Airing Now - Kurt Wilson’s “This Big Dog Will Fight”

August 15th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Alright readers, it’s time to become Vloggers. This is a new Contest Feature encouraging everyone to participate actively as a creative contributor to the community. I’d like anyone and everyone who has something to express, in words, pictures, music, whatever…to make a video, upload it to youtube and pop me a notifying email. I’ll check it out for posting here on the front page. I will hold a vote on the last two days of the month, and the winner will receive $100.00 and a Jihadikiller t-shirt.

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33 Responses

  1. Greg M

    Great job Kurt (the infidel) Wilson!

  2. terry smyth

    Kurt, as an aussie, Your clip brings tears to the eyes for the outpouring of patriotism, and revenge, a feeling that is all too often forgotten by the do gooders, dhimmies and the left. Keep well :beer:

  3. James Hooker

    Kurt - YOU ROCK! and once you start, you just can’t stop!

  4. CPLViper

    Excellent :!:

  5. drillanwr

    Good on ya, Kurt.

    Hell, I ain’t even gonna try to win with people like you in the mix … :beer:

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Damn good stuff Kurt. I love that pic of Lady Liberty looking out over NY Harbor through a pair of Binos while carrying an M-16 at shoulder arms. That was fucking GREAT!!!!

  7. Mike Moseley

    The story of America’s finest lives on.

  8. Kelson Stewart

    Great job Kurt, I’m really enjoying your videos.

    I can say mine is no challenge, but it was fun doing anyways. Keep it up, I can’t wait for more!

  9. 31MIKE

    Kurt ….Excellant!!!!!!

  10. Jarhead68

    Kurt with a ‘K’, another nice one. Forgive my ignorance of country artists but who was that singing? Great song. Great slide show. Semper Fi.

  11. Sandy K.

    The words of that song was perfect for this vid!
    Excellent work Kurt!

  12. Apollyon

    Great stuff.

  13. Kurt (the infidel)

    Thanks for all the comments.I appreciate it. We’re quite the patriotic family on here and its something the DemoRats will never get to experience, too bad for them. :beer: Everyone on this site rocks except for the occasional whacko that sneaks in from time to time ha :mrgreen: well be looking out for new ones, never know when i might pop another one out

  14. Deputy Dawg

    For anyone that isn’t aware, that is “The Angry American (Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue)” by Toby Keith. BTW, he’s made five trips to Afghanistan and/or Iraq to entertain our troops.

  15. Infidel

    We went to Toby Keith’s concert 7-15, and I wore my JihadiKiller tee. Met a guy from Saudi who loved it! Got lots of positive comments from folks at various levels of inebriation, but that’s a different story.

    The Left really hate this song, and Toby Keith in general. Good choice!

    Thanks Kurt, you are a great infidel.

  16. LftBhndAgn

    Very GOOD!

  17. KevMcD

    That was great stuff
    Keep It comming :beer: :beer:

  18. sal

    hey wasn’t rosie odonnell’s video? great job :lol:

  19. kevin


  20. Wild Thing

    I love this video you did a GREAT job of our awesome troops!

  21. Aubrey E. Ritchie

    Just stop and think. This war would be over by now if the Dems had supported it from the start? How many American soldiers lives would have been spared?

  22. Justadigger

    That was a photo of an Australian SAS patrol in the ‘Ghan at the 2.10 mark.
    Our diggers have your backs cobbers.
    Lest we forget our long shared mil history.
    Keep up the good fight and God bless.
    Fucking well done Kurt.

  23. Kurt (the infidel)

    Justadigger, It sure was buddy…My next project is going to have lots of coalition pictures :beer:

  24. Brian H

    Sorry to piss on the parade, but it would be nice to see some substance. Music vids just don’t do it for me. Not much residue, if you know what I mean.

  25. Kurt (the infidel)

    yeah thanks for the criticism Brian H..i look forward to seeing what you come up with

  26. Dan (The Infidel)


    My man!! Don’t pay attention to Brian H. There’s always one asshole in the crowd.

  27. Kurt (the infidel)

    Aint that the truth Dan..Always one, just the first time i ran into any on this site, kinda surprised me :beer:

  28. Dan (The Infidel)


    You gotta have a soul to appreciate that music and vid. Some people’s souls are just dead….

  29. Kurt (the infidel)

    Yeah i mean what the hell do some people expect? me to hire a hollywood director and shoot a movie about it? haha i dont have that kind of cash flow..Im just a guy making these videos straight from the heart brother

  30. James Hooker


    An old chinese philosopher, many years ago, said: “Numbah one clitic no rike - fuck and feed fish head.”

    My opinion? - Brian H, if you want Masterpiece Theatre, try Huffington Post.

  31. Kurt (the infidel)

    haha funny stuff James :lol:

  32. LRS

    Bravo!!!! Inspirational!!

  33. Brian H

    Just wondering if it’s possible to inject some substance; there’s lots of drama and news, lots of video that never gets seen but would be great background, etc., if there was information and context. “Wall of sound” “music” doesn’t have much info content. Maybe it’s just that rock and rap have never done much for me, especially the latter.

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