August 12th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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59 Responses

  1. Jarhead68

    OK, that was totally off the charts and, quite frankly, unnecessary. What was the point? The leftists will use stuff like that as propaganda against us. Sorry, not a fan of that one. I’m no shrinking violet but that was gauche.

  2. sfc w

    i’d loose sooner rather than later

  3. sfc w

    correction: i’d loose the video sooner rather than later

  4. Bashman

    With all due respect Jarhead68…

    It was plain old reality.

    Pardon my Spanish, but Fuck the left if they want to use this shit as propaganda. They’ll use a fucking Crest toothpaste commercial for propaganda.

    Thses faces of death are the bad guys that will not be putting a bullet into one of my fellow Americans tomorrow, or ever again.

    Fuck ‘em, they pick up a weapon, they fucking die.

  5. Bashman

    I’ll tell you, some 14 year old haji sees this shet and he may think twice before picking up an rpg launcher next week.

    They are cowards. They only respect power and death. Appeasement, negotiations, they don’t respect that stuff. They only respect the ass-kicker.

    You think the Taliban has any respect for the s korean govt now? Bullshit, they are planning their next s korean kidnapping because they found a cash cow.

    They need to have their faces blown off of their skulls, their heads severed from their bodies, their blood spilled out onto the sand, and made to understand that if you fuck with the bull, you WILL get the horns.

  6. Fire, Fire, Fire

    Shit, the terrorists make propaganda about our dead, it’s good to see it thrown back in their faces. Adn forge the whole “but arent we suposed to be better then them?” crap. Better than them will get you killed. We need to be just as brutal as they are. They want to celebrate our troops being killed, well I’ll celebrate thiers. This needs to be up at Liveleak for all those assmunches to see. If the troops have to see this kind of stuff, I have no problem with seeing it either.

  7. Dan2

    You would think these Muslims…

    Would ask themselves a couple of questions…. after seeing things like this almost every day.

    Maybe someone has taught me a ‘false religion’?

    Is the Islam Religion of “peace”?

    Has “Mohammad” been ‘bullshitting me and everyone else?

    Is Gods name really NOT “Allah”?

    What other creditable Religion promises “72 Virgins?”

    Does the “Religion of Porn” even promise “72 Virgins if you die beating off to some great porn”?

    If I am going to the “real Heaven”…Might it not have something just a “bit” better than ‘72 virgins?

    Why does my Religion say its “right” and OK to LIE to anyone and everyone 24/7 a day.

    WHY? WHY? WHY?…Do I worship a God that has me out waging “holy jihad” every fucking day?

    How come my Religious leaders…Sound like Al Gore everyday (ride a bike, while I take a jet)….telling me “martyrdom” is the highest honor I can do for mysef and my Religion…Yet they never do it themselves…. but hand out suicide vests to everyone else…like its free candy?

    Killing people in the name of Religion? Should I ponder this question?

    What does “ponder” and “self reflection” mean?

    I wonder how many people i will kill before “ponder” these questions for more than one second?

    I wonder if the “USA liberal Infidels” know what “ponder” and “self refection” and “Intellectual honesty” mean?

    Am I out of my fucking mind? Look at this shit around me? Does it make sense on any level?

    I wonder?…oh no I don’t…I do not wonder anything.

    “Praise Be To ALLAH!” ~~ Lets go wage some more “holy jihad”…Its the right thing for me to do…cause “Mohammad” said so!



    holy jihad!

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Mail this flick to the AQ sympathizers in Al Jazeera. Then ask the average dipshit jihadi if this is what they really want. Death is a motherfucker…especially for evil Baal worshippers.

    The point about the left using this stuff against us is well taken. However, my question is: How come the left hates this kind of flick, but says nothing about the killing of our own troops, and even shows it on CNN?

    Let me answer my own question. The left is so interested in holding onto power that they don’t give a fuck about our troops. So fuck the left.

  9. Fire, Fire, Fire

    Let me get this straight. Everybody wants to fight the PC left, but you’re actually afraid of them. You’re afraid they’ll use their PC bullshit against you. If you want to fight the PC bullshit then fight it, don’t cry about fighting it. If you’re afraid of the left, maybe you can borrow Ann Coulter’s balls. Besides, what do they have to complain about? Disrespecting dead baby killing Al Qaeda? I’ve seen pictures of a dude getting shot in the head by a South Vietnam soldier and a little girl running while burning alive from napalm, printed all over God’s creation. If gruesome graphic pictures of dead innocents like that can be printed everywhere like it’s cool just because the left likes to show “victims” of America, then why can’t we show graphic pictures of dead terrorists? It’s ridiculous.

    Dan’s right. Fuck the left.

  10. LftBhndAgn

    Fuck the Terrorists! Fuck the left! This IS the face of war.

    May God be with EVERY American Marine and Soldier Past - Present - And Future that has had to deal with this on a daily basis. I thank you ALL from my very soul for everything you do to ensure our safety.

  11. C-Low

    Pansies,, I would agree will watch this cry and think it confirms how evil we are. But then those are also the same pukes who on 9/12/01 thought “what did we do to make them hate US”.

    Personally I watch that video and think “F*ck with the Best DIE like the rest” muuf*ckas.

    People like you are what allow the LLL’s to use their trumped up outrage. Our potential allies in the ME are scared to death to sign on with US because we don’t exactley have a recent reputation of having the balls nor the stomach our forefathers did. Vietnam, Lebanon, Gulf War 1, Somalia, seem to come to mind.. We need to quit the PC BS and start letting our enemy understand that we are
    A) heavily pulling our punches and
    B) The US will under no circumstance lose
    so the only choice for our enemy and most importantly fence sitters in the ME is either join our current effort or get caught in plan B scorched earth when we get tired of the velvet gloves and go old school.

  12. Chuck

    Thank you Young Americans. I kiss my children’s heads every night and think of you. God Bless.

  13. TouchStone

    Death is never pretty.
    Head-shots and HE just makes it uglier.

    It’s war.
    People get dead.

    “Negotiations” only PROLONG the killing.
    The ONLY good way to stop the killing is to win.
    …winning takes longer when CongressCritters in D.C. and ghouls in the media are cheerleading the wrong side.

    It’s no coincidence that the Latin word for “left” is “sinister”.

  14. Sandy K.

    This is the face of war.

    It is what is left of the faces of those who refuse to allow the rest of the world to live in peace.

    In every country the radicals go there is only oppression, death, and destruction of every other person who has a different religion or culture. They kill and oppress everything and everyone not like them. I have no sympathy for them. They have no sympathy for their own.

    The Looney Left does nothing but scream. Hollow screams and appease those who perpatrate crimes in all corners of the world.

    And yes, now we have the Koreans giving money to these same thugs so they can fortify themselves further. They will
    find that they will only have to face this same horror all over again when they continue to take their people knowing full well they can line their pockets afterwards.

    as was said previously,

    “If the troops have to see this kind of stuff, I have no problem with seeing it either.”

    I believe it should be mandatory for people to see the reality of what is happening.

    People should have to also watch all the videos of these dirtbags that like to saw the heads off of the infidels
    and hear them screaming while they die. Which is everyone except their own if they do not bow to their twisted fucked up sham of religion. Horrible to watch, yes. Seeing what these a’holes are made of is the only way to educate those who think we can just make like nothing happened and the world can live happily ever after. It just doesn’t work like that. Would be nice but it is not reality.

    Maybe then the looney left would get it watching
    the beheading vids. Maybe they would stop sticking
    up for these a’holes and see them for what they are.

    Sickening to view. Yes. It sure has a way of
    putting things into proper perspective fast though.

    The beheading vids should be shown in an open session
    in congress.

    Then let the debate begin.

  15. C-Low

    What I actually meant to say was that this is war, war is not pretty nor should it ever be allowed to be made so. War should be hell should be ugly should be brutal. The more we cleanse war and make it warm and fuzzy the more war we will have.

    The more we make our enemies believe war with US is impossible but only measured by how much we pull our punches or not with the outcome always our victory, then the less war we will have to fight.

  16. Chad

    sfc w, and jarhead. go cry in the corner. (sfw learn basic english)

    this shit needs to play on main screens nationwide. like bashman said. now we’re speakin a language the jihadi bitches understand.

    the haunting voice of an old johnny cash makes it so much greater.

  17. Dan2


    I was thinking that I would not watch this video…over and over.


    I think everyone should see it “once” to get a little perspective on life today and life to come…And “realize” that 18+ yr old kids have to see and cause this…in real life….not on “video”

    I sure do not think you should be allow to stand up on our Congress floor (without viewing things like this video everyday) and say we lost a war and we should withdraw…”because ALL we care about is our troops” ***


    *** I think, every time I hear another liberal dickhead in Washington, in our congress, say this “bumber sticker line”…

    Like that is “really their main concern”. I just want to throw a brick through my TV.

    This “one liner” these ‘commie socialist liberal wanbees” in our Congesss use…gets me so :twisted: (PISSSED!)


    Anyway…I think viewing this video FTEISYF) once is enough.

    I think viewing this video a 100+ times a day…may never be enough.

    Please do not forget…things on the video(FTEISYF)could have been the last thing people represented in this video “Tribute”… might have seen…here on planet earth anyway.

    Airing Now - Kurt Wilson’s “Tribute”


  18. Top Ward

    War is never pretty and it’s never bloodless. The attitude that we can fight a war without ever seeing the ugly side is just wrong. We need to see pictures like this to remind us what war entails. And our enemies need to see this so that they know what happens to them when they take us on.

    Steel your hearts, plant your feet and prepare for the next one.

    God Bless our Troops!

  19. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    Reality…Hurts. It’s not a video game people. This is what we see in war, mangled bodies beyond recognition. Imagine what our Soldiers and Marines look like after an IED hits a vehicle and blows it up. How many of America’s sons or daughters had to go to a funeral because the other SOB didn’t die first? Why do you think that the media will not show the heads of the victims that were sawed off on national television. Because it would infuriate the masses and the anti-war population would be dwindle.

    But maybe we should just talk to them or leave them alone. What happened prior to 9/11? What caused that? Wake up people, they will kill at no end just because you don’t believe in Islam. Period.

    Semper Fi :beer:

  20. everydayjoe

    Awesome vid, Pat.

    Fact is: This is reality of war and war is hell.
    Conclusion: If you want war with America, you will lose.

    …A sugar-coating not necessary, nor is it wanted.

  21. One-Shot

    Pretty morbid shit, Bro. It’s reality…and it’s them in the vid, not our guys.

    So, fuck ‘em and feed ‘em more videos just like this one. They need to understand that their fate is ugly, far uglier than they can imagine.

  22. John Cunningham

    Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close-up.

  23. EdinTampa

    The terroists carve up our troops and make it their training/propaganda film. The shock video Pat posted last week shows the murder of Iraqis laying face down being riddled with the bullets by TERRORISTS needs to be seen by EVERY AMERICAN! I wonder how many in our Congress actually sat down and seen the brutality of the enemy through those beheadings?


    God Bless our Troops & our Country, we are the good versus the evil in Iraq and WE MUST DEFEAT THEM THERE!

  24. Bob from H-wood

    Probably the most horrifying thing I’ve seen on this otherwise newsworthy site…

  25. Trapper

    as far as our enemy, i don’t think this video would make them flench.these people, and i use that word loosely, are rabid animals that need killed. we’re talking about people that cut peoples heads off while their still alive. no i don’t think this would bother them a bit, this is everyday life to them. GOD bless our men and women of the armed forces, because they are the ones preventing this from getting to our streets.fighting the enemy and the liberals at the same time. AMEN

  26. Birdddog

    Whoa….Great vid Pat! You know…it’s not only the visual aspect of it….just imagine the smell….Good job Pat!

  27. Q_Mech

    Damn, dude - how about a table of contents or something? I was eating breakfast. Emphasis on the ‘was’ part.

    Hey Dan2, consider this - these guys believe that they’re God’s chosen people who will inherit the earth with God’s personal blessing and all that. Now, if that’s the logic that they’re going to use, then it seems pretty clear to me that the Jews must be God’s chosen people, ’cause the entire Arab world has dropped on Israel repeatedly and has had their asses handed to them every time! I don’t personally buy the argument, but I suspect that pointing it out would set some beards on end…! (Can’t wait to do it!)

    As for the video, better them than us. The message is simple - if you can restrain yourself from running around the planet blowing shit up in the name of global domination, then you don’t get reduced to Puppy Chow.

  28. sfc w

    I’ve seen this stuff first hand and still have red stains on my boots. Yes, these pukes got what they deserve, but for me personally, I’m not a fan of the video.
    SFC W

  29. 31MIKE

    One-Shot…..I’m with ya all the way on this one. And that goes for everybody who agrees that this is necessary to view.

    Personally, i don’t find it offensive the least bit. This is the Enemy!! You kill him before he kills you or your Brother beside you!! Period!

    Damn that new 50 cal. Sniper Rifle makes a mess doesn’t it!! Sheeiiit!

  30. MarineDoc

    I think as we force congress to watch this video we should add smell-o-vison for the full effect. Let these bastards feel the full effect of what we troops experience.

    I have said is before and will say it again - political correctness is the disease of our society.

    Even in the miltary we are grounded with the employing of a measured response in our ROE(scondary to ths PC crap). I say release the dogs of war and lt us fully demonstrate our fire superiority.

    These leeding heart poltical pansies have no ooncept of our full capability and how extremely metered we have been in this war.

    Great points by all.

  31. Hooligan law

    War is terrible so we don’t make the mistake to fall in love with it

  32. GREG G. S.

    Hell! If we can’t even stomach a QT move of the enemy dead, While our enemy drag and rip up our dead solders, with dust and the smell of blood and feces, dancing in the street with their own kids in tow, like some 4th of July block party we are gonna lose this war.

    I for one have no interest in living subjugated by the Muslim hoards in my own country paying a jiz tax, the muzz wants me to pay a jiz they can get down on their knees and slurp the the jiz from my read white and blue cock. Nuf said! Now if life give you lemons make lemonade and do it with a smile. So lets put our carnage on a win this thang.

    End the End you can only get out there and do Gods work by destroying those that do the devils work.

  33. Sandy K.

    sfc w

    I’ve seen this stuff first hand and still have red stains on my boots. Yes, these pukes got what they deserve, but for me personally, I’m not a fan of the video.
    SFC W

    sfc w - Thank you for your service. I hear you.

    Hooligan law

    War is terrible so we don’t make the mistake to fall in love with it.

    This is a very good statement. One that cannot be
    expressed often enough.

    That is exacly why stuff like this, teorrist attacks, the execution of civilians, and beheadings, must be shown to all in congress, and society. (Obviously not young adults and children.)

    People think they can clean everything up and make decisions based only on what they “read and “know” but nothing compares to the real deal.

    Our Armed Forces have this stuff as part of their memories for life. They have both seen the enemy like this and their fallen brothers and sisters like this. The sight and taste of real carnage - while the partisan bickering and grab for the next election rages on. It makes me sick.

    They need total focus on what is happening and I do not think they are focusing on anything but politics and fingerpointing.

    I want them all to shit or get off the pot so that this does not go on a second longer than it has to for our men and women that are serving us every day and for the people that live in the countries where violence rages on. The only way for a war to end is for someone to win. That someone cannot be the enemy. Congress needs to bone up to that reality and throw all of their weight behind our troops. They can hate and blame eachother some other time when our boots on the ground are no longer in harms way. After that they can play politics and let all other burdens politically fall where they may.

    I know I will never watch this vid again.

    It gave me nightmares.

    Unfortunately, every man and woman that has been in combat or combat areas has this as daily fare in many cases.

    They all have my respect and thanks for the burdens they have and are carying for us all now and long after war is ended. Both veterans of past wars and military personnel of our current war. God bless them all for being there for us in the dark hours of history. I never rise or sleep without prayer and thanks to them.

  34. PhilNBlanx

    Screw the PC crowd.

    This video is about the rotten fruit of demonic dictators, oil-thirsty appeasing delegates at the UN, moonbat human shields and pontificating elitists, blood-thirsty imans who worship a god they have distorted to appease their perverted lusts while sending others to death from the comfort of their spiritual sepulchers, deniers of evil and mockers of good, self-serving politicians and their arrogant demedia accomplices.

    The characters in this video could just have just as easily been the hundreds of thousands unearthed from Saddam’s mass graves and nobody would have given this video the time of day.

    America did not wage war on radical islam.
    Radical islam waged this war on America.

    As radical islam has shown time and time again, man is fully capable of discrimination. Implements of war cannot discriminate.

    If radical islam wishes to wage their discriminate war, the video perfectly illustrates the destiny they have chosen. I have no compassion for the dead in the video or all of their supporters listed above.
    I only have compassion for the countless victims who suffered and continue to suffer due to the too many enablers that can’t bring themselves to properly define evil.

    “The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing;
    Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own.”

  35. Evestay

    Wow I must be really desensitized.. I kept eating through the entire video. Anyway, the video was a good reminder for what we ask our soldiers to do- good luck to them.

  36. Fight4TheRight

    Watched the video. And yes, War is Hell.

    But I DARE anyone from the Left to make one sound about this video. I Dare them to.

    When our Marines’ bodies were tortured and dragged through the streets of Mogadishu for the world to see as well as the same happening in the streets of Fallujah with the American contractors…what responses did I hear from the Left then? Nothing but fucking crickets is what I heard.

  37. Fight4TheRight

    sorry. Those were Rangers in Mogadishu, my mistake.

  38. myles t

    wow, that was great. one of those last pictures i used as my fantasy football logo last year. the guys in my league thought it was weird, but you know… i would much rather see them than our own…..

  39. Jarhead68

    C Low…don’t give me that crap about “people like you”. I don’t ALLOW liberals to do anything. They do what they want to do WHEN they want to do it and your opinion and mine don’t mean squat to them. They have an ‘anything goes’ sick mentality. That’s why we are where we are today. I say showing those pictures accomplishes nothing. It’s just a tawdry peep show. I don’t get my rocks off seeing blood and gore and at the same time it doesn’t make me queasy, either. The smell, however, is a different story. Am I glad those scumbags are dead? You bet. Do I want to see their brains coming out of their skulls? Not really. Another poster posited that the left will “use a toothpaste commercial” as propaganda. I get the sarcasmic exaggeration but a better example is the photos of the frat-boy hazings of Abu Ghraib. The pictures I saw had nothing to do with real torture, yet they were mis-used by the left-wing media to portray our military as thugs. The pictures in this slide show, lacking any context, can be used for the same purpose. Have you seen the video on of the Apache gunship watching 3 insurgents in a field hiding a weapon and then retrieving it only to get blown away? The same video was posted by an anti-war buffoon on YouTube but the narrative was “US helicopter kills innocent Iraqi farmers”. Thousands of idiots will only see the YouTube version and believe it. Understand what I’m saying here? Don’t even give them the opportunity to twist and spin these things. They have the willing support of the NY Slimes, Wash. Compost, etc.

  40. Bashman

    NO Jarhead, again, with all due respect. I disagree.

    They will throw their propaganda out there no matter what we do, so…

    You fight propaganda WITH better propaganda. You don’t walk away from the propaganda battlefield.

    Propaganda is a HUGE part of any conflict, and you must take an offensive stance in order to be victorious. Battles are fought on the ground with heat, steel, sweat, and balls.

    Battles are also fought with the proverbial pen.

    We must DOMINATE all fronts, the propaganda front included.

    I understand where you are coming from with regard to the left taking anything we throw out there and spinning it…so, what is the answer?

    Take what they throw out, and spin it back into their faces, harder, faster, and much much better.

  41. GREG G. S.

    That’s right the propaganda world is all encompassing and the American left is just as good as all the violent muzz organisations are. For us to act as if we are guilty of (what everrr) by showing the enemy that has been slain is a losser mentality. We should be proud of this and not help the left make our boys on the battlefield feel guilty or question the motive for their and our nations fight against islamic extremism. It is not morally repugnant to defend our freedom and their oppressed. It is not morally repugnant to relish victory over the enemy dead. That is where the left slogged and slogged and WON during the Veitnam war.

  42. GREG G. S.

    ” I’ve seen pictures of a dude getting shot in the head by a South Vietnam soldier and a little girl running while burning alive from napalm, printed all over God’s creation. If gruesome graphic pictures of dead innocents like that can be printed everywhere like it’s cool just because the left likes to show “victims” of America, ”

    That’s right in fact the “Legal execution” you mention was sadly misunderstood the I believe South Viet. sergeant was doing his duty with a south viet traitor with on the spot justice during the tet offensive. Even the photographer understood what was going on. but the image was used incorrectly by the leftist media. that’s the same media we still have.

  43. Dan2


    Propaganda …is lies…and at the best HUGE distortions of the truth.


    No need, for “Propaganda”

    Most people do NOT know were this “quote” comes from…



    “The TRUTH will set you FREE” (the bible..I know its “old”…but the older it gets the more its true)

    Like magic…

    End Quote:


    When your on the the side of “TRUTH”…

    NO WORRYS! And no “Propaganda”..needed




  44. John Cunningham

    For shits and giggles I’m going to watch the video, again.

  45. Ted B

    Everything that could be said about the left has been said. They have had no problem showing American dead on the MSM, they cannot show their comrades dead though. That would be ‘disturbing’. I got an eye full of that video. It’s like seeing poverty or anything else horrible day after day, you do get accustomed to it. I have been living in India for getting on a year now. When I first came here seeing all of the abject poverty, the smell, and people dropping trou and taking a shit by the road every damn day, filthy beggars scratching at the window of your car who have to pay the pimps and cops who run every corner in Mumbai, it was all shocking, and I have been around. I’ve seen the dead along the road here too. I think that my mind has decided, with or without any conscious movement, to become hard to it. It isn’t something to jump for joy about, I know I am still in a depressing shithole, but I also know there is at least a light at the end of the tunnel when my contract runs out. Looking at these dead people who I know have hate in their heart for me because I don’t worship God the way they demand doesn’t affect me with horror, but more of a curiosity mixed with indifference. Sort of, ‘oh wow, he got fucked up, better you than me.’

  46. Ted B

    BTW, ain’t any Excedrin gonna cure any of those headaches…

  47. Jarhead68

    Bashman, some of what you say I agree with, however, what I would do with that slide show is post it on the jihadis’ propaganda web sites. That thought came to me this AM while reading my local liberal rag which I call Snewsday. They had an article about how the scumbags recruit new victims by putting their IED videos on the ‘net to show how their “winning”. Hacking into their sites and putting the pictures of what they look like just before the 72 virgins greet them in paradise might just discourage them from joining the jihad. The ragheads probably don’t know from so I think we need to reach out to them with this grisly imagery.

  48. Jarhead68


    Propaganda is not necessarily untruth. There’s good propaganda and bad propaganda. There’s Pat Dollard and there’s the NY Slimes.

    “PROPAGANDA ­ the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person; ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing causea public action having such an effect. (Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)

    A day does not pass when each and every one of us is not bombarded with propaganda. Sometimes it is very obvious, or revealed propaganda. For example, when a clothing manufacturer is placing print and electronic advertisements where teens will see them. Their clothing, it is suggested, will make you beautiful and popular. You know they are trying to sell you the clothing. Or, a government agency is promoting a new program and seeking widespread support.

    For example, news releases and coverage promoting space exploration as glamorous. Concealed propaganda is used to influence people without making the purpose behind the message obvious. For example, the same clothing manufacturer may pay movie stars or musicians to wear their garments in their everyday life. Thus, teens that look up to ­ or idolize ­ the stars will want to dress like them. Military recruitment posters and advertisements that focus on the educational benefits and opportunity to travel internationally use this technique. Propaganda influences what we buy, what we believe, how we behave and how we make important decisions. Both revealed and concealed propaganda can be found throughout the mediain ads, news reporting and entertainment. It can also be found throughout your curriculum. You may consider this paragraph propaganda.”

  49. Jarhead68

    Oh, and just to give proper credit for my last post:

  50. vandal

    For the love of God this is not propaganda!!! This is the shit that we are asking our Troops to endure day after day. Who gives a shit about how it will be used. It is a video diary of what our guys have to do and see, and have done to them.

    They step up, do the job asked of them and only ask in return that we back them to the end. Congressional dick heads said, “go out there and stop the bad guys”. This is the REALITY of that decision. Both the left and the right need to man-up and allow our troops to finish the job so that this video can’t be filmed in the streets of NYC or LA.
    :evil: :evil:

  51. JerryC

    Is it me, or was some of this straight up hilarius? The way the words match some of thie pictures is totally funny,. I mean its really intense and haunting aqnd I haven’t been able to get it out of my head, and its like hit me in a ways i can’t even really describe, but it was also really funny.

  52. Jarhead68


    “America did not wage war on radical islam.
    Radical islam waged this war on America.”

    You bet. Only problem I have is that redundant adjective you have in there: “radical” islam. All of islam is radical, dontcha think?

  53. just posting

    i dont think youtube video or pat dollard propaganda will change anything except maybe a couple rich fucks with computers. maybe the ones doin this shit for cash might change their ways, but again if they think its their lifes goal n religous duty then video wont change it.. as for the video itself thats fine their dead i dont mind seein some bodies but a whole video zoomin in on blown apart heads just dont need to see im nuetral on the vid

  54. LadyAngler

    Well, I watched it, twice. I don’t really get it. Brains on the sand…. okay. And this will change what? You think this will change some minds? You think the jihadist don’t see this first hand as well? Shit people, they were packin’ gun powder with half of these boys moments before their faces exploded. Not only do they see it… they idolize it. They hold the fuckin parade that follows for their dead friend’s martyrdom.

    It doesn’t bother me to see the dead. It bothers me that so many of you think this video will change the thoughts and plans of our terrorist pals. I disagree! The only way to change their minds is to spread more of them out on the sand also.


  55. TouchStone

    In the war against IslamoFascism, there are many Fronts:
    Philippines….those are the primary Military Fronts.
    There’s also the Economic Front - money for them, us, etc., The Political Front - look at what happened to Spain,
    The Social Front - huge influxes of immigrants (radical or not) demanding changes in the countries they move to…burning cars in Paris, Boy Scouts not able to server burgers and hot dogs, footbaths built with taxpayer money on colleges….

    There’s also the Propaganda Front - integral to any terrorist strategy, since it enables ALL of the others, and the muj’s know that the ONLY way they can win is if WE QUIT.

    We’re in a Propaganda War for “hearts and minds”.
    The hearts and minds of AMERICA.

  56. tsarbomba

    Best looking bunch of goatfuckers I EVER saw!

  57. Dan2


    “”We’re in a Propaganda War for “hearts and minds”.
    The hearts and minds of AMERICA.”"


    I think you “touched” on something here…well said.


  58. Brandon

    I Fucking love it!!!! :twisted: Not only did i laugh my ass off but i got wood too! Theres nothing funnier than seeing a bunch of hajis get sent straight to hell! Jihad this you moon worshiping, child molesting heathen fucks! Good job Pat!! And for all you liberal pussies bitching about how this is going to be used as propaganda for the enemy and leftists. Go fuck yourselves!!! Might as well submit to islam you spinless cowards. This is what we have to deal with on a day to day basis over here. War isnt a pretty thing, theres nothing to glamorize about it. Get fucking used to it. Shut the fuck up and let us do our jobs over here. :mrgreen:

  59. Shrink

    Methinks Brandon has been in country a wee bit too long. Time for some R&R, son. :beer:

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