Gee, Could The Press Be Doing The Same Thing About The Iraq War?

August 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Newsweek on it’s own Global Warming cover propaganda piece: “The story was a wonderful read, marred only by its being fundamentally misleading.”

And the editor admits the story was written to serve an agenda, not report facts:

Judgment Calls By Robert J. Samuelson

Aug. 20-27, 2007 issue - We in the news business often enlist in moral crusades. Global warming is among the latest. Unfortunately, self-righteous indignation can undermine good journalism. Last week’s NEWSWEEK cover story on global warming is a sobering reminder. It’s an object lesson of how viewing the world as “good guys vs. bad guys” can lead to a vast oversimplification of a messy story. Global warming has clearly occurred; the hard question is what to do about it.

If you missed NEWSWEEK’s story, here’s the gist. A “well-coordinated, well-funded campaign by contrarian scientists, free-market think tanks and industry has created a paralyzing fog of doubt around climate change.” This “denial machine” has obstructed action against global warming and is still “running at full throttle.” The story’s thrust: discredit the “denial machine,” and the country can start the serious business of fighting global warming. The story was a wonderful read, marred only by its being fundamentally misleading.

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20 Responses

  1. GREG G. S.

    That! is a great Gorical shot. Did that glow globe come out of his mouth or is it headed in?

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Chicken little stories from MSLSD? This whole algorism about man-made global warming is just another sucker play by the main scream media, algore and his ilk to force Americans to pay good monies for something that has been so completely debunked.

    This is bullshit with a capital “B”. These motherfuckers can’t even get a three day weather forecast right and they suddenly are able to tell us what’s going to happen 50 years from now?

    I don’t think so. PT Barnum was right. There is a sucker born every day.

  3. Kurt (the infidel)

    Best picture of Al Whore i have ever seen..Oh and global warming is bullshit..wonder how many of those 10 dollar light bulbs GE sold before all of this started..yeah exactly

  4. PhilNBlanx

    “Gee, Could The Press Be Doing The Same Thing About The Iraq War?”

    And one follow-up question? Will a demedia editor have the stones to ask?

  5. Greg M

    Haha I love it! I always told my AP environmental science class that this stuff was mostly BS. This is just more shit to rub in the face of his argument and that of my hippie ass school!

  6. Irish Gal

    I’m shocked I tell you, shocked….

  7. dad 3/7

    more dan treason rather and michael $10/ticket moore journalism,,,i think there used to be a glacier where i sit now..where did it go???them nasty republicans did it 80,000yrs ago…and remember moscow having its worst winter ever last was a plot by the bushies…

  8. drillanwr

    “Gee, Could The Press Be Doing The Same Thing About The Iraq War?”

    Okay, a thousand pardons if this is a repeat here, or if Pat actually highlighted the story … I read so many blogs and such that I lose track. It’s well worth the read.

    “Propaganda Redux”

  9. John Cunningham

    Doctor said it would kill me, but he didn’t say when.

  10. Lamplighter

    Wow, someone at Newsweek (Samuelson–who wrote this piece) is actually sober and has some facts to back up his assertions! Do any of his colleagues read his work, or do they just shun him?

  11. drillanwr

    This afternoon, while waiting for my local weather and radar, I happened to catch the tail end of TWC’s Dr. Heidi Cullen’s global warming show “Forecast Earth”. At the end of the program, instead of addressing the long list of extremely credible scientists and weather experts and meteorologists who dispute the gung ho global warming alarmists, Mzzz. Cullen ( Al Gore cheerleader supreme) chose to highlight nasty name-calling (junk liberal science … wingnuts … ) in emails sent to Sharon Begley, the author of the Newsweek global warming cover story of last week that Mr. Samuelson describes in his rebuttal article. As far as Heidi and Algore and Co. are concerned, “the debate is over” … Uhhh, HELL-FUCKING-LO!!! Where and when was it held, because no one heard or saw it … least of all the scientific community that wants their side heard … the “deniers”. (Don’t you just love RFK, Jr. calling anyone who disagrees with GW cultists “flat-earthers”, when it is their side who wants the other side treated like Joan Of Arc?)

    The “deniers” and opposing scientists do not refute that the climate is warming … It has been since the end of the Ice Age. And will continue to warm, and cool, as long as Earth and the Sun are spinning as they currently are. The “deniers” dispute the extreme measures being demanded by the global warming (cultists), the picking and choosing and manipulating of data by the GWs, and the fact that the “denier’s” are being completely shut out and silenced … and even threatened with having their meteorological credentials stripped away, in the least, to an actual suggestion “deniers” be tried in Nuremberg-style trials. News Busters in recent weeks ran an article in which they showed a GW proponent’s email to another scientist who was considered a “denier” … In the email the GW guy threatened to ruin the man if he dared write or say anything again against GW.

    This “issue” has not only been hijacked by one side (the Global Warming Cultists), but is being shoved down the collective public throat the way, in all my childhood and adulthood, I have never seen before. The only thing I can compare it to is the nuke fear thrust upon us after WWII during the Cold War … only THAT was more of a threat than this bullshit is. Oh, and that’s another thing … EVERY damn thing that now happens … weather events, bug populations, human illness, Minneapolis bridges collapsing, IS ALL due to GW. The MSM and the GW talking heads waste no time in jumping on that at every turn. Even the current Utah coal mine collapse was attributed to GW. Algore’s movie, and possibly the new one by Leo DiCraprio that is just in release, is being crammed in front of public school children … with NO accounting for the views of the opposing side. This IS prime indoctrination and brainwashing. Big Brother has found the socket of the public to plug into and control them.

  12. Dr D Semper FI

    CALL ME a Flat Earther, my conservative father-in-law is starting to believe this crap and he thinks we’re creating it. Brain washed!

  13. Dr D Semper FI


  14. Clyde Conneer

    WE have OCEAN WARMING due to undersea volcanos. The result of warm oceans is weather system stagnation (No Flow)resulting in an ICE AGE which as we all know didn’t ice over the entire planet the last time, around 11,000 years ago. No one knows how long the process took the last time or the time before that 22,000 years ago. Mankind didn’t cause it and Al Bore can’t fix it.

  15. TouchStone

    Horror Story:
    That S.O.B. came within a gnat’s whisker of being President when 9/11 happened.

  16. Ted B

    That photo should have a caption like, ‘So I was on my knees in the oval office and Bill whipped out his cock and I opened my mouth like this…’

  17. lrltx

    That is just a scary picture. He appears demented; or is he singing? As regards global warming, countries are claiming parts of the north pole;russian sub planted a flag to claim an area;scientists charging ahead exploring from many countries including us believing vast amounts of oil exist under the ice caps. It’s going to get very crowded up there. Where is PETA; polar bears are in danger. If it don’t melt, hell, we’ll melt it; the world needs the oil. I wish I could refer you to the news article, check it out yourself; it’s happnin.

  18. EZRider

    I have on problem with the editor’s article, it didn’t appear on the front page of newsweek. The MSM prints slander and libel and then runs a retraction a week later which can be found on page 7 of ‘pick your news source.’ This is crap. The MSM creates hysteria and retracts quietly. Goebbels himeself couldn’t do a better job.

    As for the whole GW issue. Personally, I’m a fresh air kind of guy, so I don’t mind cutting back emmissions and curbing pollution (TR style); however, the lack of debate and rejection of contrary research is a disgrace. No theory can be made law until it is researched.

    I heard an interesting statement made by NASA’s chief a few months back, (not verbatim) something along the lines of who’s to say that our current climate is the best climate for Earth? Made me laugh because I could picture Al Gore dropping his jaw.

  19. Mess

    So much BS. I find it interesting that Al Gore is a partial owner of a large company that specializes in selling alternative energy products.

    The more people buy into this BS the more money Gore makes.

  20. Lamplighter

    Dr. D Semper Fi: have your father in law read the Newsweek Samuelson article linked in this post above. It will tell him that even if there is global warming and humans are responsible, there’s not a whole freaking lot we can do to ameliorate the “problem,” even if we take the most extreme measures. So, he can relax. It’s like that poster from the 60’s: put your head between your knees and kiss your ass goodbye. Whoopee, we’re all going to die.

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