Remolding The Nation Of Ignoranceland

August 9th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.



In a July 23, 2007 op-ed on the liberal website Bila Hudud, Moroccan Berber author Abdelhamid Assassi writes that the vast majority of the Muslim world lives in ignorance and would prefer Osama bin Laden to secular democracy. He argues that these societies must, with help from the international community, take a difficult path towards secularization.

Assassi, who lives in the Rif region of northern Morocco, writes regularly for Arabic-language liberal websites and heads the youth section of the liberal Moroccan Renewal and Equity Party.

The following are excerpts from his July 23, 2007 article:

The International Community Must Mobilize to “Remold the Nation of Ignoranceland and Strip it of the Sword of Stupidity”

“This then is the Pact of Omar, one of the giants of Islam in whom [Sheikh Yousef] Al-Qaradhawi, [Al-Azhar Sheikh Muhammad] Al-Tantawi, and [Sheikh] Al-Sha’rawi take pride. This is the same Omar whom the Muslim clerics mention to the Christian clergy when breaking the fast during Ramadan and at the hug-fests… and the Christian clergy nod their heads in wonder at Omar’s inimitable justice…

“The reason for the popularity of bin Laden, Al-Zawahiri, Al-Zarqawi, and the brigades of the green banner [of Islamism] is… the filth on which the tamed herds feed and for which they have developed a grievous addiction.

“The best way to rehabilitate these sick people, and to treat their addiction, is to force the regimes of Ignoranceland to undertake democratic reforms, to reform school curricula… to try to universalize secular, modernist, enlightenment thought, and to keep the religious establishment out of politics. This is a responsibility that is incumbent upon all, in order to avert a great disaster that will encompass all humanity…

“It is true that this operation will not be easy, and will require much effort, much time, steely determination, and great sacrifice. One cannot, in the span of a few years, wipe out 15 centuries…

“This is a large-scale international project, under which the international community, human rights activism groups and organizations, and democratic governments must mobilize, with the aim of remolding the nation of Ignoranceland and stripping it of the sword of stupidity, so that its future generations will be free to occupy themselves with building, development, and useful sciences, instead of thinking about plundering, looting, killing, and sleeping with the captured white women… ”

“If humanity succeeds in this great human project, it will have effectively shattered a tremendous idol… and saved millions from a pernicious and lethal disease.”

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14 Responses

  1. danielle

    That photo is kind of funny. But I feel bad for those women, they are so oppressed and I don’t think they even know it. As for the international community… they’re hardly doing anything in Iraq and Afghanistan! They can contribute so much more to the war, yet they refuse to… I mean, even South Korea is demanding the release of Taliban terrorists!

  2. GF

    Trick or treat.
    Yep, that’s her on the left.
    She’s missing her reapers sickle.

  3. azbastard

    casper and the darkside..takes an all new meaning of its not whats on the outside, but the inside

  4. MikeP

    Is that not one of the funniest photos in the world? Where are all the feminazis when they see shit like that? Why waste the damn film? And by the way, who gives a shit about what any liberal writer living in Morroco has to say about anything? And personally, I think OBL is sleeping with the devil at this point, if dead people sleep.
    I read the entire article by Mr. Assassi, and I enjoyed the photo much more than the article. Mr. Assassi is promoting murder and at the same time saying it should stop. Which way does he want it?

  5. Steve in NC

    Interesting read, especially good for our liberal friends who think that the rabs have a right to the land of Jerusalem.

    Really makes a case for the deeper mission in Iraq, trying to install functioning democracy into the middle east.

    With the ease of communications growing with our technology it is becoming harder to keep entire nations/peoples in the dark and under totalitarian control.

    If this doesn’t work then we round them up and work to a final solution.

    I will not submit for the sake of a life in bondage.

  6. EZRider

    I think it’s easy to wipe out 15 centuries… that’s why we invented the H-bomb.

    More seriously, I don’t think the people are as ignorant as this article implies. Iraq has been secular since it’s inception, Ataturk turned Turkey secular, and Iran was secular until 1979. The Arabs are the ones embedded in the Pact of Omar and in turning women into property. It’s these Arabs that have started a backwards “revolution” that has spread (through the Muslim Brotherhood) into the minds of Muslims across the world.

    I think the radicalization of Islam is a recent phenomenon and I think pressure on “allies” like Saudi Arabia, Oman, and the UAE secularize is by far the greatest thing we can do to stop this phenomenon. These people are hypocrites (Pat’s example of the Kuwaiti princesses on a shopping binge in Italy and then Kuwait bitching about how they wern’t separated from the male passengers on the flight back). Maybe we should pull the money plug on these bastards until they shape-up. Worked before, will work again.

  7. LadyAngler

    Pic is the very definition of irony.

  8. Dan2

    From Left to Right:

    John Edwards ~ Al Gore - Hillary Clinton - N.Pelosi - Harry Ried

    Photographer: Thats gotta be John Murtias BIG ASS.

    I would recogize this folks anywere…LOL


  9. TJ

    islam forbids images of human persons, hence, the muhammed cartoon controversy. that photo is ultimate hypocrisy since these people pretend to be orthodox. :roll:

    these people shun technology except when it can be used against their enemies(which is everyone)hence, since the 10th century, few muslims have made much progress interms of creative endeavors resulting in innovations for the good of mankind. a former muslim woman once noted that jews have asked people to respect them by creating things and using them for the betterment of society at large(cell phone) but muslims demand respect by killing people and blowing things up. They are useless consumers alone, contributing nothing to society. No wonder so many democrats have defended their cause, they share the same lifestyle. :oops:

  10. rld

    OK Folks–In my opinion ya’ll are missing a couple of points. Pulling the money is a temp solution at best. On the other hand, presenting alternatives is entirely another.
    Yes comms capability accross the world is improving, but what’s “in your face” on a daily basis—your local enviroment. If it can be accepted that your preception is your reality. It follows that if we can change preceptions, things will improve.

  11. SFC Double L

    Mr Assassi has a valid point. And here we have a muslim denouncing the ignorance and violence practiced by the extreemist elements of his religion and you guys put him down for it? Is it because he writes for a liberal website so you discount his message? You do realise that a liberal website in the muslim world is not the same as a liberal website in ours.

    The sad thing is his point seems to have flown right over your heads.

  12. Dan2

    “”The sad thing is his point seems to have flown right over your heads.”‘

    This is a hell of a ‘generalization’.

    Yea…everyone here missed his point(s)

    Sorry we are not as ‘enlightened’ as you are.

    But, I forgot… liberals are the only ‘enlightened’ people on the planet…hows that?…or is this to big of a ‘generalization’?


  13. Lamplighter

    That picture is so ironic on so many levels. What are they taking pics of? Maybe they should paint spots on their robes, so they could tell who is who. Can you imagine when they go to take them off after a long, hot day…ARGHHHH!!!!!!

  14. John Cunningham

    “wipe out 15 centuries”, seems like it’s been forever. Talk about special needs.

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