Video: Hairy Ass Muslims Charged

August 7th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Their neighbors say all sorts of weird deliveries kept coming in and out of the house - plus other suspicious behavior. Notice their facial hair - this is a classic Jihadi trait as facial hair is an arcane religious requirement. CAIR has of course rushed to their defense, trying to propagate the notion that they only held “firecrackers”. The claimed “there was no actual evidence”, when in fact, there was plenty.

Pipe Bombers Video

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25 Responses

  1. Kurt (the infidel)

    CAIR needs to take a flying Fu*k..I heard that they had pipebombs, they call them firecrackers? wow what a disconnect..Well they will have their day in court and we’ll have to wait and see how this one ends..I know i have my predictions though. there was something alot more sinister at work then what CAIR has put out there

  2. Bill

    They need their nuts put in a visegrip until they sing like the birds. There is no way these two hairy bastards were acting alone.

  3. Steve in NC

    There is nothing here to see, please just move on, these are just young men trying to better themselves by attending college here in America. They have to come here because of the oppressive nature of the great satan which keeps us in bondage so that they may take our oil for their evil war machine! ALLAH AKBAR!!!!!

    - C.A.I.R.

  4. Mike W

    I smell a setup like the Flying Imams. This case will go along the lines of profiling as motive for the police to stop these 2 defenders of the “religion of blowing you into pieces”.

  5. Kevin M

    Nuts in a vise… I like the way you think, Bill! :razz:

  6. 0311inohio

    Nuts in a vise and a firecracker up their ass! :cool: :beer:

  7. A. S. Wise- VA

    Thank you, SC feds for calling it what it is.

  8. MarineDoc

    CAIR….what bunch of goons.

    Too many coincidences to be a coincidence. Racial profile?…who give an f’, not me!

    I think Mike W maybe right. Another test run to gauge our posture.

    Sorry I have not been on in a while…..pre-deployment training….my time is winding down soon here boys! Gonna count on you all to hold the homefront while I am away.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    I hear they went to the same university that had a professor that was funneling monies to support Hamas? Coincidence? I don’t think so.

    Here’s another fact, they were seven miles from the Naval Weapons Center. Another coincidence?

    Perhaps this was one of the attacks that AQ spoke about when they said something about attacking US targets in our more country settings?

    And of course our unindicted co-conspirators in CAIR are right on the story?

    Fuck you CAIR. Come out from behind your lawyers so we can properly kick you in your asses.

  10. 31MIKE

    MarineDoc…..We got your six.

    Pass the word that Gathering of Eagles will be in DC on 9-15 to counter all the anti-American Commie and pro-Jihad organizations that will be there to demand that we defund the War.
    Code Pink, ANSWER, Black Bloc,MAS, and others are going to show up in large numbers.

    Everyone that Supports the Troops and Supports their Mission please try to be there. Let these assholes know that we are taking our Country back.

    Semper Fi Doc

  11. Jim Diehl USN 65-71 Belize, Cen Am

    steveie in NC,,,,Now there’s another Idiotic statement. We buy our oil at market price, set by OPEC’s decision, based on world wide supply and demand, like everyone else…You need to spend more time with your shrink.. And if you don’t like America Leave..And Kevin M ,, What do you when they don’t have balls to put in the vise??

  12. Jim Diehl USN 65-71 Belize, Cen Am

    On 15 Sept 07 in Washington D.C. the Anti-American groups will again be confronted by a “GATHERING Of EAGLES” you just might want to be there…

  13. Steve in NC

    Jim, thanks for the suggestions, that was pure smart ass sarcasm on my comment above.

    First time on this site?

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    Jim Diehl USN 65-71 Belize, Cen Am:

    You must be new here. Steve was being sarcastic. He’s a stone cold patriot, just like the rest of the posters here.

  15. Steve in NC

    Marine Doc -

    I lifted that background image off of your page. nice.

    Godspeed sir and if you run into a fresh grunt nicknamed Rummy47, save his ass for us.

    Thanks for it all,

    Steve in NC

  16. Gramps

    Jim Diehl USN 65-71 Belize, Cen Am

    steveie in NC,,,,Now there’s another Idiotic statement. We buy our oil at market price, set by OPEC’s decision, based on world wide supply and demand, like everyone else…You need to spend more time with your shrink.. And if you don’t like America Leave..

    Me thinks that Sailor boy doesn’t know satire when he reads it.

  17. 31MIKE

    Steve in NC…FUCK AKBAR!! & FUCK YOU!!
    :twisted: :evil: :twisted:

  18. MarineDoc

    Jim…that was Steve being sarcastic.

    As far as nuts in a vise all I can think of is that scene from Casino Royale!

  19. 31MIKE

    I apologize. I didn’t notice the CAIR at the end of your comment. Thought you were another Moonbat.
    Jim Diehl and myself along with thousands of other Patriots counter these assholes face to face every chance we get when they come out of hiding to protest. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

  20. Steve in NC

    One thing I blew by, this comment :
    “Their neighbors say all sorts of weird deliveries kept coming in and out of the house - plus other suspicious behavior”

    did any of them call the FBI or police if they thought something was unusual?
    Those neighbors are sheep, probably the kind that expect the government to be all powerful and then whine about the patriot act.

    PS: Good to see me attacked on my cair comment above, I would expect no less
    let no bullshit go unchallenged

  21. azbastard

    MarineDoc, thank you sir..take’ll be in my prayers…tell the others they’re heros, from the lowest to the highest

  22. Mess

    Marine Doc - Good luck and godspeed sir.

  23. Dan (The Infidel)

    Hey 31Mike:

    What’s the details on the event in DC. I’m right down the road from DC. Gimme, time and place…over…

  24. Jim Diehl USN 65-71 Belize, Cen Am

    Steve in NC,, Just got back in,,,My apologies,, I’m new to this site and have to learn who everyone is.. As my brother Mike said, we deal with a lot of moonbats..It takes time to know who’s who…”True Gathering Of Eagles Up Now”

  25. 31MIKE

    Dan (The Infidel),

    Sept. 15 in DC. Tell everybody you know to get their butt over to The Wall in the AM.

    Any Commie, Socialist, Anti-War, Anti-American organization you can think of will be there to Protest the War and demand that it be ended ASAP.

    We will be there to get in there face and tell them NO MORE, NOT ON OUR WATCH.

    We had 30,000 show up in DC back on March 17. Trust me this is gonna be bigger because these assholes are pissed that we’ve been raining on their Parade for the past 6 months.

    Gathering of Eagles is made up of a number of organizations.

    Move America Forward…Free Republic…Rolling Thunder MC…Vietnam Vets MC…Patriot Guard Riders MC…Combat Vets MC…just to name a few. We are a majority Veteran group, but anyone is welcome that has the same views as us.

Respond now.

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