Kurds Claim To Battle Iranians And Shoot Down Helo In Iraq

August 18th, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


Arbil, Aug 18, (VOI)- An Iranian Kurdish faction affiliated to the Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) on Saturday claimed responsibility for shooting down an Iranian helicopter in an area near the Iraqi-Iranian borders, while an Iranian military source argued that the chopper went down due to bad weather.

A source from the Free Life party, a Kurdish Workers’ Party wing based in the border areas between Iraq and Iran, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI) “our elements shot down an Iranian copter in Haj Omran area, causing all those onboard to die.”

The source, who asked not to be named, said “another Iranian helicopter made a forced landing inside the Iranian territories after it was hit during the same clashes.”

Meanwhile, a source from Iraq’s Kurdistan Government said clashes broke out between the PKK fighters and the Iranian forces on the borderline between Iraq and Iran without giving further details about the clashes.

The spokesman for the Peshmerga Ministry in Iraq’s Kurdistan government told VOI be telephone “clashes were going on between elements from the PKK and the Iranian forces but we do not have information as to the casualties on both sides.”

On Saturday, the official Iranian news agency (IRNA) said five elements from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were killed and six others wounded when a military helicopter crashed near Qandil mount near the borders with Iraq.

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12 Responses

  1. Kurt (the infidel)

    And yet this hasnt been reported by the MSM..I hope this is true, if so thats awesome..to the Kurds in the north i say, Get some!

  2. Jarhead68

    Yeah, and why don’t we get some, too, Kurt…booorahhh! :mad:

    Of course, the MSM and the leftist traitors who run the dimocRat party will run cover for the Iranians.

  3. Dan2

    Nice to see 2 Iranian helicopter’s can be shot down with a couple rocks and sling shot…

    They better do a “double think”…if they what to F^&% with us.


  4. PhilNBlanx

    Demedia spin - Iranian helicoptor shot down in Iranian air space today by Bush Administration supported Kurdish paramilitary fanatics while escorting bride and groom to their wedding reception.

  5. Ranger


  6. lrltx

    Kurdish communists PKK, are well armed and committed to their cause of a Kurdish nation embracing Kurds in neighboring nations. Problem is they are a loose cannon regarding US /Iraqi diplomacy with Turkey. Their attacks across the Turkish border are problematic.The old axiom about shoot everybody God will sort it out seems to be happening here. So now we have radical communists in the mix but at least they won’t shoot at us. If Kurds were the majority party in Iraq we’d be reading news other then the Shia mess in the legislature at this time.

  7. Bashman

    Nah it was helos full of handicapped Iranian children on their way to help build an oprphanage for Quds force orphans.

  8. Kurt (the infidel)

    yeah thats true Jarhead, but that day is coming very soon :beer:

  9. Clyde Conneer

    Remember those bamboo “arrows” about 20-30 feet long Charlie slung outta the bush with innertube rubbers into our Huey main rotors? Primitive, yes. Effective? sometimes.

  10. danielle

    Awesome. More dead Iranian killers is fine by me. I’m so mad at them.

  11. LftBhndAgn

    Here you go Pat:

    Proof Iran IS in Iraq via the Iranians themselves.


    Six killed in Iran helicopter crash

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    Way to go Kurds. Keep it up. Lets put the Kurds on the Iranian border and let them deal with Al Quds. Let the Sunnis deal with the Shia. Then an Iraqi government might
    actually work.

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