Dems Turning On Their Party

August 21st, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

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From today’s Washington Post:

“…about two dozen lawmakers are traveling to Iraq during Congress’s August break to glean firsthand assessments before receiving a progress report next month from Gen. David H. Petraeus, the U.S. commander there, and Ryan C. Crocker, the U.S. ambassador.

Not every Democrat has come back from Iraq supporting a drawdown of U.S. forces in the coming months, as party leaders have advocated. Staking out positions that could complicate efforts to achieve party unity in September, a few Democratic lawmakers have returned expressing support for a continued troop presence. One of them, Rep. Brian Baird (Wash.), said yesterday that he will no longer vote for binding troop withdrawal timelines.

…the Democratic Party grows increasingly divided over the war’s progress.

Last Friday, Baird told the Olympian, a newspaper in his district, that he now believes the United States should stay in the country as long as necessary to ensure stability.

That followed comments by Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.) suggesting that his trip to Iraq made him more flexible in his search for a bipartisan accord on the future U.S. role in the conflict. “If anything, I’m more willing to work to find a way forward,” he told reporters late last month.

Democrats have shifted their views. Baird said yesterday that Congress’s debate over the war has destabilized Iraq by sending wary Iraqi politicians back to their sectarian bases of support.

“We are making real and tangible progress on the ground, for one,” Baird said, “and if we withdraw, it could have a potentially catastrophic effect on the region.”

Levin was unambiguous. Like other Democrats, he hailed the work of U.S. forces and an increasingly capable Iraqi army. Ten of the Iraqi army’s 12 divisions are now trained, Levin said, and by year’s end, an 11th will be ready. ”

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11 Responses

  1. azbastard

    its about time, but this is a war with many fronts..the middle east is fixing to blow..had a dream last night that hamas has created a buffer zone with gaza..weapons of mass destruction will be used on Israel

  2. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    Of course the Dems are changing their views, because you can’t hide the military successes in the media any longer. Naturally, they want to try to play along with it as long as the American people are supportive they can’t do squat about it.

    What about all of the support the Dems have been giving the enemy since 2003, the endless propaganda that have no doubt caused many more casualties than there should have been.

    The anti-war left will surely not be very happy. :shock:

  3. jam

    A lot of us have understood from the start that this would be a long struggle. I say welcome back to your support for our troops and their mission. More in congress should look beyond their hatred for George W. Bush and realize that we really have enemies and we really are at war.

  4. CplUsmc

    Flip-flopping dems? No shit…

  5. Tom

    Most likely, they”re seeing the way things are going, and understand the way public opinion will likely follow.

    Bastards have no integrity, but pander only to get votes to keep them in power.

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    I saw an interview on MSLSD last night with a dude who represents anti-war vets. He was commententing on a NY Times Op-ED purportedly written by two NCO’s from the 82nd.
    Their collective view was that the surge is working…but so what….The Iraqi government is a failure and we should get out.

    That’s the Dhimocratz and MSM media stategy for the positive reporting that will come from Iraq in September. The libistan cabal is already spinning the good news and discrediting every positive report by using useful idiots in and outside the military.

    No matter what we do, the Dhimis will crap on the good news, because they want to win in 2008. That’s all they care about. Same for the vet anti-war group. They could care
    less about their fellows or about victory. They are trotsky-esque in their yen for defeat. They’ve learned well how to be little John Kerrys. Fuck them too.

    I got no respect for defeatists…whether they served their country or not. I ain’t fucking impressed. They’re dead fucking wrong.

    -To all anti-war vets-

    You want to be a defeatist? Take the uniform off. Get a new fucking (civilian) job. Anti-war vets make every other vet look bad. They shame themselves and look more and more like Murtha and John Kerry every day. They are a waste of life.

  7. Aubrey E. Ritchie

    Just stop and think for a moment. If the Democrats had supported our troops from the start, this war would be over by now? How many troops have the Democrats killed by subverting our wonderful American heroes?

  8. Irish Gal

    I think NCO speaks volumes. As non-commissioned officers, maybe they think our fine Democratic Congress will commission them if they turn on the war.

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    Irish Gal:

    Normally NCO’s are great people. I use to be one. Some refer to them correctly as the backbone of the military.

    But for other NCO’s there is a reason why they are NCO’s and not Officers? It’s called being stuck on stupid.

    These two clowns…if indeed the NY Times story is true…
    are just that…clowns…

    If the story turns out to be another Scott Beauchamp type hit piece then maybe it is time for the NY Times to admit that they the biased source of liberal dribble that they really are.

    Great paper for sopping up water in your basement or lining your flower beds though……Also makes for some great toilet paper when you run out on a hunting trip.

  10. Brad W(the infidel)

    Irish Gal,

    Dan(The Infidel) speaks gospel. I spent the better part of 12 years as an NCO, the latter part of which I spent getting my undergrad. I have rejected offers of a commision numerous times, basically because of physical restricitons for further military service. You will find most anti-war vets to be those who feel they were passed over for an award or pormotion for another person that they feel was less qualified. That may be the case, but the military strives to teach members to work for promotions, not to expect them to be handed to you. In the Corps it is not easy to get promotions past Lance Corporal, and in the Army, Making Corporal or Sergeant can make you feel like it takes an act of God. The individual has to perservere and work harder that his or her peers to get promoted.

    Back to this article, it is amazing that if you look at most of the libel dhimies going to Iraq now, this is the first time they have been, and seeing the reality, rather than trusting the MSM traitors, or the traitorous leaders of their party, they realize they have been fooled by the Reid Pelosi crowd, and are now ready to conform to reality, and support the troops they way they should have from the beginning.

    Semper Fi all…

  11. Lamplighter

    Or, these Dems could be putting their fingers in the wind, and seeing the public opinion wasn’t exactly what they interpreted in Nov ‘06.

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