NY Sun: Hillary Tells Generals She’s Been Lying About War

August 22nd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

kwsv sdk

Interesting tidbit in today’s NY Sun:

So what exactly then is this Â’new war’ that Mrs. Clinton says we ought to be preparing to fight? And how does she think we will win it if we just allow our current allies in Iraq to be slaughtered by the enemies we will have to fight elsewhere if they drive us from Iraq? And how are the Democrats going to lead in a new war after beating the drums so avidly for retreat in the current fight? The truth is Mrs. Clinton doesn’t believe all the clap trap she’s been spooling to her party’s base. We hear that in private conversations with military brass, she pointedly says she will not run the war, if elected, as she promises to during the campaign – which is one of the most astounding things we’ve heard of late.

Full Article; “The New War”

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16 Responses

  1. EdinTampa

    As I’ve said before, they think the American electorate are stupid. We will see just how stupid we are… i.e. if we elect any of the flipflopping liberal left lunes.

    or do we back this enemy into a corner and kill it before it murderers many more innocent civilians.

  2. Dan (The Infidel)

    I guess she is going to rely on her “experience” as a “leader” in Congress too? Gawd that’s laughable.

    No Tits Nagursky here is an empty soul in an empty suit.
    Her plan is to talk shit, crticise and throw mud at all things Republican. She stands for nothing, because she is nothing.

    Let us revisit past history for a moment and put Ms Klintonista’s views in perspective shall we? I quote:

    “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred
    by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms,
    the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never
    be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

    That is a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that is ready-made for little minds like Shillary and her dufous ilk in the slumber party.

  3. Dan (The Infidel)

    “I want to be like Hillary…..” LOL

    Had to listen to RH Girl’s song again….

  4. Sandy K.

    Dan (The Infidel)

    I love that quote. It is on my YouTube page!

    Hillary can’t get in. Nobody could listen to her
    and her screaching and her faux black-speak
    without puking.

    (That was so insulting when she did that and an embarrassment. :roll:)

    It just cannot happen. I would have to hang myself. :oops:

    Back to what Dan said:

    “She stands for nothing, because she is nothing.” :lol:


  5. dad 3/7

    hey ed in tampon… 40% of eletorate is stupid(dummycrats) and they believe anything that the new jerk limes will tell them… even the dummycrats in office use it as their source of intell.. that way they can sit in teds office and toast one,,

  6. Dan (The Infidel)

    Sandy K:

    Well thank you kind lady. :beer:

  7. Steve in NC

    I give hillary a 60% chance of being the next president. She is a master politician and has the media on her side.

    There are many fools who will vote for her; after all the d’rats gained in congress last election.

    Do not sit back and think that she is unelectable, she has to be defeated, and that defeat will have to come from our actions leading up to the election.

  8. Fight4TheRight

    I truly appreciated the Teddy Roosevelt quote Dan (the infidel). I have another I think Mrs. Promiscuity should read, learn and live by:

    If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” –Winston Churchill

  9. Clyde Conneer

    Barret Report, Barret Report, Barret Report…..

    The Bitch is dangerous to my grandchildren. She can go home to HELL!

  10. Dan (The Infidel)


    I see I’m not the only one in here that appreciates and studies history. Churchill is another one of my favorite historical figures. He’s such an icon the US named a ship after him.

    Greatness should be forgotten.

    Incidently for all to ponder. Never in the history of presidential politics has a presumtive nominee got elected President with negative numbers as high as Madam Shillary.

    Her negative numbers are in the high 40’s as are her positive numbers. I give her a zero chance of becomming President. I just don’t believe Americans are stupid enough to vote her in office.

    I wouldn’t put too much stock in the 2006 election disaster. That’s what happens when values voters get lazy.

    Bet you in 2008, the lines at the polls are as long as they were in 2000 and 2004. And the next President will be either another ex-actor or an ex-mayor.

    No one can convince me that the electorate is so stupid that they can’t see through Madame Rodham’s bull shit.

    And even Dems are telling me how much they can’t stand her ass.

    No sireebob….the only way that bitch will get elected is if values voters stay away from the polls in droves and everyone else is high on drugs.

  11. Dan (The Infidel)

    OOPs That line should read “Greatness should NEVER be forgotten. :oops:

  12. Lamplighter

    Oh, Comrade Billary talking out of both sides of her mouth? There’s a rare trait of a politician. She’s a lawyer–how can you tell when a lawyer is lying? Their lips are moving. On this happy note, I’m off to pay my respects to our heros at Normandy and you can bet I will be thinking of all our military heros, past and present.

  13. Steve in NC

    Dan, you infidel,
    I hope your right, but after seeing carter elected and clinton elected to a second term I have my fears. I just left Michigan and the voters there re elected the inept granholm. We could not believe that train wreck of an administration was put back in. So that is why I will never have confidence that hillary will fail until the first November Wednesday of 2008.

  14. MikeP

    How does anyone believe anything that comes out of Hillary’s mouth. ‘Say what they want to hear’ is her mantra.
    “Please just elect me, and I will fuck over you like nothing you have ever experienced,” is her daily prayer.
    The worst years our MILTARY HEROES will ever experience will come at the hands of this bitch if she should ever become the commander in chief. It just cannot happen for the sake of this entire country and our allies.

  15. kmcd

    I hate the sight of her !!!! Her Fucking voice, Her fucking pantsuits ,, Please dear Lord in Heaven ,,,Do not let this power hungry traitor socialist BITCH gain Office ,, For if that does happen ,, We are all truly Fucked My Friends
    Who said the Anti-Christ couldnt be a woman
    She’s here … & she’s wearing a fucking Pants Suit :twisted:

  16. Brian H

    Helloooo?? Anyone there? She won’t need to ‘run the war’, now, will she, if she pulls the plug and ‘brings the boys home’.

    Nothing to run, you see.

    Duh. Smart lady. Sure suckered everybody with that one, including the generals, apparently.

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