat.

  15. danielle

    “Just come home” just when the troops are making progress in security and local politics? Good God, Ron Paul is totally Obama-ish. And I’m still amazed people were cheering for him.

  16. John Cunningham

    Paul, the new Dr. Death.

  17. Egfrow

    What a loser! Ron Paul is a completely off the chart in reality checking department. Illegal War? 12 UN resolutions broken by Iraq since we called off the invasion of Iraq just 20 miles short of Baghdad in 1991. Congress voted overwhelming to support this operation in 2003. He has no clue how the Islamics think and is in denial how deep the Left will plunge us into a State Controlled Socialist “Utopia”. He is under estimating things completely. We must go further than Iraq and straight into Mecca after passing through Iran and Syria. Then confront the Russians and the Chinese Global over their direct support of these disgusting regimes. We have to correct over 60 years of of faulty leadership save one, Mr Reagan. Who’s afraid of a naive whiny school yard nerd like Ron Paul.

  18. azbastard

    another elected official without a flying around the world and half way through you turn back saying i didnt think i could make it

  19. jam

    This burned out old hippie obviously never said no to drugs.

    Watching him make an ass of himself is a little sad, but what is really disturbing is listening to the audience reaction.

    George Carlin said it: “Think how stupid the average person is and realize that fully one-half of the people are even more stupid than that.”

  20. Steven D

    Man, it’s nice to see that I’m not the only one who thinks Ron Paul is a kook.

    It makes me glad I never voted for him in the past, when his name was Pat Buchanan.


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