Nuke York

August 10th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Now why would someone announce a secret plan with such specificity ( nukes on trucks ) in advance? If this isn’t real, then it’s a pretty funny temper tantrum at the fact that we haven’t been taking a certain fat former high school nerd seriously.

DEBKAfile Exclusive: New Al Qaeda threat of radioactive truck attacks naming New York, Los Angeles, Miami

August 10, 2007, 1:11 AM (GMT+02:00)

The threat was picked up by DEBKAfile’s monitors from a rush of electronic chatter on al Qaeda sites Thursday, Aug. 8.

The al Qaeda communications accuse the Americans of the grave error of failing to take seriously the videotape released by the American al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gaddahn last week. “They will soon realize their mistake when American cities are hit by quality operations,” said one message.

Another said the attacks would be carried out “by means of trucks loaded with radio-active material against America’s biggest city and financial nerve center.”

A third message mentioned New York, Los Angeles and Miami as targets. It drew the answer: “The attack, with Allah’s help, will cause an economic meltdown, many dead, and a financial crisis on a scale that compels the United States to pull its military forces out of many parts of the world, including Iraq, for lack of any other way of cutting down costs.”

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7 Responses

  1. Kurt (the infidel)

    This guy is still a fat nerd..I would give away my prize pickup truck to choke this bastard myself :twisted: but seriously does anyone think this particular threat is real?

  2. Steve in NC

    BOO! it’s Casper the goat fucking ghost!

    The only way to make sure this is or isn’t an empty threat is to find them and kill them. That way we control the outcome. These fucks do not want peace even if we pull out of the middle east, they want the world to bend over to their child raping deity.

    The d’rats and pussified submissive hand wringers will latch onto the ‘pull out of the middle east’ phrase as a way to find peace with the primitives, which is what they want, to have the d’rats on their side in the propaganda side of the war.

  3. Joe

    While his claims seem ridiculuous… is irrational and stupid to dismiss them. All threats must be taken seriously especially threats that can severely damage our financial infrastructure and cause massive loss of life. Hopefully, the FBI, CIA, and NSA are working on this.

  4. Gramps

    Another attack is what’s needed to get Americans BACK into this war, like right after 9/11

  5. Anderson S. Wise

    What a fat, ugly sonuvabitch, no wonder he’s a terrorist spokesmouth. Why has California turned so many losers into rug pilots? I sure as hell will never live there, voluntarily.

  6. KevinMcD

    I’m with Gramps ,,,,
    I live in New York I dont wanna see that happen again at all,, especially in my city ,, But we gotta wake these fuckers up & really unleash Hell

  7. Snarfybobo

    i guess they do have av clubs in pakistan

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