Breaking: NY Arab School Principal Resigns

August 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Debbie Almontaser, the principal of an Islamic religious public school that got public funding by pretending not to be a religious school, resigned just minutes ago in the wake of being exposed for selling t-shirts that read “Intifada NYC”.

Just why do Muslims have their religion and its traditions enshrined and funded in Goverment schools at the exclusion of all other religions?


Background: A Madrassa Grows In Brooklyn

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15 Responses

  1. drillanwr

    On that note, looks as if the Dutch are fed up with these folks:

    Death Threats Greet Dutch Lawmaker’s Call to Ban the Koran
    By Patrick Goodenough International Editor
    August 10, 2007

  2. Steve in NC

    As Leon would say : Wake up! Time to die!

    Let’s not kid ourselves with this anymore. I am less and less inclined to believe we can find harmony with these spawns of evil.

  3. Lamplighter

    First, anyone who wears a rag on their head shouldn’t teach, let alone be a principal, in a public school. Second, what ever happened to separation of church and state? We can’t have any prayer in school, can’t have Christmas programs (they have to be “holiday” programs) so how are we allowed to set up a madrassa? What in the name of sanity is going on? Third, this witch is selling Tshirts taking sides/advocating violence/anti-Semetic (everyone knows what the Intifada is). She is a fool and isn’t qualified to babysit kids let alone teach.

  4. E4Puke

    How about I make a shirt up that says Screw Meccah?

  5. E4Puke

    Or another one that says “Urinate in the direction of Meccah” with a picture of a toilet?

  6. Anderson S. Wise

    Well, the less jihadi training academies, the better, particularly when they’re on your own soil. This bitch was just a terrorist apologist, if not an outright sympathizer anyway.

  7. Armand

    I don’t consider myself a violent person or bigoted or racist. But if you keep pushing Americans they will push back, and will be a lot less people in other countires

  8. GF

    This is why the left can’t be trusted. They have had a hard on for christian schools for years and then they let this shit happen. Two faced pieces of shit.

  9. mindy abraham

    I this should be a privately funded school, this way we can’t be seen as endorsing one faith over another.

  10. Dan (The Infidel)

    There is no reasoning with this sort of evil bitch. We cannot allow these sort of scum to live in our communities anymore. Time to round them up and ship them to their 7th century utopia in Waziristan or some other such pisshole where they can live out their 7th Century fantasy.

  11. John Cunningham

    I got your madrassa. The handwriting is on the wall. And it’s in English, American English.

  12. drillanwr

    Well, one thing we’ve learned about these schools … The Islamo-Fascists are obviously too dumb and are incapable of “home schooling” their spawn …

  13. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Breaking: NY Arab School Principal Resigns […]

  14. ssgduke54

    Ding Dong the Witch is gone….Oops flashbacks of watching too much Wizard of Oz! I am glad that the New Yorker rebel against this 5th column of the Fascist Islamic Youth group. Which is trying to establish a toe hold of their poison. Don’t forget it wasn’t that long ago that Hitler’s Nazi Party tried to establish the American Nazi Party a few years before WWII, luckily it fail big time. But in Europe the 5th columnist succeeded! This led us into the most destructive World War of all time! We must be stay very alert for any organizations that practice hate. For if we don’t we are only allowing history to repeat itself…

  15. Trevor

    I’m glad she’s gone, but why do we have to *wait* for such an obviously treacherous bitch to resign? She should have been *fired*. (If not tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.)

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