All Charges Against Haditha Marine Likely To Be Dropped

August 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.

Lcpl. Stephen B. Tatum

SAN DIEGO (AP) - An investigating officer recommended Thursday dismissing all charges against a Marine accused of murdering two girls in an assault in Haditha, Iraq.

Lance Cpl. Stephen B. Tatum, 26, is charged with unpremeditated murder of two girls and negligent homicide on suspicion that he unlawfully killed two men, a woman and a boy. He is also accused of assaulting another boy and a girl.

Investigating officer Lt. Col. Paul Ware said the evidence was too weak for a court-martial. Tatum shot and killed civilians, but “he did so because of his training and the circumstances he was placed in, not to exact revenge and commit murder,” Ware wrote.

“I believe (Lance Cpl.) Tatum’s real life experience and training on how to clear a room took over and his body instinctively began firing while his head tried to grasp at what and why he was firing,” Ware wrote. “By the time he could recognize that he was shooting at children, his body had already acted.

Ware’s recommendation is nonbinding. Lt. Gen. James Mattis, the commanding general overseeing the case, has final say about whether Tatum will be court-martialed.

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13 Responses

  1. Dan (The Infidel)

    It’s about fucking time.

  2. dad 3/7

    good,,, troops shouldn’t have to look over their shoulder before reacting.. success and safety comes fm repetitive training so as the reaction kicks in before the mind,,, the mind is too slow to react in emegency situations and in an ambush reaction is quicker than the mind,,that is why the shakes set in after the situation is resolved… usually the next day when the mind starts to react..

  3. mindy abraham

    I guess that’s good-he certainly should not go to jail if he was just doing his job-hope that’s all it was.

  4. LftBhndAgn

    Ooh Rah!

    Fuck you Murtha.

  5. jam

    I’m still waiting to hear an apology from the bitch Murtha. Traitorous fat-ass motherfucker.

  6. dad 3/7

    the only thing that a dummycrat knows how to say is “i told u so”,, and that doesn’t happen very often..u will never get an apology out of “much hated”murky murtha or any of the others that jumped on our troops for doing their dirty work.. just wait and see,, they will take credit for troop withdrawals when they start.. they will say(weiner warner included) that it was the politcal pressure in D.C. that caused our turn-over of bases to IA..that isn’t abreviation for iowa…

  7. Brad W(the infidel)

    Murtha, put that in your peace pipe and smoke it. As a former Marine, I support removal you from the rolls of Marines with Honorable service.

  8. Dan (The Infidel)

    Wanna remind Jackass Murtha that he was wrong and what a complete asshole that he is? Call him and send him a “special message”.

    800-289-2642 from Western PA

  9. dad 3/7

    bad brad.. i am with u,, he turned in his EAGLE,GLOBE and ANCHOR for a jackass… he is a traitor to the CORPS and its values..semper fi 67-70

  10. Howie

    I called Murtha’s office when L/Cpl Sharrat was cleared two or three weeks ago and talked to his press guy. I was told that the “Rep. Murtha is not going to make any comments on an ongoing situation because that would just be speculating…”
    Wait isn’t that what he did when he called those brave Devil Dogs “cold blooded murderers”. The press guy had nothing to say when I pointed that out.
    If you really want to get an apology from the dipshit start a phone and fax campaign like numbersusa did. Flood enough Rep.’s offices with calls and they will start to put pressure on the traitorous wretch.

  11. jam


    Been there, done that. Of course the chicken shit won’t talk to you but its good to tell his staff members what you think about the lard ass disgraceful cocksucker.

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    Murtha is the kind of fucktard that needs to be smacked around everytime he fucks up. Don’t think for a second that the “pressure” isn’t getting to him. Check out the expression on his ugly face sometime. Have you ever seen a more miserable looking crud in all of your life?

    Semper Fi to all who want to take awy this jerk’s globe and anchor. Great idea…and let’s keep up the pressure on these lying jackasses. Call them into account…make em listen….Then vote against the jerks out on election day.

  13. Brad W(the infidel)


    Thanks for the contact info, it will be put to good use :twisted: at least until they change his numbers…

    dad3/7, semper fi from this end as well, 84/90

    now, time to dial…..

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