Breaking: Al Qaeda’s Military Chief In Diyala Killed

August 22nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


As you know, Diyala had become the new Al Anbar, and was the primary target for the surge. All of Al Qaeda’s senior leadership fled its capital, Bagouba, before the Army came in and liberated it, block by bloody block. I guess this assmunch thought he could sneak back in safely. Bad thinkin’.

Yes, this is a significant success, and it comes less than 24 hours after the deaths of two other Al Qaeda leaders, one in the Hilla region of The Triangle of Death, which I reported yesterday, and another one named Ali Latief al-Falahi, who was killed just north of Baghdad, which I didn’t even have a chance to report yet. They’re just killing these boys too fast.

Now when can we start killing the Al Qaeda in DC? I guess it’ll be more fun to wait until after Petraeus has finished neutering them. It would appear that for this moment, the United States military is the most powerful poltical force in Washington DC. No one seems to realize that the military is now de facto calling all of the shots of the nation’s war policy. Which means it is controlling the most powerful political force in the country. The military now controls the fate of the Democrat party, instead of the other way around, as the Dems tried so very hard to have it. The Dems tried to deny the military its just and hard won victory. Now the military will have its vengeance, as it denies the enemy within, theirs.

Diayala Story:

Baaquba, Aug 21, (VOI)- The leader of the military wing of al-Qaeda organization in the Diala province, centarl Iraq, was killed during clashes between armed groups south of Baaquba, a security source said on Tuesday.

“Yassar Mouni, alias Abul Hakam, leader of the military wing of al-Qaeda organization, was killed in clashes flared up between two armed groups: al-Mujahedeen army and Salah el-Din al-Ayoubi brigades,” the source, who asked not to be named, told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).

“The clashes broke out in Buhruz district, south of Baaquba,” he also said, adding no further details.

Baaquba, capital city of Diala, is 57 km northeast of Baghdad.

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13 Responses

  1. Brian H

    “Reality-based”. Be careful what you ask for.
    :twisted: :lol: :lol:

  2. John Cunningham

    So, does this mean on 15 Sep I won’t be visiting the democrats in their offices I’ll be visiting them in the DC jail?

  3. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    And now France is shifting their stance on Iraq, and I quote from the article above from the French Prime minister…”I believe this is the moment. Everyone knows the Americans will not be able to get this country out of difficulty alone,” Kouchner told the French radio station RTL on Tuesday before returning to Paris. “I really believe that depending on what happens here it will change the world.”

    Holy shit batman, did I just hear him correctly? Sounds like the naysayers are ready to jump on the bandwagon now! :mad:

  4. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    On the French Prime minister visiting Iraq, of course, leave it up to the drive by media TIME, to downplay and even paint a more negative picture than before, and quoting an anonymous source

    “Given the situation today, says one French intelligence official, “it looks clear U.S. forces have at least a decade ahead of themselves just to stabilize and secure Baghdad — forget about the rest of Iraq for now.” Such forecasts aren’t ones the Bush Administration or the U.S. public wants to hear — but they also won’t be ones diplomats like Kouchner will be able to ignore now that he has taken a renewed interest in the country.”

    So Fucking typical! Thanks commie loving press.

  5. Trapper

    pat, hitting the nail on the head and i love it :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. Wendy

    Great intro Pat!!! :beer: :beer:

    That is our Military. Tell them they are loosing or can’t do something and that will make them all the more determined to prove the nay sayers wrong!!!

    GET SOME!!!! :evil: :evil:

  7. Sandy K.

    “They’re just killing these boys too fast.” :lol: Awesome!

    “Now when can we start killing the Al Qaeda in DC? I guess it’ll be more fun to wait until after Petraeus has finished neutering them. It would appear that for this moment, the United States military is the most powerful poltical force in Washington DC. No one seems to realize that the military is now de facto calling all of the shots of the nation’s war policy. Which means it is controlling the most powerful political force in the country. The military now controls the fate of the Democrat party, instead of the other way around, as the Dems tried so very hard to have it. The Dems tried to deny the military its just and hard won victory. Now the military will have its vengeance, as it denies the enemy within, theirs.”

    It will be a beautiful thing when it all comes crashing down on them too! :cool: :lol:

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    “The military now controls the fate of the Democrat party, instead of the other way around, as the Dems tried so very hard to have it. The Dems tried to deny the military its just and hard won victory. Now the military will have its vengeance, as it denies the enemy within, theirs.”

    That’s a good way of putting it. If this is true, it is because the military has done their job, while people like the majority of us in here have done our jobs back home.

    This is the kind of news that Dhimocrums hate. They will spin their way out of it by concentrating on things like AQ bombings and US casualty figures.

    But even Christiane Ahmadwhore won’t be able to spin fast enough to convince the American people to support her bias or the bias of the other lib Dhimis in the main scream media on the war in Iraq.

    And the weasels in Congress are still trying to paly both sides at once….proving once again that their historically pathetic poll numbers are well deserving and accurate.

  9. Mike, a Vietnam vet

    Today, August 22, the Today Show news lead was the helicopter crash, which appears to have been caused not by enemy fire, but by a mechanical failure, followed by a bombing report. While both incidents are tragic, they are isolated occurrences and not a word was spoken about the killing of the Al Q leader or any of the other success that is occurring. This is NOT unintentional on their part.

  10. J cromp

    Right on, Dan ( the infidel) right on ,right on :beer: :beer: :beer:

  11. dan hoheim

    Wonder if this is the Baathist’s turning on AQ as has been reported. Thank’s to Pat! Great stuff!

  12. bh

    The Defeatacrats investment in defeat is coming back to bite them in the ass. Watch them as they move the goal posts again with the new spin, “Sure the military is doing great, what took so long, and the Iraqi Govt isn’t working. We support the troops, bring them home now.” Bla bla bla! Someone needs to remind these elites how long it took us, just to write our constitution! The Defeatacrats have miscalculated yet again. Common wisdom, according to the Drive-By’s, has been that the Republicans are finished for a generation. Not so fast I say. As the surge continues to work and they keep investing in defeat, I’m sniffing a Republican come back in 2008. Americans don’t like to lose, and we (most of us) love our military. America has never elected an anti-war president while at war, and we won’t do it this time either. Although all the Republican candidates have their flaws, I’ll take anyone of them (except truther Ron Pornulo) over any of the neoloon Democrats, especially Duncan Hunter.

  13. Brian H

    Sandy (et al);
    You’ve belatedly stimulated a thought which may fit even if it isn’t “literally” true.

    Demoz “declared war” on the military, expecting a repeat of the post-V victory. But, this time around, a) the military is more savvy, educated, and committed (all-volunteer), b) the generals are better, more experienced and broadly educated (Gen. P. & Col. McMaster are just 2 of many officer-PhDs); c) there is more at stake, since the region is clearly strategic and the enemy routinely expresses its intention to subvert and eliminate the US and West; d) the V-Vets are mature and determined their sons and successors won’t be screwed over like they were. And the communication and fact-checking capabilities and channels of the public are far better.

    So the Ds and anti-liberationists and anti-patriots have bitten off much more than they can chew this time, notwithstanding their very successful takeover and corruption of much of academia and the press.

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