Muslims Behead Buddhists

August 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Buddhists decapitated in Muslim Thai south

BANGKOK, Aug 9 (Reuters) - Suspected Muslim militants killed and decapitated two elderly Buddhists, then burned their houses in violent-wrecked southern Thailand, police said on Thursday.

The attacks in Yala province on Wednesday night followed a security sweep by government forces in the region this week in which 120 Muslim suspects were held for questioning, police and army officials said.

Among the latest casualties in a Muslim separatist campaign that started in 2004, five people were killed in Yala and neighbouring Pattani province on Wednesday, including two public health workers shot dead at their clinic.

More than 2,300 have been killed in almost daily violence in Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat provinces, a Malay-speaking former sultanate annexed by Thailand about a century ago.

The militants in the latest bout of separatism in the region bordering Malaysia never claim responsibility for attacks or set out their aims.

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19 Responses

  1. boots

    Religion of peace my ass

  2. Joe

    MS paint rocks!!

  3. D_Mac

    ha, took me a second look to catch the photoshoping, man I’m slow.

  4. drillanwr

    Radical Islam is a damn psychotic drug. What we are seeing is a segment of Earth’s [civilization] in full throngs of hallucinatory thought and behavior.

  5. John Cunningham

    What do you mean, “suspected muslim militants”. Should read muslim homicidal maniacs.

  6. Dave the infidel metallurgist

    I like the term “The Irreconcilable Wing of Islam” and there is only one way to deal with something that is irreconcilable. Kill it before it kills you.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    Thailand ought to go back to the old ways. They behead two Thais, the Thais behead 200 Muslims.

  8. dad 3/7

    there is no terrorist threat,,,,,there is no terrorist threat, there is no terrorist threat,,, just keep telling urself that and u will be safe,, and ur insurance premium will be free

  9. mindy abraham

    Why would anyone want to kill BUDDHISTS??? They among some of the most peaceful people out there :?: I hate these stories-they piss me off :mad:

  10. E4Puke

    If there is any irony in this world at all there should be a Buddhist politician in Thailand calling the war on terror a bumper sticker slogan and then getting the shit kicked out of him and thrown out of the country for being a douchebag.

  11. LftBhndAgn

    The Thais are gonna FUCK them up! You don’t fuck with Buddhists in Thailand.

  12. John Goodrow

    Animals, all of them(muslims)! :evil:

  13. Ted B

    Hey Edwards, sometimes bumperstickers are right… like the one that says,’Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks your’re an asshole.’

  14. Dan (The Infidel)

    ROFLOL Ted B. :beer: :beer:

  15. Squire

    How about a little of this? :twisted:

  16. Squire

  17. azbastard

    lmao TedB..i want one..i gotta have one

  18. Ted B

    Kinda hard to locate bumpertickers where I am now, but I have seen said bumpersticker in truckstops accross America.

  19. tsarbomba

    120 muzzie suspects would make good kindling.

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