Even Gays Hate Paying Taxes

August 21st, 2007 Posted By Iggy.

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16 Responses

  1. Kurt (the infidel)

    Another good one Iggy, very smart and no nonsense. Our troops, a bunch of criminals and ex-cons. someone should take his ass behind the woodshed and beat him for saying that. what a scumbag. And yeah statements like that will definitely tint the lenses of some uninformed Americans as to how they look at incidents and actions by our troops. It can be damaging, unjustly so, and he really should shut his mouth.

  2. Bashman

    Great vid, Iggy.

    The hypocrisy of the liberal left, whether of a politician, or a journalist, or a celebrity, is glaringly obvious to the intelligent mind.

    They can’t see it, or they refuse to see it, or they don’t want to see it.

    I smell lobby money on Ackerman. That and sheer ignorance.

    Keep it up, bro.


  3. Sandy K.

    It really would be nice if the libs would point their finger at the ones who are really responsible for the 500 some deaths in those bombings and all the other bombings. They never will though. Their motives are transparent.

    I have to listen to some idiots I work with say stuff like that many times about the men and women in our military. They believe anything they hear as long as it undermines the war effort and will swing votes to their candidates that have committed to defeat at any cost.

    If I were a citzen of Iraq I would be fearful of any Lib getting elected in the U.S. They do not stand by their commitments and have proven it time and time again.
    Hell it makes me afraid too! If they were to regain the presidency they will continue to give our military the shaft, appease our enemies, and weaken our nation to levels we have never experienced before.

    Another great vid Iggy.
    Glad you got to enjoy some vac time with your family.

  4. John Cunningham

    The liberal democrat’s sense of cause and effect quite often short circuits.

  5. Dan (The Infidel)

    Another good one Iggman. I’m familiar with the fake-gay discharges. That shit has been going on for years. People pulled that stunt even as far back as the draft years.

    It is an old stunt. Of course Mr Ackerman isn’t swift enough to pick up on that fact. He’s too busy spewing liberal dribble.

    You, dude, need to get your ass on at least one radio interview. A good place to start is at a site called “Atlas
    Shrugs”. It’d be good practice, if you decide to graduate to something bigger….say Fox News or something.

    Oh yeah…Semper Fi…

  6. Dan (The Infidel)


    PS. Nice to see that I’m not the only one who’s read
    FM 3-24. Best counterguerrilla manual since Mao’s “On Guerilla Warfare”.

    Petraeous is a freaking genious.

  7. Gary in Midwest

    Searing Truth, no slant, no filler. I doubt a liberal could even begin to understand this :!:

  8. OKA

    Great vid IGGY, lots of good points made with integrity!
    Keep up the good work.

  9. Virginia Duffy

    God bless you sir, and thank you for your service. Please know that in spite of all the liberal, leftist drivel you hear every day, still beat the hearts of patriots!

    Virginia Duffy (Former State Representative)

  10. Benjamin

    Straight up. “Eugene Robinson…you idiot.” Man, that killed me.

  11. Birdddog

    Great video Iggy! I wonder if Hillary has the blue dress…I bet she make Bill wear it :shock:

  12. Freedom Slave

    Good video. Good points. Some of us will listen, others will never get it.

    One note - and I am sure you will see the chuckle factor of this.

    You might want to avoid saying “Gay Discharges” over and over again… I laughed my ass off, especially when you said “I am not personally familiar with gay discharges” It just made me laugh… because my mind lives in the gutter.

  13. Sandy K.

    Freedom Slave

    “You might want to avoid saying “Gay Discharges” over and over again… I laughed my ass off, especially when you said “I am not personally familiar with gay discharges” It just made me laugh… because my mind lives in the gutter.”


    Too funny! I had a tough time not laughing at parts of this but did not have the nerve to say anything about why. :lol:


    Seriously, I did not know about the whole fake-gay discharge stuff. At least now I understand more about it.
    It was very informative and I stick with what I said in my first post on this vid! :smile:

  14. Iggy

    You guys are great. Thanks for the comments.

    Freedom Slave - you nasty pig - I almost shot hot coffee out of my nose. I need to be more careful. Thank God I am not on a Naval vessel. I would have to lock my door at night.

    Hopefully you guys got my title. I believe that most gay people are “closeted” republicans. Unless you like paying taxes, or you are mentally retarded, you CANNOT be a liberal. It doesn’t add up.

    If any of you have any topics or questions you would like me to address let me know. I will add them to my next video.

  15. fred

    Hey Iggy, great vid again. I’ve got a suggestion for another topic: What will/would you do if and/or when the US Government succumbs to the Far-Left’s agenda to weaken and otherwise destroy the traditional American system of existence? Let’s say, hypothetically, that the Dems got their president and had a strong majority in both houses and began systemically dismantling the constitution as they’ve been trying to for years (gun control, etc.). What position will the military take if the government itself becomes the enemy of America? Would soldiers drop their uniforms and march on Capitol Hill? What happens if they ask you to become “Keepers of the ‘Peace’” (see Gestapo) on American soil? Just some food for thought, as the motivations of several people high up in the government can only logically be read as covert attempts to aid our enemies abroad.

  16. Mjolnir

    Iggy, you’re a straight shooter and I totally respect that.
    All the points you made were true and I’ll back up that point about half of the gay discharges being fake. So many people join the military thinking they’ll never have to fight, or they just can’t stand living in such a regimented society and need to get out. Cowards the lot of them. Claiming homosexuality is a common way of getting out. Another thing you’ll see is the “conscientious objector”
    I can’t tell you how many guys I saw try and pull that one off too.
    God Bless you sir and I thank you for your service!

    Cheers to you! :beer:

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