NY Times: Intel Agencies’ Report Today To Say Maliki Will Fail

August 23rd, 2007 Posted By Pat Dollard.


NY Times:

“On Thursday, the administration is planning to make public parts of a sober new report by American intelligence agencies expressing deep doubts that the Maliki government can overcome sectarian differences. Government officials who have seen the report say it gives a bleak outlook on the chances Mr. Maliki can meet milestones intended to promote unity in Iraq.”

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17 Responses

  1. John Cunningham

    Probably be retired with a nice golden parachute and a condo on Central Park, North.

  2. Baghdad Aviator

    The Iraqis have known for almost nine months that Maliki was worthless. This prick is the most sectarian, divisive asshole in town. The ONLY thing holding him up right now is his allegance to the Iranians - which was cultivated shortly after the first Gulf war. The only issue now is how he will fall - go quietly,in a hail of gunfire or SVIED. His options have narrowed and he seems to be spending more time out of the country - getting the bank accounts squared away in Iran and Syria.
    Maliki and his al-Da’wa cohorts have raped this country to no end. The Iraqi people hate the bastard and that point is irrefutable. The big GOI contracts for reconstruction, large purchases of vehicles, etc., have gone to the Iranians. He has funnled billions of dollars back to the mothership (Iran), which is reeling from the damage caused by international sanctions, via large reconstruction contracts which are designed to provide “legitimate” cover for the influx of Quds and IRG forces that will be ramping up here very quickly in order to try and save his regime. One thing the old boy forgot to figure into his equation of helping the Iranians control the country - the average Iraqi hates the Iranians and Maliki is seen as nothing more than an Iranian agent. The next 30 days will be quite interesting. At least I have a ringside seat for the show. Out.

  3. Jenfidel

    It isn’t possible for me to hate the NYTimes anymore than I do.
    They will publish any story that hurts the war effort and President Bush (and then this hurts our soldiers and America as a whole).
    President Bush just publicly supported Maliki as the duly elected head of Iraq.
    Hillary called for Maliki’s ouster.
    Anyone recall the Vietnam analogy again here? And the problems with Diem?
    The Left is running the Vietnam playbook except when it comes to the mass slaughter that followed our withdrawal–John Kerry said yesterday that the Killing Fields never happened and that the Vietnamese “thrived” in the re-education camps.
    Leave Maliki alone: he’s doing the best he can in a difficult position as the President said.

  4. danielle

    Wow and I thought the only reason why there’s little political progress is because of the violence (which is now going down) and other sectarian issues. Gee, he should go then! Although Bush’s speech was beyond awesome and everything (probably the BEST ever! I mean how many standing ovations did he receive!), I don’t understand why he’s sticking with Maliki. Maybe he should go quietly. Maybe one of the Kurds in Kurdistan can be their president or whatev.

  5. valerie

    It is very easy to mischaracterize a document that has not yet been published.

  6. Steven D

    Ha ha ha ha ha! Rush predicted several weeks ago that the Libs would be saying this, since the “surge” showing positive results.

    They just can’t help but find the cloud in the silver lining.

  7. Dan (The Infidel)

    I’d rather see a guy like Al-Douri in charge of Iraq, than the meathead Maliki. If an SVIED gets to him…then good.

    So Baghdad Aviator, who would you think that the Iraqi people would like to have as their PM? How about his predecesor or maybe a strongman such as Al-Douri?

  8. Randy Anderson, GySgt

    Well well well, another negative barrage. If it is true, he could only be compared to our awesome failure of a congress these past 9 months. Bet he has a higher approval rate than them :razz: .

  9. Dan (The Infidel)

    A little off topic, but here’s a good report from the Dora area. Ever heard of Mike Sanchez? Yeah me neither. But he’s one of us:


  10. Kurt (the infidel)

    Baghdad Aviator, great post ..I agree 100%. this guy has too much Iranian involvement and is close with them and Syria..he needs to go

  11. Paco

    “At least I have a ringside seat for the show.”
    Paraphrasing Amb.Henry Cabot Lodge jr. in regards to his memories of the 1963 coup against the then president of South Vienam, which he related to Stanley Karnow years later “It’s always interesting to watch people shooting at each other”.

    The Iraqi people voted for this gov. So they are stuck with Maliki till the next election. If the US knows whats best we had better not try any coup shit or aquiese to one. Remember what happened in Vietnam when Ngo Dinh Diem was killed by Kennedy and his amb. Henry Cabot Lodge in 1963? A complete and utter mess till we finally left in disgrace in 1973 -75. Stay focused on the bad guys ie. Al Quaida, sunni insurgents/bathists and the like. Don’t worry about Iran vs. Iraq. The Iraqis are not Persian and Maliki is not an agent of Iran. We need to stop making this more complicated then it already is and one way to do that is to stop seeing ghosts everywhere we look.

    PS Two CIA reports in one week one says G. Tenet is to blame for 9/11 the other says that Maliki is no good. Take both reports and put em in the trash and move on with the job. Hire the CIA personal to keep the Pentagon hallways clean or just stay out of the way. Paco

  12. Dan (The Infidel)

    Here’s a link that I found that is GREAT. (Yeah its off topic). A conservative lady with the right views and a great calendar for you single guys. Yeah all the pics are of her. Might make a good addition to your wall locker, dayroom, or supply room for all you “combat types”.
    Yeah I’m a chauvanist….so what….


  13. Irish Gal

    The New York Times and Intelligence Agencies, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha… Okay, I feel better.

  14. Irish Gal

    Yes, the Iraqi people voted him in. Hopefully he will come to his senses. I imagine he sometimes feels like a dead man walking. No matter which way he turns, he’s probably a dead man. God Bless Our Troops.

  15. Eric

    Its hard for me to imagine that any leader that is voted on by the Iraqis will not be sectarian seeing that they are an extremely sectarian and tribal culture. There is simply little chance that a republic will work in this God forsaken part of the planet. I think that a federalist system would work best: break up the country into thirds where each has a large degree of autonomy and a weak national government. Otherwise, the only thing that works is another Saddam-type.

  16. Baghdad Aviator

    Dan - The Iraqi people are really hoping that Allawi will retrun as he has shown himslef to be an equal opputunity whacker. In May of 2004 he hit the JAM (Shia) in Najef and in November of 2004 he hit the Baathist’s and AQIZ (Sunni) in Fallujah. The only issue is that Allawi is related to a known Iranian agent, Achmed Chelabi, and that presents some issues. The interesting thing is that all the peoples of the region, and the Iraqis will tell you themselves, that they need adult supervision. I would say that the US could provide that supervision, however, since Pelosi and the rest of the Kumbaya Choral Singers have taken over we are more or less in the same boat - for now. Out.

  17. Dan (The Infidel)

    Baghdad Aviator:

    I been preaching in past posts here that Allawi is the better choice. And our alliance with Challabi at the beginning of the war turned out to be a lesson learned.

    Your assesment is sound. I’m hearing the same kind of “chatter” in back channels.

    Adult supervision is a good way of putting it. Iraq needs another strong leader, not a strawman at the helm.

    From what I recall, Allawi, was very well respected even across religious lines in Iraq. He was deemed to be at least fair to all.

    Maliki is an Iranian puppet…or a mookie puppet. Not a smart relationship to be in, when most Iraqis hate Persians.

    This may be his and mookie’s downfall. If so…great.

    Keep up the good reporting…Damn fine comments…

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