Revolutionary Guard Troops Killed By U.S. Forces In Iraq

August 17th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


BAGHDAD, Aug. 16 (UPI) — Three gunmen killed by U.S. troops in Iraq this week were members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards Corps, a U.S. military statement said in Baghdad.

The U.S. Army statement said that in several anti-insurgency attacks this week, a total of nine gunmen were killed. However, in one raid in northeastern Baghdad targeting a leader of the Iranian Guards’ foreign fighters known as Al-Quds, three of his aides were killed by U.S. forces, Kuwait’s KUNA news agency reported.

The unidentified leader was arrested on suspicion of supplying arms to Iraqi insurgents, the statement said.

Iran has repeatedly denied coalition allegations it provided training and weapons to Iraqi rebels. Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Defense said it was planning to designate the Revolutionary Guard a terrorist operation, which would disrupt the group’s considerable foreign business transactions.

In another security operation, the military statement said six terrorists were killed in northern Baghdad. The raid also netted machine gun rounds and components used to make explosive devices, the report said.

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11 Responses

  1. Fight4TheRight

    Okay, there’s all the proof we need. Strip these dead jackals down, photograph ‘em next to their Rev. Guard ID’s and then send 3 missiles into Tehran. Follow that up with a message to the mullahs and AmaninaDinnerJacket:

    “For every Revolutionary Guard or Al-Quds force member we find in Iraq, we equal that number of missiles going into Tehran. Your choice.”

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    Outstanding. Lets kill more of these child-molesting goat herders. And when the fuck are we going to take the fight to Tehran anyways?

    Ahmedinadinnerjacket needs a lead enema…so does his fucking Al Quds maggots. Kill em all and let God sort it out. And for Gawd’s-sake take this captured weasel to the nearest waterboarding facility…where he can get some proper heat-related treatment.


  3. Birdddog

    Let the denial begin!….again

  4. Steve in NC

    wack ‘em and stack ‘em

    tehran=dresden=peace in our time

  5. Iraq .::. The Current Truth About The Iraq War

    […] Revolutionary Guard Troops Killed By U.S. Forces In Iraq […]

  6. danielle

    They really ought to be labeled as terrorists! God knows how many soldiers they’ve killed! :mad:

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    The Iraniac braggadocio is getting more interesting by the minute:

    Time for a declaration of war against these goat herders.

  8. German

    Washington=London=Dresden=Peace in our time.

    I am glad some Iranian troops do some weapon practice under realistic treats in Iraq; helps them in their training to fight back an eventual invasion of their country.
    There is no point in labeling Iranian Revolutionary troops as terrorists, but not US troops. Either both or none are terrorists.
    Anyway, the occupation forces have to leave Iraq and all other nations they occupy.
    However, patdollard is a hilarious site; I will recommend it to others to have a good laugh. :lol:

  9. Brian H

    In English, you don’t know your Arsch from a hole in the ground. Inability to make even obvious distinctions is proof positive of stupidity.

    You qualify.

  10. German

    Hi Brian H,
    why babbling in i-net, wouldn’t it better to go to Iraq and be a brave boy? Maybe you encounter are real bad Revolutionary Gardist - wouldn’t that be thrilling?
    Anyway, what distinction do you propose? The Iranian Revolutionary Guards are terrorists whilst the US mercenary troops occupying foreign lands and killing people are not? Fact is neither Iranian nor American/allied troops may be in Iraq.
    Luckily a growing majority of Americas starts to support their troops and want them to be returned home. :smile:

  11. Brian H

    Yawn. Iran’s antics are the last frantic efforts of a doomed basket case. As are your utterances.

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